Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: box template
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Watch this nice step-by-step video tutoria l and learn how to make this gorgeous paper star gift box easily with simple household materials and colorful construction papers ! This beautiful star treat box can be a perfect way to wrap small presents/sweets for Christmas ( or other occasions ) in a stylish and gorgeous way! This paper gift box is a surprisingly easy paper folding project : you just need a piece of s crapbook or construction paper ,a ruler, the free template and that's it! With this step-by-step video tutorial creating your own beautiful DIY paper gift box will be a piece of cake! ( To make the video and template download button work please choose the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE button below! )
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Watch this nice step-by-step tutorial by DrawSoCute to learn how to make this DIY pop out surprise box toy easily. This cute, fun craft project was inspired by Jack in the box toys . As a bonus: this v ideo tutorial comes with a free! printable template . ( Which can be found >>here<< ) We hope that this emoji and Pokemon Pikachu pokeball box designs inspire you to come up with your own fun toy boxes.
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This video shows how to create these heart shaped gift boxes out of paper ! These DIY heart shaped gift boxes are perfect to fill with candy, jewelry or other small gifts for Valentine's day, birthdays, party favors or any other occasion! The finished heart shape gift box is just under 4 inches in height and width. This paper craft project works best with construction paper or card stock - paper that is a little thicker/heavier than regular paper. You can find the free pattern >> here at essyjae.com <<
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How to make a paper heart / 3D paper heart? ( Or pepakura heart ? ) . Whatever it calls, this 3D heart is perfect for your Valentine’s Day ,your proposal day, or your wedding day ! This 3D paper heart ( despite it's look ) is a really simple craft comes with an easy to follow free ( pepakura / 3D folding ) template . It’s so easy to make your own paper heart, from very simple materials. All you need is some paper, scissors, and glue.
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Read Pysselbolaget's step-by-step tutorial and learn how to make this lovely little Christmas gnome gift box ( or advent calendar ) easily out of simple household materials! This lovely little Christmas gnome box can be a perfect way to wrap small presents for Christmas ( such as gift cards, money, or sweets ) in an adorable way! This paper gift box is a surprisingly easy paper folding project: you just need one sheet of white construction paper, a ruler, the free template , and that's it! Get the free Cone gnome gift box template and create your own lovely DIY gnome gift box now: ( To download the free printable please choose the UNTRANSLATED link below, then click on the blue "ladda ner dem här" link above the assembling photo. )
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Read Persia Lou's step-by-step tutorial and learn how to make this lovely little pineapple gift box ( party treat box ) ! This adorable little pineapple box can be a perfect way to wrap small presents for your upcoming summer party ( such as gift cards, money, or sweets ) ! This gift box is a surprisingly easy project: you just need 2 sheets of craft paper, a ruler, the free pineapple box template , and that's it! Get the free template at persialou.com and create your own lovely DIY gift boxes now!
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