Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: costume for girls
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We love super adorable,fun and quick costumes ! Look at this cute DIY strawberry costume ! How sweet is that? However it requires a little bit of sewing this DIY strawberry costume is definitely a quick one! The arm holes are very basic ( no sleeves! ) and the whole thing is stuffed loosely with some fluffy batting. Because a happy berry is a plump and juicy berry! Definitely a fun DIY costume to make! If you can't sew ( or you don't want to ) you can easily swap the strawberry 's body part with simple red clothes .
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Need a gorgeous costume? Try Poison Ivy : a DC Comics Super-Villain and Batman adversary! Poison Ivy is a botanist and notorious Eco-terrorist who uses plant toxins and mind-controlling pheromones for her criminal activities, usually aimed at protecting endangered species and the natural environment. Overall the DIY Poison Ivy costume is fairly straight forward to put together, maybe the only challenging part will be gathering the materials. This DIY costume involves a little hand sewing but besides of this, this is a fairly easy but still gorgeous costume suitable for both little girls and adults.
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If you love the Moana movie, and pretty DIY costumes this gorgeous and oh-so-easy to make flower headband will be a great craft project for you! Just a few sheets of green fleece , a bouquet of faux flowers and you will be able to create baby Moana's beautiful flower headband in no time! At Ollie's craft blog you will find a nice step-by-step video tutorial on how to make this beautiful flower crown ! Of course this fun lower headband can be used as a part of other DIY costumes as well so it's a perfect addition for quick Halloween or dress up party costumes.
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This troll hair DIY is perfect for giving the look (and height) of that amazing troll hair. This troll hair DIY Halloween costume is easy to make and we love how BIG it is. Perfect for getting that troll look. This easy to follow tutorial will show you how to make this costume piece step by step. With a few materials this troll hair will help you (or your little one) stand out in a crowd.
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Today Amy shares with us her kiddo’s DIY planet Halloween costumes ! Fun idea, isn't it? We love creative Halloween costumes that the kids can dress up in for the rest of the year. With this nice step by step tutorial you will be able to make this fun costume in no time! And the best: if you have hula hoops at home this easy DIY planet costume is a super quick, frugal and easy costume to make! This DIY planet costume can be great costume choice for both boys and girls.
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Some Halloween costumes are just too complicated, especially when you need a costume last-minute and don’t want to do anything over-the-top when you’re just going to work for the day. With the right paint products, you can simplify this cute Halloween costume using just a painted shirt and a headband and create a DIY simple ice cream t-shirt to pair with a honeycomb cherry headband! Wear your t-shirt with pants, jeans or a skirt of your choice and still feel as festive as everyone else for Halloween !
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This week on Kamri’s YouTube Channel she featured 10 adorable Halloween Costume Ideas . We thought you might like to see her 10 Food Inspired DIY Costumes . This video was so much fun! Which is your favorite? Each of these DIY costumes looks perfect as last minute DIY Halloween costumes for girls. These fun food costumes will make perfect DIY Halloween costumes for kids, for teens, and even adults. The costumes: Gumball Machine, girly and cute Cotton Candy, fun Candy Buttons, super-cute Donut, bubbly bunch of Grapes, adorable bag of Jelly Beans, perky Pineapple, perfect Slice of Pizza, fun box of PopCorn, and a beautifully-ripe Strawberry!
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Do you remember that time Bjork showed up to the Oscars in that swan dress and everyone on tv and fashion magazines flipped out? We do. And we loved it! At first glance this costume making tutorial may looks crazy, but it’s actually a pretty simple step-by-step .To make this beautiful swan dress you will need white cotton fabric ( or an unused white stocking / yoga pants ),10-15 yards of tulle ,elastic, wire & cutters, stuffing, black and orange fabric scraps ( felt ),tape measure and scissors.
