Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: care free
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This DIY eternal terrarium is an absolutely amazing upcycling project which costs almost nothing! Grab and old light bulb, fill it with small rocks, dirt and moss and bring a little bit of nature inside your home! You can recycle old light bulbs ( or other glass containers ) to create your own miniature ecosystem. This miniature eternal terrarium will spice up your room and the best: you don't need to take care of it at all! Add a little water, close it down and voilá' you have an eternal miniature garden in your room! Crafts with nature are always the bests, but with this green upcycling hom decor project you can recycle some glass trash as well, which is also a very nice thing!
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Do you love the look of succulents but are not so good at keeping them alive? If so, fLOhRA Design has a solution: these adorable and care-free potted felt succulents. Create felt succulent mini pots that everyone can enjoy without the stress of keeping them alive. fLOhRA Design designed these succulent patterns that can be used to make potted plants or other succulent decor accents, such as a succulent spring wreath or a succulent bookmark or a pretty girl’s headband:
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Did you know that even wooden deck post caps ( and furniture legs ) can be fun, boho summer decors ? This time Sadie Seasongoods will teach you how to upcycle those old wood pieces into a wonderful summer decor: a faux cactus ! We know that these faux wooden cacti don’t truly replace real living plants , but they’re awfully cute and a cinch to maintain. If real cactus plants are a no-go in your house, ( because of the kids or overly curious animals ) fake cactus is just perfect!
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Are you looking for free ( scrap yarn buster ) crochet patterns ? Do you love succulents ? Crochet cute little succulents ! Paint It Colorful designed this lovely crochet succulent. Besides it's super easy and quick , this crochet pattern is completely free ! One of the nice things about crocheting is that the exact size is rarely important, so you don’t need to worry about matching the designer’s gauge. You have the freedom to experiment with different yarns and hooks to give you a different-sized result. So grab your hooks and create a bunch of adorable succulents now!
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