Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: diy candle holder
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It’s fun to upcycle old glass bottles and jars, instead of just throwing them in the glass recycling pile. Wrap twine or colorful yarns around bottles and jars to create small vases and candle holders. As a bonus: if you cover the whole bottle with twine, you don’t even have to remove the label first! Wrap the jars loosely to allow the light from the candles shine through the twine. Because the twine is on the outside of the glass there will be no increased fire risk, but please remember never to leave burning candles unattended.
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This DIY paper flower tutorial by The Joy Of Sharing will teach you how to create beautiful flowers that double as ( battery operated ) tea candle holders ! This adorable paper flower craft is perfect for welcoming spring, or you can use them to decorate your house for a special occasion. ( These lovely toilet paper tube flower tea candle holders will look great anywhere in your home! ) Color photos and written instructions will help you shape and assemble this gorgeous flower lamp. Get the tutorial at thejoysharing.com now:
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These awesome concrete pumpkin tea light candle holders by Lily Ardor are the perfect, long-lasting fall decorations for your home & garden ! This time Lily will show you a super easy and quick way to make them with very little supplies or expense and without any plastic mold. You will be surprised how easy is to make one with a few simple tricks! This little fall craft project is pretty much the do-it-yourself-ers dream! Cement pumpkins are a fun and easy project to do that will stand the test of time, and assure that your pumpkins don't get kicked over on Halloween. Watch the video tutorial and learn how to make your very own cute concrete fall decorations:
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If you are looking for a quick and easy fall craft to spruce up the patio, look no further! This fall leaf mason jar luminar y by Practically Functional at Craftaholics Anonymous is a pretty simple craft , but everyone will love its gorgeous glow! We love mason jar luminaries because they are super easy to make, and also very easy to customize. A fall leaf mason jar luminary is a great way to decorate for the holidays or seasons, too. You can use any stickers to create the leaf shapes, or you can simply draw the outlines with a marker and freehand paint it. DIY Mason jar luminaries make awesome mason jar lights for your porch or driveway.
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Ready for a fantastic crafting session with your kids or students ? Try this fun kids craft by MRHoffman at Instructables! This mason jar luminary is such great Halloween activity for kids of all ages, plus it can be made in under 30 minutes using items that you probably already have around the house! No special tools or skills are required! Get the step-by-step tutorial at Instructables and let's get crafting:
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