Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: cardboard costume
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Are you looking for a last minute ( Halloween ) costume ? Do your kids love emojis as much as hers do? If so, we have the perfect quick and easy Halloween costume solution for you:a no sew emoji costume! Gather some supplies from the fabric store and the dollar store to throw this no sew emoji costume together. This costume making project costs less than $5 in materials and take about 30 minutes to make! AND the outcome is so funny! Of course you can choose the easier / cheaper way and use simple cardboard circles to create the emoji faces.
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Turn yourself into a gorgeous diamond ring or a delicious ring pop with Studio DIY's fun ring costume tutorial ! This DIY diamond ring ( or ring pop ) costume is a great show-stopper costume which also can be a part of a fun family costume ( imagine it coupled with other wedding-themed costumes ) ! Whether you need a costume to wear at a dress-up party or to go trick-or-treating on Halloween, this fun ring costume is just perfect. Head to studiodiy.com and create this diamond ring or ring pop costume in no time:
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Turn yourself into a bow-tie pasta or a cute ravioli by following along Studio DIY's easy-to-follow costume making tutorial ! These DIY pasta costumes are great show-stopper costumes , because, well.. just look at them! Who doesn't love pasta ? And look at that tiny ravioli ! Isn't it super adorable? This pasta costume is such a great group costume because you could be all sorts of pasta. Plus this costume is super simple and doesn’t take much time at all, too. Head to studiodiy.com and learn how to make them:
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If you are looking for a really easy and adorable last minute costume idea , we’ve got you covered! Make a hamburger costume that will steal the show at Halloween! This time Stitched by Crystal and Make It & Love It will show you how to make this super fun cheeseburger ( hamburger ) costume literally under minutes! Plus this lovely little cheeseburger costume is a no-sew project which is also super cool. Get the costume making tutorial at makeit-loveit.com and create yours now:
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This DIY hot chocolate costume by Studio DIY is perhaps the easiest and funniest costume we’ve ever seen! Fun, colorful and instantly recognizable! Deciding on a costume for a party or Halloween is never easy. Buying or renting costumes can also be an expensive investment, especially if you go to a lot of themed parties. This super fun hot chocolate costume is an easy and affordable way to stand out at any party! You could decorate your hot cocoa costume with different sprinklers as well: imagine fun colorful candy sprinklers or candy hearts as an extra decoration! The possibilities are so fun!
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