Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: plastic container
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Do you hate the "mess" comes with charging cellphones? All the cords and mobile phones laying in the ground or in your perfectly organized table? With this quick, easy and cheap upcycling craft idea you can create the perfect little holder for your cell phone while it’s being charged with a single (empty) plastic body lotion bottle! Simple, but brilliant! You can decorate your cell phone holder as much as you want: with fabrics , colorful papers / contact papers or paint! This cellphone charging station is not just only practical (because you can hang it on the plug) but its also keeps your cell phone cables organized in a decorative eco-friendly way!
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We simply love Tilda-vintage style gorgeous and inexpensive home decor projects! This natural style unique and useful little woven basket is a perfect craft project for you if you love simple stylish storage solutions and sewing! You can wrap your old mason jars, plastic containers, and almost anything with this brilliant basket making technique. If you need a visual help on how to weave a basket you can watch >>> this <<< nice video tutorial as a guide. (It's not the same natural style woven basket but it uses the same weaving technique)
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We love stylish and modern home decor ideas especially when they involves playing with instant c oncrete ! This beautiful chalk painted concrete vase by Hallo-Piepmatz ( despite it's look ) is a super easy home decor DIY project , which can be made literally in minutes! ( Plus a few days of drying time. ) To make one stylish beton vase you will need instant concrete mix , water and a little patience. You can make other modern home decor elements with concrete and various plastic containers as well, for example: imagine a nice tea candle holder with small round plastic containers or with some fun plastic cake forms!
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We are so in love with these leaf luminaries by Kids Craft Room, they’re so pretty and so easy! These lanterns make use of all the gorgeous colors and shapes of leaves around us, so are just perfect for f all / autumn. They’re made using upcycled plastic milk jugs so they really are a fantastic way to get kids interacting with nature and caring for the environment too. An added bonus to this luminary craft is that it is glue-free which means pretty much mess-free too! How great is that! So whether you have tiny tots or big kids this fabulous no-glue, no-mess family fall craft is a must.
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Create a snowman fine motor game for toddlers ! This fun little fill the snowman game ( by I Can Teach My Child ) is something your toddler can use over and over again all winter long! This simple winter game is great for fine motor control ( fitting an object through a hole ) and you can also add one-to-one correspondence practice by counting every ball that your child puts in the snowman. Head to icanteachmychild.com and learn how to make this fun little snowman game for your little ones:
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils ! For example: look at this plastic spoon lotus flower planter by A Magical Mess! Isn't it gorgeous? This beautiful plastic spoon planter would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect home decor ! Read Jen's step by step tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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