Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: duct tape packing tape
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There is nothing sweeter than a rose, except when it's a rose made by hand. This duct tape rose by Tara Dennis is an entertaining craft project that surely will amuse or impress its recipient. Join the duct tape experience and make yourself a beautiful duct tape flower. Make several to use as a bouquet for custom decorations or make one duct tape flower just to give to a special someone.
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With this super video craft tutorial you can learn how to use Packaging ( packing ) Tape to Transfer images ! ( With this transfer tecnique you will get a non-reversed image ). You can use these homemade , super simple and low budget personalised stickers to decorate almost anything from ceramic/glass ( spice ) containers to cars, the possibilities are endless! And this image transferring method is really a super easy one: you will need a scotch tape, a LASER JET print , some water and thet's it! We love this quick and easy technique for a non reversed image transfer that yields super detailed results!
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If you love simple & fun upcycling crafts this toilet paper roll mobile phone holder by The Seaman Mom is just a perfect craft project for you (and the kids)! These adorable mobile phone holders are really super easy to make (and also very inexpensive) because you just need simple household materials to make one! This little handmade mobile stand can be a perfect craft project for your kids/teens or for yourself at any time of the year because this little toilet paper roll mobile phone holder can be really handy in so many situations:
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It’s the time of year when the holidays start creeping up on us and you might find yourself scrambling for a costume last minute for a Halloween party or other event. All For The Boys has some easy (and funny) DIY costumes for you! For example: you can make this super fun stick figure Halloween or dress up party costume! In this nice last minute DIY costume collection you will find 5 hilarious & super easy DIY costumes for your kids or yourself. All of them can be made with ordinary household items and everyday clothes, so you can easily make it even without any crafting skills!
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Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make a magic notebook ! This DIY back to school project is super fun and also very easy to make! ( You will be surprised how easy is to create one, with simply household items and a little acrylic paint ! ) Spice up your boring notebooks with this easy magical craft idea , and create gorgeous unique artworks in minutes! This magic notebook can be a great gift for your friends/family members for any special occasion! And of course it can be a great boredom buster at school !
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Create a gorgeous round gift or jewelry box from an empty tape ( cardboard ) roll ! Before you throw away those paper-towel or tape rolls , check out this super step-by-step video tutorial on how to make a beautiful vintage style gift box with recycled cardboard and scrapbook papers ! We admit it, we are hoarders when it comes to cardboard tubes. And we bet you also have a huge stash in your storage room! Toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, wrapping paper tubes, food-wrap rolls, poster tubes, mailing tubes all of them can be transformed into gorgeous gift, cookie or jewelry boxes for any occasion !
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In this nice art tutorial Katie will teach you how to create a gorgeous geometrical paintings without any artistic skills! Tape resist watercolor painting is a very classic art project for young kids. Tape resist paintings are a great standby art project for kinds to approach in different ways with different materials over time. To create gorgeous tape resist paintings you can use masking tape, painters’ tape, contact paper shapes and initials, washi tape, and stationery store stickers. There’s so much potential with tape resist art! So many ways you can do this. I hope you and your kids give tape resist painting a try sometime and experiment with the general technique
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A dragon hobby horse ! Can you believe he’s made from an old cereal box and a plastic rubbish bag ? Kids Craft Room has also made a knight armor and a shield from an old cardboard box too. We love it when you can create something with so much play value out of nothing! Children will have great fun bringing their dragon to life and developing its personality. Dressing up and puppet props are a great way for children to develop their imaginative story telling and improvisation. They promote language and communication and offer a safe way to explore a huge range of emotions and scenarios!
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If you are looking for an easy, last minute Halloween costume, this is it! All you need is some black duct tape and a white shirt and pants. While this prisoner costume will probably be favored by boys this Halloween more than girls, it works for either one! A prisoner costume is one of the most common Halloween costumes . There are lots of ways to dress it up too.Amanda's going to show you how to make a ball and chain ,but you can also paint your child’s face to give them a beard and even a few bruises.
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Look at this super cute DIY Ghost emoji lamp made by Idunn Goddess. Isn't it super adorable? In this step-by-step video tutorial Idunn Goddess will show you how to make a huge light-up emoji ghost out of simple clear packaging tape. This packaging tape ghost lamp is budget friendly, super easy to make and oh so fun to decorate with! This DIY packaging tape ghost is just perfect as a Halloween decoration both indoors and outdoors! This little tape ghost is 45 cm high, but you can make it of any size, depends on glass/vase height and ball/balloon size you will use. ( Or even you can use your body to form real, life-like, scary ghosts! )
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