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This week on Cloe’s YouTube Channel she featured 30 adorable Halloween BFF Costume Ideas. We thought you might like to see her 30 DIY ( last minute ) best friend costume ideas. This video was so much fun! Which is your favorite? Each of these DIY costumes looks perfect as last minute DIY Halloween costumes for girls. These fun best friend costumes will make perfect DIY Halloween costumes for kids, for teens, and even adults. ( Costumes starts from 1:08 )
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If your girl is super CRAZY about fairies and Tinkerbell make this gorgeous Tinkerbell fairy costume for her with the help of this nice costume making tutorial ! The costume itself needs a little sewing experience, but you can change the sewn parts with normal clothes or a no-sewn tulle skirt. You can also use fleece or felt because it doesn't fray at the edges. And even if you already have a costume for this year Halloween consider creating one of these for your dress-up box . ( Everything purchased for this costumes was under $3 a yard! )
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We love super pretty DIY costumes ! At first glance this DIY Tight rope walker circus costume may looks crazy, but it’s actually a pretty simple costume .To make this beautiful DIY Tight rope walker circus costume you can use ordinary clothes decorated with a few feathers, tissue paper and tulle. Read this nice step-by-step costume making tutorial and create a gorgeous DIY Tight rope walker circus costume for your little girl!
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Do you love pretty,fun and easy to sew costumes ? We love them! At first glance this DIY lion tamer costume may looks crazily difficult, but it’s actually a pretty simple costume making project .To make this beautiful DIY Lion tamer circus costume you will need red cotton fabric ( or red felt ) ,10-15 yards of tulle ,elastic, gold cording, crepe paper, a pair of black gloves, a DIY or store bought hat, and a hoola hoop.
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If you looking for an easy to make last minute Halloween or dress up party costume ,this adorable DIY unicorn costume is a perfect choice for you! It's warm and comfortable, that can be hard sometimes when it comes to handmade Halloween costumes . This unicorn costume is cute, girly, whimsical, and colorful. You can create other characters than unicorns : it can be any my little pony character or a horse/donkey ( just change the base colors ) .
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Today, Ashley will show you just how simple it is to make a flower antennae headband! Beautiful, isn't it? This DIY Felt flower butterfly antennae headband is actually pretty inexpensive to make because it's mostly made from felt. They are attached to some floral wire that comes covered in brown paper and two little pom-pom antennae . There’s an elastic hairband that holds the wire closed in the back and helps the headband to sit snugly on the head. Click the button below and learn how to make this gorgeous butterfly costume piece for Halloween or for the girls dress up box in not time!
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We are so excited to share this gorgeous DIY butterfly costume with you! Ashley was determined to do something a little more unique than a regular butterfly costume and something more fun than the standard wire mesh wings! Check out this step-by-step costume making tutorial and learn how to make your very own gorgeous butterfly costume with felt floral antennae in no time! You can find wide varieties of butterfly wing patterns >> here <<
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Are you looking for a lovely and quick to sew mermaid costume for your little mermaid ? Cassidy has the perfect method and very clear instructions, that we bet any one of you could create,and they look so polished and perfect for imaginative play! We love that she shares her shop secrets! Are you ready to give these a shot? We would recommend at least basic sewing skills already. It should take you about an hour or so for the tail, maybe 30-40 minutes for the seashells. Read through all the instructions first: it’ll go much faster for you if you have an idea where you’re going!
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Create a super cute flower basket costume ! All it takes is a clearanced-out basket ( or one you’re not using at home ),some flower stems ,a bit of ribbon for the shoulder straps….and you have a cheery little costume that no one else will be wearing! Of course you can use cardboard and paper weaving for a super cheap and eco -friendly basket alternative ,and also you can create pretty flowers from tissue paper! ( You can find lovely DIY paper flower tutorials in our site! )
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This DIY Bubblegum machine Halloween costume can be tackled by just about anyone. It doesn’t require much sewing at all (only a tiny bit on the skirt) and is a perfect costume for the tween/teen age who don’t know what to be for Halloween. But let’s be real, adults will love this too.The skirt is made with felt, which is nice and stiff and stays in place really well. Go to makeit-loveit.com and learn how to make your very own pretty DIY gumball machine costume!
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Simple Halloween costume ideas are the best! This lovely flamingo costume could be made in an hour or two. Nice and simple! This costume making tutorial hopefully will be helpful to some of you who would like to make your own costumes! Sewing costumes ,you can really let your imagination go crazy and create something over the top, sometimes the crazier the better! Make this quick and easy flamingo costume that would be great for Halloween ,but are also fun for any day dress up play . The best in it: it can be any type of birds! You can make an owl,a chicken, an eagle or anything that you want just alternate the colors and the beak.
