Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: diy cactus
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Are you looking for a not-so-traditional Easter egg painting idea? Spice up this year's Easter with this super funny cactus Easter egg craft! It's not just a super fun Easter party or home decor but also can be a perfect Easter gift for you friends / family members. Well, it's not really a traditional Easter egg painting technique but it very funny, so absolutely worth a try! You can use any type of acrylic paint to paint the cactus egg's green color an and instead of black paint you can simply use a black marker to create it's spikes. Attach a fun paper flower to the cactus Easter egg's top for a funnier real-life look!
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Making homemade Valentine cards is a perfect arts and crafts activity for kids to celebrate Valentine’s Day. This DIY cactus valentine card by I Heart Crafty Things is such a great example of how kids can use their creativity to make a darling Valentine card for their loved ones. Using a few simple craft materials and I Heart Crafty Things' cactus Valentine card template , kids can create this DIY Cactus Valentine Card in no time at all:
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It's hard to find the perfect hat for the summer , so take the matter into your own hands and make your own! This DIY Painted cactus sun hat by Studio DIY is just perfect for those hot summer days! It’s super simple, and we can assure you you’ll get plenty of compliments. And this DIY Cactus summer hat doesn’t involve any paint: just yarn, and yarn poms! You can whip this DIY Cactus summer hat right up and be on your way out the door in under an hour! Get the tutorial and create your very own DIY Cactus summer hat :
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When Easter is over it’s time to start freshening up your summer decor ! If you'd like to add a bit of fun cactus decor to your home, but don't have a greenhouse near you, how about making some adorable DIY Styrofoam egg cacti by The Crafted Sparrow? Those leftover foam eggs from your last Easter decoration are just perfect for this fun cactus decor ! Isn't it super cool? This adorable little DIY Styrofoam egg cactus is just perfect for decorating your home at summer on budget, and it's also an be a fun gift ! You could attach a little faux or paper flower to the top for an adorable blooming cactus !
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This DIY Cactus Sign by The Crafted Sparrow is such a gorgeous, fun, and easy foam project ! Yes, we said foam ! Looks like real wood right? If you LOVE those rustic wooden signs , but don't want to spend the money, this wonderful tutorial is just perfect for you! This darling faux wood ( foam ) cactus sign is a super easy project, it comes with a free downloadable/printable template , and it will add some boho summer vibe to your living room!
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This DIY lawn flamingo and baby cactus costume by Studio DIY are perhaps the easiest and funniest costumes you’ve ever seen! Fun, colorful and instantly recognizable! Deciding on a costume for a party or Halloween is never easy. Buying or renting costumes can also be an expensive investment, especially if you go to a lot of themed parties. This super fun lawn flamingo and baby cactus costume is an easy and affordable way to stand out at any party!
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It’s a cactus , MADE OF COASTERS ! ! How funny is it? We bet that YOU wanna learn how to make this coaster cactus too, right? Reality Daydream will teach you how to make your very own coaster cactus out of wood. You must make one of these for the cactus-lover in your life! Or for yourself if you too love cacti. Get the tutorial and let's get started:
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