Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: easy winter decoration
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This DIY Scandinavian tomte style Christmas gnome ornament is so cute and so easy to make: you could whip out a bunch of them as lovely gift toppers or as cute Christmas ornaments under an afternoon. Kids love to craft with yarn and felt, so this would be a fun one to do with them too. With this fun technique you can make little Christmas gnomes similar to Santa , just use colorful felt pieces instead of red. Follow along Manualidades Para Todos's step-by-step tutorial and create your very own little Scandinavian style gnome Christmas tree ornaments :
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Want to give your home a trendy look but don’t know how? Create these simple, yet gorgeous DIY twine orbs and place them on the floor during holidays. To create these yarn orbs , you will need twine, clear liquid glue, water, and a big balloon. Watch the video tutorial to see how to make these sisal rope orbs.
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This DIY Scandinavian-style gnome ( or Santa ) Christmas yarn ornament is so cute and easy to make: you could whip out a bunch of them as lovely gift toppers or as cute Christmas ornaments in an afternoon. Kids love to craft with yarn , so this would be a fun one to do with them too. With this fun macrame technique, you can make little Christmas gnomes in no time. Follow along NataliDoma DIY's step-by-step tutorial and create your very own little Scandinavian-style gnome Christmas tree ornaments :
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Do you know what else you can use cookie cutters for? Crafts! Those awesome & cute shapes are just perfect for crafts ! Here's a quick, simple and budget-friendly yarn craft idea you can try out for this Christmas season! Make festive yarn ornaments and add a sprinkle of fun to your Christmas decor. Grab your yarn stash and whip up a cute string masterpiece with this yarn ornament tutorial that One Little Project created for you:
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In this tutorial Do Dodson shows you how to turn a pinecone into an adorable winter gnome ! This pinecone gnome is such a fun, creative, crafty project, perfect for your Christmas or winter decor! With a few simple items, you can make the cutest DIY pinecone gnomes in about an hour. Grab a few pinecones and let's get crafting!
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