Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: colors
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With this great video she will show you a lot ways to teach your kids to basics easily in a playful form. In this video you can find: an alphabet learning game , a shape & color learning game , a clock learning toy, and a number learning puzzle. All toys and game s are super easy to make, cheap and a fun way to learn !
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Design Seeds celebrate colors found in nature and the aesthetic of purposeful living. These gorgeous color palettes inspired by flowers, animals, landscapes, towns, and seasons are perfect for any furniture painting or home renovating projects , or you can simply get inspired for your next craft project by the beautifullness and perfection of nature.
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With all of the wonderful artists out there creating their works to share for free with the world, Gina from The Shabby Creek Cottage thought it would be fun to showcase some of the best (and most beautiful) adult coloring book pages around. If you choose to color with old school crayons, some water color pencils or even some super fancy markers, you can take a printable coloring page and turn it into your very own work of art. Coloring isn’t just a trendy thing that the cool kids are doing, though! Studies have shown that it helps to de-stress adults by calming them down. Cheap (or free!) stress release that’s fun? We call that a win/win. So get your art on with one of these beautiful, free adult coloring pages:
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If your family loves long summer road trips let’s face it… the kids often get bored! Create a quick and fun learning activity to keep them entertained and busy for the upcoming long drive. This word building activity travel kit is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers for those long car rides and you can customize it with sight words, color words, word families, or whatever your child is currently learning. This word building travel kit is super quick learning activity craft, you can whip up one literally in minutes, and the kids will love it (not to mention its not just fun to play but also perfect for learning words and colors which is always a very nice addition)
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Know a dog lover? We've got the perfect gift idea for them: a crochet dog ! Whether you're gifting it as a toy or as home decor, this free amigurumi pattern will thrill pup fanatics. This cute crochet ( amigurumi ) puppy can be a perfect handmade gift or handmade toy for your kids / grandkids because, this super adorable amigurumi dog is a perfect soft toy for both boys and girls! In this great amigurumi blog you will find a wonderful free amigurumi puppy pattern which will help you to create this adorable crocheted toy with lots of interesting details, personality and cuteness! You can use any color and style yarn to crochet your own adorable amigurumi dogs ,they will look super adorable in any form! Pattern designer: CrochetKot (Instagram @crochetkot)
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Let us introduce you Dedri ( from Look At What I Made blog ) and her super fun free crochet Amish puzzle ball pattern! We can hype it up and tell you that your kids will have endless hours of fun playing with this puzzle ball ,but the truth is that maybe you will have a lot more fun with this puzzle ball than your kids do ( although they love it ) . Besides of a fun crochet adventure this puzzle ball is also entertaining when you watch people as they try to assemble it. Of course it only takes them a little while to figure it out, because it IS pretty simple . But doesn’t it look cute?
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This crochet flower ball by Dedri is based on the traditional Amish puzzle ball and as such comes apart into three segments that have to be assembled to form the ball. We are obsessed with crochet puzzle balls and their possibilities! Amish puzzler balls are such great baby toys! Besides of a fun crochet adventure this puzzle ball is also entertaining when you watch people as they try to assemble it. Of course it only takes them a little while to figure it out, because it IS pretty simple . But doesn’t it look cute?
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Learn how to paint these gorgeous watercolor paintings with Makoccino! Even if you are a beginner in watercolor painting, creating these beautiful paintings will be a piece of cake! In this video tutorial Makoccino will teach you hot to use different watercolor painting techniques to create fun blurred effects. She will show you 3 easy watercolor painting ideas that you can use to practice the basic watercolor painting technique: wet in wet! She will show you how to paint different types of sunsets such as an ocean sunset & how to paint a galaxy with watercolors!
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Make your world more colorful with Red Ted Art and Hattifant's lovely free printable coloring pages ! This free baby owl coloring page is perfect for grown-ups or older children who are looking for a challenge. Free printable coloring pages for adults are a great way to relax, unwind, and de-stress. So grab your pencils and enjoy this fun baby owl coloring page printable !
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We are super excited to share Kids Craft Room's snake craft with you! This mix ‘N match articulated snake craft is such fun for you to make and kids will love to play with it! ( And as a bonus: your kids can use the snakes to learn math and colors , or even shapes! ) Your kids will enjoy mixing and matching the brightly colored segments to make a unique snake every time they play. You can add different shape/color or math logic to the body parts ( imagine it as a fun domino ) ! With each snake section being cleverly interchangeable kids can have lots of fun swapping the colors to make new snake designs and they’ll be developing their fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination too.
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Let us introduce you Eva ( from Eva's doll shop ) and her super fun free crochet puzzle baby ball pattern! We can hype it up and tell you that your kids will have endless hours of fun playing with this puzzle ball , but the truth is that maybe you will have a lot more fun with this puzzle ball than your kids do ( although they love it ) . Besides of a fun crochet adventure this puzzle ball is also entertaining when you watch people as they try to assemble it. Of course it only takes them a little while to figure it out, because it IS pretty simple. But doesn’t it look cute? get the free pattern and let's get crocheting!
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Make an ocean in a bottle with 3 easy ingredients! This fun kids craft by Happy Hooligans is one of the fastest and easiest science activities for preschoolers! We L-O-V-E homemade toys and this fun ocean in a bottle toy is no exception. Discovery bottles are always fun, and the best: you can customize them as much as you want! They look so beautiful, and no matter what you fill them with. This ocean in a bottle is beautiful and SO easy to make. Get the tutorial and create one now:
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