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Turn boring everyday items and some junk into a gorgeous mermaid costume and swim gracefully through a Halloween party! ( Mermaids make a fun costume for Halloween, parties and dress up. ) Gather filter papers, paper medicine and souffle cups, cottons swabs and a bunch of plastic straws and turn them into a gorgeous masterpiece with The House That Lars Built's step-by-step costume making tutorial:
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Hey, look! It's a macaron! Studio DIY created this super adorable and easy-to-make macaron costume and ( as usual ) she will teach you how to make it! This lovely macaron costume is simple to make, but it does use a sewing machine to make that fun ruffled cream ( the macaron signature ). You can make any flavor, or you can forget the ribbon and use the concept to make a cookie costume with felt chocolate chips ! Or you can go even further: create a hamburger or a yummy sandwich costume with buns!
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Turn yourself into a gorgeous diamond ring or a delicious ring pop with Studio DIY's fun ring costume tutorial ! This DIY diamond ring ( or ring pop ) costume is a great show-stopper costume which also can be a part of a fun family costume ( imagine it coupled with other wedding-themed costumes ) ! Whether you need a costume to wear at a dress-up party or to go trick-or-treating on Halloween, this fun ring costume is just perfect. Head to studiodiy.com and create this diamond ring or ring pop costume in no time:
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Today The House That Lars Built is sharing a gorgeous ( last minute ) Marie Antoinette costume that you can make from your craft closets, which is good for all of you who don’t want to put that much time or money into your costumes. Get the step-by-step tutorial at thehousethatlarsbuilt.com and create this beautiful DIY Marie Antoinette costume from easy-peasy materials such as drinking straws, batting, balloons, and house paint.
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Unicorns: WE LOVE THEM! It's no myth that unicorn costumes will never go out of style! Just look at The House That Lars Built's fun unicorn costume ! Isn't it beautiful? Well, ok... technically it’s a "pegacorn", a cross between a unicorn and a Pegasus ! This Pegasus or unicorn costume is so far our favorite last minute Halloween costume! It takes only a few materials but they make such an impact. Make this easy DIY Unicorn costume for girls with just a few items and no sewing involved:
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Did you love the Magic School Bus when you were little? Then dressing up as Miss Frizzle is the perfect idea for you! This DIY Miss Valerie Frizzle costume by Angie from The Country Chic Cottage is super easy to make and will really wow your friends! And the best part is: this DIY Miss Frizzle costume is perfect for adults as well as kids! Angie will show you how to make this fun and quick Miss Frizzle costume in no time, so head to thecountrychiccottage.net and let the fun begin:
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This DIY banana costume by Studio DIY is perhaps the easiest and funniest costume we’ve ever seen! Fun, colorful and instantly recognizable! Deciding on a costume for a party or Halloween is never easy. Buying or renting costumes can also be an expensive investment, especially if you go to a lot of themed parties. This super fun banana costume is an easy and affordable way to stand out at any party! There are so many different types of fruits you can dress up as, such as apples, bananas, strawberries, and grapes, and if there are a couple of you going together, you could even go as a fruit bowl!
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Everything is more fun with balloons , especially Halloween costumes ! What can you do with a bunch of pink balloons and a dress? Make yourself a super fun bubblegum costume for Halloween this year! This costume by Studio DIY hits hard on the nostalgia factor ( because who didn’t love bubblegum as a kid? ) , plus it’s super easy to put together and oh-so-fun to wear! We love how this DIY balloon costume takes only minutes to make and it guarantees your little one will be the brightest and most festive kid on the block! Get the tutorial at studiodiy.com and create your bubblegum costume today:
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Turn yourself into a bow-tie pasta or a cute ravioli by following along Studio DIY's easy-to-follow costume making tutorial ! These DIY pasta costumes are great show-stopper costumes , because, well.. just look at them! Who doesn't love pasta ? And look at that tiny ravioli ! Isn't it super adorable? This pasta costume is such a great group costume because you could be all sorts of pasta. Plus this costume is super simple and doesn’t take much time at all, too. Head to studiodiy.com and learn how to make them:
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