Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: diy topiary ball
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Love the look of topiary trees , but don't want to pay the high price tag? Here's a way to make DIY topiary trees from Dollar Store supplies! This time Homemade Lovely will teach you how to make these gorgeous faux boxwood ball topiary. Get the step-by-step topiary making tutorial at homemadelovely.com and whip up a little faux greenery for your kitchen in the form of some gorgeous DIY Topiary Trees:
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Love the look of topiary trees , but don't want to pay the high price tag? This time Jennifer from The Craft Patch blog will show you how easy it is to make your own boxwood and speckled egg spring topiary. And the coolest part about this craft project is that the eggs are not permanent, so you can remove them after Easter and continue using the topiary all year long:
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