Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: ballet
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We are always amazed at people’s creative minds and skillful hands to make something ordinary become extraordinary. This paper napkin ballerina is such a delicate and beautiful piece of craft! You can use different colors of napkin paper to make the ballerinas. They are definitely lovely decorations for girls’ bedrooms. You can use any water soluble glue (PVA,wallpaper glue) or you can make your own paper mache glue with mixing 5dl (hot) water and 3 tsp flour (just put this mixture back into your microwave for another 1-2 minute till it's not fluid anymore )
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This lovely little ballerina bear by Amiguroom and Yuliya Chebanovais a perfect cuddly soft plush toy in huggable size. It is crochet from velour yarn to give a soft and warm touch. This cuddly crochet ballerina bear is a great amigurumi pattern to work on, because it's so easy to crochet and the outcome is so wonderful! This super adorable amigurumi ballerina bear can be an excellent gift for your kids or grandkids. This free balerina bear crochet pattern will guide you to make your own wonderful soft amigurumi toy:
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There's nothing like crocheting toys for your kids that they'll love forever! Watch them play with your handmade creations all throughout their childhood. Stitch this lovely crocheted cat for your little ones to enjoy! Simply follow Amigurumi Space' and Mariya Kushnir's great, easy-to-follow free amigurumi pattern and create this lovely amigurumi cat in no time! If you need a baby shower gift or want to make your favorite munchkin a handmade toy this amigurumi cat makes a sweet little gift.
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