Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: christmas craft
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This jumping paper cup elf puppet craft by Kids Craft Room is so much fun to make and play with! By following along Kids Craft Room's easy to follow tutorial, kids will be able to make these easy and fun jumping elf puppets that leap up and down when you pull the string! Such a cute interactive Christmas craft ! Hang your finished paper cup elf puppets on a hook or door handle and when you pull the strings out to the side it will jump up along the strings and when you bring your hands together again it will jump back down! So fun!
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Angel crafts are seriously one of our most favorite things in Christmas ! These paper cup angels by Kids Craft Room are adorable, simple and fun to create. There are also so many Christmas stories that are a great complement to this craft! This lovely Christmas angel craft is perfect to hang from the tree, use as a Christmas tree topper or place on a shelf or mantle. Wherever you put them, this easy angel craft is sure to delight young and old alike.
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It’s always lovely to receive handmade greeting cards isn’t it? This round Santa Christmas card by Kids Craft Room is super fun for kids and grown-ups and so adorably cute! These handmade Santa cards are really easy to make with the free printable template and everyone is will love them, because who could resist such a jolly little Santa Claus ? Plus, this printable Santa card pattern can be used in two ways: you can either trace around it onto colored card or use it as a fun Christmas coloring sheet !
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This super adorable DIY terra cotta pot gingerbread man by The Country Chic Cottage is perfect for your home this holiday season ! This lovely little flower pot gingerbread man also doubles as a candy dish so you might want to give these as gifts to those that love candy! It is super easy to make yourself with a couple of clay pots. Gather your supplies , get the tutorial at thecountrychiccottage.net and get started:
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We simply love jolly Santa crafts ! This fun finger puppet Santa craft by Kids Craft Room it’s super easy to make and oh so fun to play with! This jolly little paper Santa is such a fun interactive Christmas craft for kids and a great way to encourage imaginative play and story telling. You can use this paper finger puppet Santa in two ways: you can print the free Santa finger puppet template and color it in or you can trace around it onto colored card. Both methods make gorgeous Santa finger puppets that are fun to play with! Get the free printable Santa finger puppet template at kidscraftroom.com and let's get crafting:
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These adorable little burlap angel ornaments by The Country Chic Cottage are easy to make and can be a wonderful rustic addition to your tree. Are you ready to make some burlap angel ornaments for your Christmas tree ? Let's create a bunch of adorable, little DIY Burlap angel ornaments for this years Christmas tree with a few simple craft supplies and The Country Chic Cottage's easy to follow tutorial:
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Transform mini terra cotta pots into absolutely adorable gingerbread house ornaments with Projects With Kids' easy to follow craft tutorial. This lovely little terra cotta pot gingerbread house ornament is just a great Christmas craft for older kids and teens. These little DIY gingerbread house ornaments are so fun to make! The clay pot act as a canvas to create a colorful gingerbread house scene that kids can customize any way they like. ( You can use extra-fine point paint pens, which will help you with drawing the details. ) Head to projectswithkids.com and create your own miniature gingerbread house terra cotta pot ornaments :
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Thinking about creating some homemade holiday ornaments ? DIY ornaments really can be simple and these DIY plaid ornaments are proof. These plaid Christmas tree ornaments by The Country Chic Cottage are super easy to make ( which makes it a perfect Christmas craft for kids ) , but the coolest part about these DIY ornaments is that they are actually Christmas tree scent. Visit thecountrychiccottage.net and learn how to make them:
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Why make a regular paper plate snowman when you can make one that doubles up as a toy ? This fun little rocking paper plate snowman by Easy Peasy And Fun isn’t just for making : once done you can push it and it will rock left and right and even slightly forward or backward, depending on how you push it. Fun, isn't it? Or you can use the finished paper plate snowmen as an ornament : just hang it on a string. This fun little snowman craft makes a pretty cute classroom or home decoration ! Besides of it's super fun and adorable, It’s also super easy ! Ready to make one? Let’s get Christmas crafting :
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We love Santa crafts ! This easy origami Santa Claus by Origami Time is a great DIY project for the kids over the winter holidays. This lovely little Santa is one of the easiest origami Santa one can fold. It's just a few simple steps! Watch your kid's face light up as you transform a simple sheet of paper into a jolly little paper Santa , which can be great for creating Christmas cards or you can use them to decorate a Christmas bulletin board. This origami model is suitable for kids and everyone new to origami!
