Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: cardboard craft
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This little wooden Santa , alone makes a cute decoration for your Christmas tree . Or you can add a star to the top and bottom and make a lovely Christmas window decoration or mobile with it. Other than a bit of drying time, he is quickly made. Make a few adorable wooden Santa mobile and then you have a little something to take along as a gift if you are invited somewhere during the holidays. The pattern is simple. It is just one piece to cut out and paint. Embellish your Santa according to your taste or to what you may have. You can add beads, buttons and small decorating elements to his hat or to the front of him.
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We are obsessed with easy and fun puppet crafts . Not only are they a cute craft for kids to make but they are incredibly fun to play with afterwards. Make a few easy paper chick finger puppets with the kids and use them for all kinds of early literacy fun. You can use colorful paper to create the chicks facial features or simply paint or draw it, you simply can't do it wrong! You can add other animals / characters to your collection with this easy finger puppet making technique to create a whole finger puppet theater.
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Are you looking for a super easy to make last minute Easter decor? Try these dimensional paper Easter eggs! You can use colorful card stock, scrapbook papers, even old wrapping paper pieces to create fun dimensional Easter eggs with the kids. The dimensional paper eggs look nice to hang in an Easter tree ( created from dried branches ) or a bouquet of tulips.You will need: patterned cardstock, a stapler, a pair of scissors, a needle & sewing thread ( or glue ) .
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Are you looking for a fun upcycling idea for that empty Kleenex box? If you are always on the look for cheap DIY storage ideas for the home, you will love this fun upcycling project! This tissue box makeover will be your inexpensive DIY fix to your clutter problem. The nice thing about this DIY storage idea is that it’s not only limited to a small tissue box: any size of box could be upcycled ( a shoe box, diaper box, etc ) .
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Today's craft by A Beautiful Mess is a wonderful and oh-so-fun recycling craft! This fun and thrifty handmade cardboard box castle is easy to make, and it's a perfect gift for your kids ! Handmade toys bring much more fun and happiness than the store-bought versions ( especially dollhouses ) because you can personalize it to your little girls or boys' taste as much as you want! You can create an ice castle for Elsa, or a sturdy cobblestone castle for your brave knights, or a pink sparkly castle for your precious little princess - the possibilities are endless! With this nice step-by-step cardboard box castle tutorial, you can make one cardboard box castle in no time:
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In this video tutorial Creative Mom shows you how to made a thrifty but still gorgeous and unique turtle shaped lamp using a balloon as a base, some cardboard for the paper clay and acrylic colors. This is a creative way to teach children about recycling and also stimulate their imagination. The little turtle is inspired by a cute "Light a Way" character called Turtie. Light a Way is a fairytale-inspired mobile game about a girl who ends the eternal darkness with the light in her heart. Such a sweet story for a super sweet turtle ! So watch this tutorial and create your very own turtle lamp :
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In this step-by-step video tutorial Red Ted Art will teach you how to make a pom pom maker out of cardboard, and use it to create pom poms in various sizes and colors. Yarn pom poms are great fun for making your own decorations or unique accessories: turn the pom poms into keychains, zipper pulls, pencil toppers, pom pom bookmarks, pom pom mats, pom pom ornaments.. the possibilities are truly endless! watch this video and learn how to make your own cardboard pom pom maker:
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Transform an old ball , a plastic bottle , some tin foil and a bunch of newspaper ( or cardboard box ) into a g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s Christmas decoration with Creative Mom' step-by-step paper clay sculpting tutorial! Homemade ( or store bought ) paper clay can be molded and manipulated to make just about anything! There's plenty of time to make this jolly little Santa either for your own home or a craft show. We've always loved the delicate rich look of paper clay sculptures and this rocking Santa is truly unique! ( It simply ROCKS! )
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If you are looking for a really easy and adorable last minute costume idea , we’ve got you covered! Make a hamburger costume that will steal the show at Halloween! This time Stitched by Crystal and Make It & Love It will show you how to make this super fun cheeseburger ( hamburger ) costume literally under minutes! Plus this lovely little cheeseburger costume is a no-sew project which is also super cool. Get the costume making tutorial at makeit-loveit.com and create yours now:
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A cardboard house ( doll size or bigger one ) is a wonderful place for creative play. Building one is a great DIY project that everyone will enjoy participating in. Follow along Kreatív Anya's step-by-step tutorial and create one! Whether you're helping a child or younger sibling with a school project or just trying to keep yourself amused on a rainy day, a cardboard house is a fun and easy craft project. You can make a simple model house, a dollhouse, or even a large cardboard playhouse. These houses can be made from materials you likely already have around your house, although you might need to visit an art supply store if you want to decorate it.
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Surf's up, cat lovers! Here's an adorable summer DIY project that is purrfect for your feline friends. With eHow's step-by-step video tutorial you will be able to transform a simple, ordinary cardboard box into a vintage-style VW bus where kitties can jump and play and nap all day! Isn't is super fun? Cats love lounging around in boxes , especially cute car-shaped ones, so get a little paint, a sturdy cardboard box and make your own DIY cardboard cat house!
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Have you ever tried shake painting before? Shake painting is super fun and it's virtually mess free! With this super adorable rock snail craft by Kids Craft Room kids get to shake out all their wiggles and fidgets and create some beautifully painted rocks that make perfect snail shells ! The rock snails are fun to create, and the kids will have a blast playing with them afterward. These lovely little rock snails would also make a great activity for summer!
