Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: diy clay figurine
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In this step-by-step tutorial, Celidonia Studio will teach you how to sculpt a cute flower fairy from polymer clay. This lovely little figurine can be a wonderful spring decor in your home, a lovely addition to your fairy garden or you can use fondant and create it as a lovely cake decoration for your favorite little fairy! Isn't this polymer clay fairy is just pure cuteness? Watch this sculpting tutorial and create yours today!
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For nature and animal lovers here's a wonderful step-by-step polimer clay tutorial from Анастасия Астафьева: an adorable owl! This little polymer clay owl is so cute, and it's such a great DIY jewelry craft that is perfect for older kids and teens. You could use the finished owls as adorable necklaces, brooches, keychains or just create some as a lovely fall decor ! These polymer clay owls would also make great handmade gifts that kids could make for their friends. Watch the step-by-step tutorial and create yours now:
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