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If you love handprint crafts we have the perfect ones for Christmas ! These Christmas Handprint Cards by The Best Ideas For Kids are the cutest handmade Christmas cards for kids to make. These handprint cards are really easy to make and everyone is will love them, because who could resist such a fun little Christmas card which doubles up as a lovely keepsake ? The kids will love making their own handprint Santa , handprint reindeer and handprint elf ! Head to thebestideasforkids.com and learn how to make them:
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If you’re looking for easy & fun Christmas crafts for kids then you’ll love these popsicle stick Christmas crafts by The Best Ideas For Kids ! We bet that you have tons of popsicle sticks in your craft box, so It's time to make something out of them for Christmas! This time The Best Ideas For Kids will show you how to make these super adorable little craft stick ornaments in no time. And the best part is: you can hang them on the Christmas tree when you are done. ( Or you can give them as a Christmas gift or add them on top of presents as decoration. )
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Who needs super adorable snowman decorations for their tree? We all do, right?! We are so in love with these wood bead snowmen ( by The Country Chic Cottage ) and how simple they are. Whether you live in a place with lots of snow or no snow at all, you can craft snowmen ornaments all winter long. Display smiling snowmen in your home to celebrate the fun of wintertime ! Grab your craft supplies head to thecountrychiccottage.net and whip up a batch today:
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We LOVE making sock puppets and we bet that many children feel the same, so you can’t go wrong with a build a sock puppet kit as a fun Christmas gift idea ! This DIY sock puppet making kit by The Country Chic Cottage will grant hours of fun! This gift in a jar is perfect for the kids on your gift giving list. The kids will love opening this gift then getting creative and building their own sock puppets. You can find hundreds of sock puppet / sock softie ideas around the internet ( even you can find some of them here! ) so choose one, collect the ingredients, stuff them in a big mason jar and voilá' you have the perfect gift for those little creative hands!
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This lovely little mason jar snowmen by Red Ted Art is a super cute, quick and easy way to decorate a jar for Christmas , Christmas gifts , school jar decorating competitions or Christmas fairs. This upcycled mason jar snowmen ( filled with various small treats, toys, delicious cookie or hot cocoa ingredients ) makes a great last minute Christmas gift for best friends, teachers or for your family. It also can be a great Christmas / winter decoration because it's so cute! Watch this step-by-step video tutorial by Red Ted Art and learn how to make these fun little mason jar snowmen:
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Everyone loves crafts made from clay pots, they are so simple, inexpensive and can be so much fun to make! Add a little antique flair to your Christmas tree this year with Amanda's vintage - inspired snowman ornaments made from clay pots! These adorable clay pot snowmen are so fun to make! They make a perfect afternoon project and the options are endless! This cute little snowman is super easy and so festive when it's finished – and it's also perfect as a Christmas gift! Head to craftsbyamanda.com and create your own little clay pot snowman :
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This super simple and super cute antler headband by Kids Craft Room is our new favorite Christmas hat! This paper reindeer headband is super easy to make and so much fun to wear! We love the idea of kids dressing up in these glittery Rudolf the reindeer antlers and all the Christmas role play they inspire. Now you can make them too with Kids Craft Room's free printable reindeer antler template. Who wouldn’t enjoy being Rudolf at this festive time of year? You can print this reindeer antler pattern onto white card to color in yourself or trace it straight onto colored craft paper.
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It's time for a new fun and easy Christmas project : let’s make a super cute paper Mickey or Minnie mouse ornament ! What’s wonderful about these lovely paper ball Mickey and Minnie ornaments by Red Ted Art is that you can turn them into the most adorable Christmas garland ever ! Construction paper is one of our favorite crafting material ( so many possibilities and quite frugal too! ) , and we do love all kinds of paper ball ornaments! With the festive time of the year approaching, it’s time to look into fun characters, making Mickey and Minnie is certainly a must. Ready to make your little paper ball ornaments ? Watch Red Ted Art's step-by-step tutorial:
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It’s time for Christmas puppets ! These cute Christmas stick puppets by I Heart Crafty Things are super simple to make ( especially with I Heart Crafty Things' free craft stick puppet template ) and the kids will love to put on a puppet show with them after making them, or they can use them as fun props while singing along to their favorite Christmas carols. This time I Heart Crafty Things will teach you how to make this adorable little craft stick puppet Santa, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, an elf and a snowman. Let's get crafting:
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These peanut Christmas ornaments are another one of those classic Christmas crafts that you’ve probably forgotten about. It's sad because these peanut Christmas ornaments are so adorable and they're really easy to make! They're such a fun and simple Christmas craft to make! Add something special to the Christmas tree for your favorite little peanut. These charming holiday peanut ornaments will be memorable and beautiful additions to the holiday decor. Get the tutorial at onelittleproject.com and create your own little peanut Santa, reindeer, snowman and penguin ornaments :
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Do you wanna build a snowman ? No? Ok. What about a snowman ornament for your Christmas tree ? This lovely little wood slice snowman ornament by The Inspiration Edit is a very easy Christmas craft that would be perfect for large groups or other get-togethers to make together. This festive little wood slice snowman Christmas ornament don't take many craft supplies and it’s pretty hard to mess up. You can create some with the kids as well! Head to theinspirationedit.com and create your own adorable wood slice snowman ornaments :
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This time Projects With Kids shares with us an easy and fun winter rock painting tutorial : the reindeer rocks ! We love stone painting and we LOVE Rudolph so this lovely winter decor is a must. In this kids craft tutorial you can learn how to make adorable little reindeer rocks , literally in minutes! This rock craft is suitable for kids of all ages because it's so easy to make! Rock hunting is a fun way to get outside into nature , spend time with family, spread kindness and unite communities. Don’t hide the rocks & pebbles in your mother’s kitchen cabinet: create cute painted rock reindeer & pebble games with them!
