Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: plastic spoon craft
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It's time time to make a beloved icon of Christmas . And it's none other than the beautiful angel . Angels are believed to be messengers of God. The lore is that an angel appeared to Virgin Mary to announce the birth of Christ and proclaimed him the savior of all people. Here is our adorable spoon angel ornament to adorn Christmas tree ! These little plastic spoon angels are super sweet and simple to make - this is a perfect afternoon Christmas craft for the kids.
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils! Just look at this gorgeous plastic spoon flower bouquet! Isn't it beautiful? This little plastic spoon crocus / tulips flower craft by DIY Gifts and Crafts Ideas would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely Teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect spring decor ! Watch the video tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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Halloween is around the corner, so its time for some fun bat crafts ! Spooky is fine, but who said bats can't also be cute? By following along The Joy Of Sharing's step-by-step tutorial, kids can learn how to make an adorable plastic spoon bat at school or home. Kids of all ages will love this easy and fun bat craft! You can use the finished plastic spoon bats to decorate your home or the classroom at Halloween. Get the step-by-step tutorial at thejoysharing.com and let's get crafting:
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils ! For example: look at this plastic spoon lotus flower planter by A Magical Mess! Isn't it gorgeous? This beautiful plastic spoon planter would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect home decor ! Read Jen's step by step tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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