Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: bow tie pasta
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If you're looking for a last-minute holiday DIY , look no further than your own pantry ! This DIY bow tie pasta garland by The Gold Jellybean is a super easy Christmas decor project, which doesn't require tons of expensive craft materials only a handful of ( expired ) bow tie pasta. ( This Christmas craft is such a super fun way to use up old or expired pasta around the house! ) Give your Christmas tree a heartfelt touch of homemade with this fun and easy pasta garland :
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Butterflies made from noodles. Isn't it smart?! This inexpensive , quick but still beautiful spring decor is perfect for sitting in your kitchen window stile, brightening up your space and making you feel all springy inside even though it’s seriously still cold outside. Bust out a box of bow tie pasta and spaghetti noodles and created a little bit of spring decor for your home with the kids! (Or you can gift them as nice easter/spring party favors, just stuff them with small candies. ) Here’s a nice step-by-step tutorial on how create this bow tie pasta butterfly springiness in your own home.
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Turn yourself into a bow-tie pasta or a cute ravioli by following along Studio DIY's easy-to-follow costume making tutorial ! These DIY pasta costumes are great show-stopper costumes , because, well.. just look at them! Who doesn't love pasta ? And look at that tiny ravioli ! Isn't it super adorable? This pasta costume is such a great group costume because you could be all sorts of pasta. Plus this costume is super simple and doesn’t take much time at all, too. Head to studiodiy.com and learn how to make them:
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These fun Father's day shirt cards by The Best Ideas For Kids are super cute, super easy to make, and it's just perfect for creating heartfelt Father's day messages. This shirt card is also a great fun craft for kids that lets them practice their fine motor skills. The finished shirt cards make adorable wall /party decorations or you can share them with friends and family members! Plus, because this shirt is such a simple and easy craft, it’s great for kids of all ages !
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