Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: accessory for teens
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For some of you, scrunchies may be a new trend, but for us, it’s a pretty big blast from the past! Scrunchies do double duty: you can either wear it in your hair or wear it on your arm as a bracelet, just waiting for that big moment when you might actually need it for your hair! These stylish scrunchies by Craftaholics Anonymous can be made with just about any fabric, from silk to velvet. In just a few steps ( and with some scrap fabric ) you can make an armful of these retro hair accessories.
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Everyone’s favorite hair accessory from the ’80s is making a major comeback! But you don’t have to spend a lot to indulge in the craze. Follow A Beautiful Mess' tutorial to start your own collection, or to make sweet gifts for your girlfriends. Scrunchies do double duty: you can either wear it in your hair or wear it on your arm as a bracelet, just waiting for that big moment when you might actually need it for your hair! These stylish bow scrunchies by A Beautiful Mess can be made with just about any fabric, from silk to velvet. In just a few steps ( and with some scrap fabric ) you can make an armful of these beautiful hair accessories.
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