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The holidays are a prime time for sending handmade Christmas, holiday, and winter cards. This fun cotton ball snowman craft by Easy Peasy And Fun makes the cutest little DIY Christmas card ever. It’s cute, it’s fluffy and it’s personal. This winter craft project is also great to make in the classroom. This little fluffy cotton ball snowman card is just perfect for sending warm winter greetings to friends, family, and anyone. Head to easypeasyandfun.com, learn how to make them and share handmade holiday kindness this season by sending out DIY holiday cards that show you really do care:
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Take recycled toilet paper roll crafts to a whole new level with Easy Peasy And Fun's amazing snowman windsock toilet paper roll craft! These adorable little DIY snowman windsocks are a great way to put those toilet paper rolls to good use! We hope you have a bunch of paper rolls stored as there is no chance you will do just one winter windsock toilet paper roll craft. Get the tutorial at easypeasyandfun.com and recycle your toilet paper rolls into cute snowman windsocks:
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Building a snowman is always fun! This time The Joy Of Sharing will show you how to make this lovely little snowman lapel pin with the kids. This little button snowman is just a perfect Christmas gift or you can use them as a lovely holiday gift tag ( or gift card ) embellishments. This little button snowman is also a perfect craft project for using up those one-of-a-kind old buttons creatively. So grab a few white buttons and let's get crafting:
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These hatching paper plate penguin chick puppets by Kids Craft Room are so quick and easy to make and super fun to play with! This paper plate penguin craft is great for toddlers and preschoolers who will love to see the penguin chick hatch from its egg again and again! Pull the penguin puppet down to make it hide in its egg and push it up to make it hatch! So much fun! Penguin crafts like this are great for Christmas, winter or if you’re planning a polar study theme. Head to kidscraftroom.com and learn how to make them:
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If you're looking for a quick and easy winter craft , look no further! It's always fun to craft from trash ! It’s a great way to encourage kids to care for the environment and it makes the crafting session really thrifty too. This time turn old tin cans into fun pencil holders ( or a fun winter bowling game! ) with this cute and easy tin can snowman craft by Kids Craft Room! This adorable tin can snowman is not only a great way to recycle some leftover tin cans , but it’s a really fun project and it’s fast and simple to put together! Head to kidscraftroom.com and learn how to make them:
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A few fun winter activities stashed in your back pocket for a snowy day can end up being a lifesaver. This fun toilet paper tube bowling game by From ABCs To ACTs is just the perfect winter craft for the kids! It's super easy to make, almost costs nothing and also super fun to play with! Head to fromabcstoacts.com learn how to make this fun toilet paper tube snowman winter game and voilá': you’ve got yourself a fun winter game for kids that will make you forget all about the fact that you’re stuck indoors!
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If you’re on a hunt for a fun and easy Christmas craft for kids, look no further! Christmas is nearly here, and we’re ready to celebrate with tons of adorable handprint crafts , such as this lovely little reindeer card by Simple Everyday Mom. Your kids will love making handprint crafts , and since Rudolph , the red-nosed reindeer is one of the most iconic characters of the Christmas season , we know that you will love this craft. This simple Christmas craft is perfect for kids of all ages ( from toddlers to preschoolers to elementary-aged children ). It’s also super simple and uses common supplies: like card stock, glue, and craft punches.
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These pom-pom penguins by One Little Project are one of the cutest winter crafts we've ever seen! They are so adorable and really easy to make! You don’t need any special tools: just yarn , felt , scissors and glue. This lovely little penguin is a great winter/ Christmas kids' craft project for using up any spare balls of yarn in your knitting kit. Try making a whole bunch of these little pom-pom penguins in assorted sizes. They'd make perfect Christmas ornaments as well, as you can use them again and again! You could also tie them to a winter wreath , or you could hang your pom-pom penguins off a length of yarn , and make an adorable winter garland.
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Make a festive winter village with adorable craft stick houses ! So easy! Finished with a sprinkling of glitter "snow, " this little popsicle stick house is ready to join its neighbors in a shimmering holiday village. NumaVIG will show you how to make the basic popsicle stick house , but later on, you will be able to make your unique creations too. ( The best bit about this DIY is that you can add as much detail, or as little, as you wish! Just have fun! ) This little popsicle stick house is just perfect for brightening up your home, not just at Christmas , but throughout January and February too! You can also add some snow and glitter to these with a little bit of glue.
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If you're looking for a quick and easy winter craft, look no further! It's always fun to craft from trash! It’s a great way to encourage kids to care for the environment and it makes the crafting session thrifty too. This time turn egg cartons into adorable snowmen by following along Papelisimo's step-by-step tutorial. This adorable egg carton snowman is not only a great way to recycle some leftover egg cartons , but it’s a really fun project and it’s fast and simple to put together! Watch the video and learn how to make them:
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