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In this video aPasos Crafts DIY will teach you how to make this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G expandable desk organizer out of simple cardboard. With this expandable desk organizer you will be able to store all of your school supplies in an organized way, because it has 4! different parts where you can store your pencils, pens, papers, clips, erasers, sharpener, notes, washi tapes, scissors, rulers... and many more. Amazing isn't it? And it's just cardboard !
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Looking for cool paper toys to keep your kids busy and creatively engaged? Then we have the perfect collection of paper crafts for kids that will be an absolute hit at home! Try these super simple paper toys created by 5 Minute Crafts and explore the versatility of paper! These paper toys are just perfect for kids of all ages. This time 5 Minute Crafts collected 32 easy to make paper toys for you and your kids: from simple no-prep crafts that take minutes to make ( and are perfect for the classroom ) , to engaging paper crafts that both you and your kids or students will fall in love with. Let the fun begin!
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Let’s make a DIY cardboard cat scratcher from the boxes you’ve got piling up in the garage! It's a known fact that ALL kitties ( small or big ) LOVE DIY creations, so go to your garage, grab a decent sized box from your cardboard box pile and create this DIY Cat scratcher now ! Dream A Little Bigger will show you how to make this cat scratcher in no time out of a simple cardboard box. This cat scratcher costs almost nothing, and your cat ( s ) will love it!
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For this project, Creative Mom used cardboard from pizza boxes, egg cartons , hot glue, thread, super glue, and paint only. Unbelievable, isn't it? And the best is: in this step-by-step video tutorial she will show you how to make it! This DIY Cardboard Pirate Ship requires patience and time, but the finished ship definitely will make your children smile! Or even you could use it as gorgeous nautical home decor because just look at it! Isn't it stunning? And it was made from simple cardboard , and paint! Truly magical! Follow the tutorial , and create your very own cardboard pirate ship now:
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A cardboard house ( doll size or bigger one ) is a wonderful place for creative play. Building one is a great DIY project that everyone will enjoy participating in. Follow along Kreatív Anya's step-by-step tutorial and create one! Whether you're helping a child or younger sibling with a school project or just trying to keep yourself amused on a rainy day, a cardboard house is a fun craft project. You can make a simple model house, a dollhouse, or even a large cardboard playhouse. These houses can be made from materials you likely already have around your house, although you might need to visit an art supply store if you want to decorate it.
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Who does not love a good cactus craft ? They are on trend and these DIY cactus never prick you! Better yet this crafty version by Jennifer Perkins is a cardboard cactus made from old box so it is recycled! These faux plant projects are stylish enough to appeal to adults, but easy enough for kids to make too. The hardest part is deciding which type of cactus you will make! Get the tutorial and let's get crafting:
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A full moon, spooky Halloween sky and flying bats come together to make this awesomely spooky Halloween art project by Projects With Kids ! We just love how the bats pop off the paper in this gorgeous painting to give it a 3D element. This 3D flying paper bat halloween art is such a fun craft project for kids to create and can be done with just a few simple supplies. Kids can experiment with blending different colors of blue together and adding in white and black to create the full moon and Halloween sky. Get the step-by-step art tutorial and create one now:
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This fall leaf chalk pastel art for kids by Projects With Kids is just gorgeous! The chalk pastels on black paper look like they are glowing and using this simple technique makes this art project perfect for kids of all ages. This beautiful chalk pastel art is such a great lesson on positive and negative space which lets kids explore drawing and smudging with chalk pastels and it also produces wow-worthy art kids will be proud to display! Pastels are so fun for kids to explore! So don't hesitate: get those pastels and let's get crafting :
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This pumpkin chalk pastel art by Projects With Kids is such a perfect craft project for either fall or Halloween ! Start with a pumpkin and then kids can customize their sky to either a beautiful fall day or spooky Halloween night. Pastels are so fun for kids to explore! This beautiful chalk pastel art is such a great lesson on shading and colors which lets kids explore drawing and smudging with chalk pastels and it also produces wow-worthy art kids will be proud to display!
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Today's craft by Adventure In A Box is a wonderful and oh-so-fun recycling craft! This fun and thrifty handmade cardboard box castle is easy to make, and it's a perfect gift for your kids ! Handmade toys bring much more fun and happiness than the store-bought versions ( especially dollhouses ) because you can personalize it to your little girls or boys' taste as much as you want! You can create an ice castle for Elsa, or a sturdy cobblestone castle for your brave knights, or a pink sparkly castle for your precious little princess - the possibilities are endless! With this nice step-by-step c ardboard box castle tutorial, you can make one cardboard box castle in no time:
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A spooky Halloween sky and flying bats come together to make this awesomely spooky Halloween art project by Projects With Kids ! This bat chalk pastel art is so fun and easy and great for kids of all ages! The bright chalk pastels on black paper make the whole image look like it’s glowing. Kids will learn a simple chalk pastel technique that gives wow results every time. Plus they can experiment with blending different colors together to create the Halloween sky which is also super fun! Get the step-by-step art tutorial and create one now:
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This bunny chalk pastel art for kids by Projects With Kids is just gorgeous! The chalk pastels on black paper look like they are glowing and using this simple technique makes this art project perfect for kids of all ages. This beautiful chalk pastel art is such a great lesson on positive and negative space which lets kids explore drawing and smudging with chalk pastels and it also produces wow-worthy art kids will be proud to display! Pastels are so fun for kids to explore! So don't hesitate: get those pastels and let's get crafting :
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