Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: amigurumi snail
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Well this amigurumi pincushion (or spring) decor is not the easiest crochet project in the world but it's so awesome worth every minute! In this nice step-by-step amigurumi (crochet) tutorial you will find a free amigurumi fairy mushroom, a snail and a few flower patterns to create your own miniature crocheted fairy/woodland scene! You can use real varnish covered snail shells to complete the crocheted snails or crochet one shell for them in a fun color! In the top of the tutorial page you will find a link for this amigurumi tutorial's firs part where you can learn how to create amigurumi grass base from a mason jar lid and a toadstool!
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Well this free amigurumi pattern by Papillon en Papier is not the easiest crochet project in the world (because of it's small details) but it's so awesome - worth every minute! In this beautiful crochet blog of Papillon en Papier you will find the amigurumi toadstool (mushroom), the snail and a pretty flower pattern completely for free! This amigurumi cutie can be a wonderful seasonal decoration or play set for kids. Visit Papillon en Papier and crochet a bunch of cute snails and mushrooms!
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