Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: christmas lights
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These orange peel Christmas votives by Handimania are quick and easy to make, elegant, inexpensive, and of course, they smelling heavenly! Use the orange peel tea candle holders on your table or throughout your home. ( For maximum safety, you can use flameless tea candles with them. ) Watch this step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make gorgeous and heavenly smelling orange peel votives. These orange peel votives are super inexpensive, their glow is simply beautiful, and they allow you to create a great atmosphere at home during long, dark, and cold evenings. The warmth of the flame activates essential oils from both the peel and cloves and that results in a fabulous scent.
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An LED light string ( Christmas light ) can transform that fancy bottle of wine from a special occasion into a lasting ( and useful! ) memento. Use these bottle lights to brighten up any dark corner, as a night light or as festive decor around the holidays. The trick to recycling a glass bottle into a glowing light is by drilling a hole near the base of the bottle large enough to thread a small string of lights through. With a few specific tools , this can be a simple undertaking.
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We love cheap but still gorgeous outdoor Halloween decors! This eerie Halloween scene covering your garage door will have a lot of impact! Rather than cutting it out of wood board you can use simple cheap cardboard as a substitute! Add some extra spook factor by lighting it from behind.This outdoor halloween decor took some work, but the result is well worth it. It will be a traffic stopper on your street! You could use this gorgeous cardboard or wooden board Halloween decor mounted on a large wall, or staked into your yard with lights behind it - it will be a great hit in any form!
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We simply love upcycling crafts , especially if the outcome is something useful and gorgeous. Robin ( from All Things Heart And Home ) has made this beautiful Christmas light out of simple mason jars , and she will teach you now how to make it for yourself! This DIY Mason jar Christmas light is perfect in the early morning and at night ( it’s like you are catching fireflies! ) And ( believe it or not ) this mason jar fairy light is super easy to make!
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Looking for easy Christmas decor for your home? This DIY photo Christmas tree is a great way to show off your favorite photos from the year and utilize wall space! This DIY Family photo Christmas tree is a really simple craft project that is so fun to do! This DIY Family photo Christmas tree is so fun - you can look at the photos as you walk by and remember the fun memories from the past year! We bet that you will get lots of comments from visitors about it being a neat way to display photos.
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Want to give your home a trendy look but don’t know how? Create these simple, yet gorgeous DIY twine orbs and place them on the floor during holidays. To create these yarn orbs , you will need twine, clear liquid glue, water, and a big balloon. Watch the video tutorial to see how to make these sisal rope orbs.
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