Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: bunny face
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We love reusing things from the recycling container, because r ecycled crafts are the best crafts! This toilet roll Easter bunny stamp by Mum In The Madhouse is a grea t quick art activity to do with the kids. Turning toilet rolls into a bunny is such a simple thing, but kids love it! This easy to make toilet paper roll bunny stamp is perfect for decorating Easter cards or just playing with paint. Follow Mum In The Madhouse's step-by-step craft tutorial and create fun bunny stamps with the kids:
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Are you looking for Easter breakfast ideas? Make your kids ’ holiday morning special with these Easter bunny pancakes by DIY Candy. These super delicious Easter bunny pancakes are easy to make ( you don’t need to be a chef to do them ) ! These bunny face pancakes are coming to add a little more fun to Easter. Or any other mornings , of course. Who could just say no to such cuteness?
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