Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: water lily
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With following along Ash And Crafts' wonderful craft tutorial you can learn how to make these beautiful crepe paper water lilies in no time! You can decorate your wedding table with them, or it can be a lovely Easter / spring decoration. Crepe-paper flowers capture the essence of flowers without all the botanical details. Their whimsy makes them not only a pleasure to behold, but also an but also an enjoyable project to undertake. They also offer several practical advantages over their natural cousins : they are far more durable and won't wilt or droop.
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With this great napking folding video tutorial you can learn how to make this gorgeous water lily candy bowl from simple paper napkins. It's a perfect easter - spring decoration / wedding decor or you can spice up your birthday party with them as well. It can be a simple and elegant table decoration or you can put in them some small candies or treats for your guestst.
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Check out this easy way on how to make a gorgeous lotus lamp using only plastic spoons ! This lotus lamp is not just only a gorgeous and inexpensive home decor but it's also a perfect way to repurpose some plastic spoon leftovers from your last party ! This lotus lamp can be a perfect wedding decor as well! Use a glass or a small jar to form the center of the lotus ( instead of an upside down plastic cup ) and this way you can create a gorgeous tea candle holder !
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Spring is a perfect time to make gorgeous paper flowers. If you’re looking for an easy, adorable and super fun spring craft , this 3D paper plate water lily with a handprint frog by The Best Ideas For Kids is just the perfect spring craft for you! This handprint frog craft can be a fun afternoon activity or a perfect classroom craft. Kids will love making their own handprint frog and bringing it to life on a paper plate lily pad with 3D water lily !
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