Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: fabric christmas tree ornament
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To us, Christmas is a time of reflecting on the past and making family traditions. This DIY Bird memory Christmas tree ornament is a fabulous way to remember a loved one and create gorgeous decorations at the same time. This Christmas , sew one of these little fabric bird Christmas tree ornaments for everyone in your family. Of course you don't have to sew birds , you can make whatever you like ! ( A heart, a cat, a car, or even just a circle. ) What a lovely way to preserve precious clothes ! Isn't it?
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How wonderful is this fabric gingerbread dog Christmas tree ornament? With this nice step-by-step soft toy making tutorial you can learn how to make this super cute fabric gingerbread dog Christmas ornament painted/stained with coffee! ( Yes, your read it right, with coffee!) To make these cute little fabric gingerbread dog Christmas ornament you will need: a white cotton fabric, polyester filling, coffee, acrylic paints (or white markers), brushes, and a pencil. In this nice craft tutorial you will find a free sewing pattern of this cute fabric gingerbread dog Christmas ornament as well.
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Today Iryna shares with us this super adorable free miniature fabric angel plushie pattern! In this nice craft site you will find a pictorial & written sewing tutorial on how to sew this super cute Miniature angel plushie. With this adorable and easy sewing project you can use up your fabric scraps and lace trims easily and create gorgeous Christmas ornaments at the same time! Of course you can create large angel dolls for the kids with enlarging the original sewing pattern as well! Read this tutorial and sew a lovely Miniature angel ornament! (To use the pattern download link please choose the "original language" button below! The pattern download link will be under the pictorial tutorial in blue. )
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Each season is typically associated with a certain smell: spring with fresh blooms, summer with the ocean, autumn with pumpkin spice, and Christmastime with cinnamon, pine and gingerbread . These scents can evoke memories and even influence your mood. Not only will these aromatic fabric Christmas tree ornaments look beautiful on your Christmas tree, but they'll fill the room with that familiar scent of the holidays and, hopefully, bring back beautiful memories of Christmases past.
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Easy DIY fabric hearts : you can use them on your Christmas tree , and also enjoy them once again for Valentine's ! The idea of making the fabric heart ornaments came from remnants of fabrics Cristina has in her basement. She was organizing, putting stuff away when she saw the fabrics : they were there staring at her and that was the light bulb moment, red fabrics were perfect to make some lovely Valentine's day hearts ! These sweet DIY fabric heart Valentines are perfect for giving to a friend or neighbor! They are filled with fiberfill but you can add lavender to create a great little sachet .
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Thinking about creating some homemade holiday ornaments ? DIY ornaments really can be simple and these DIY plaid ornaments are proof. These plaid Christmas tree ornaments by The Country Chic Cottage are super easy to make ( which makes it a perfect Christmas craft for kids ) , but the coolest part about these DIY ornaments is that they are actually Christmas tree scent. Visit thecountrychiccottage.net and learn how to make them:
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Are you on a hunt for an easy, fun, and super adorable fabric scrap buster Christmas craft project ? Create a lovely Christmas bell elf! So cute and simple to create ! These gorgeous little Christmas elves by Creative Mamy are one of our favorite Christmas crafts. You could make the bell elves as lovely festive home decor , Christmas ornaments or gift toppers. These felt bell elves are incredibly easy to make. Creative Mamy ( az usual ) included a pattern in her step-by-step video tutorial, so even if you are a beginner in doll making, this little bell elf will be a piece of cake! ( If you look at the pattern, you can see how it is cut and adapt it to any size. )
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We need to admit that: we LOVE Creative Mamy's lovely little felt ornaments! So much cuteness and personality! This gorgeous little Santa elf ornament is no exception! So cute and simple to create, which make this beautiful little Christmas ornament elf one of our favorite Christmas crafts ! You could make the Christmas bauble elves as lovely festive home decor, Christmas ornaments or gift toppers. These felt Christmas tree ornament elves are incredibly easy to make ( despite the look ). Creative Mamy ( az usual ) included a pattern in her step-by-step video tutorial, so even if you are a beginner in doll making, this little ornament elf will be a piece of cake! ( If you look at the pattern, you can see how it is cut and adapt it to any size. )
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We need to admit that: we LOVE Creative Mamy's lovely little felt ornaments ! So much cuteness and personality! This gorgeous little elf girl ornament is no exception! So cute and simple to create, which make this beautiful little Christmas ornament elf one of our favorite Christmas crafts! You could make the Christmas elves as lovely festive home decor, Christmas ornaments or gift toppers. These felt Christmas tree ornament elves are incredibly easy to make ( despite the look ). Creative Mamy ( az usual ) included a pattern in her step-by-step video tutorial, so even if you are a beginner in doll making, this little ornament elf will be a piece of cake! ( If you look at the pattern, you can see how it is cut and adapt it to any size. )
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We need to admit that: we LOVE Luisa Antonioli's lovely little fabric ornaments ! So much cuteness and personality! This gorgeous little snowman fairy ( or snowman angel ) ornament is no exception! So cute and simple to create, which make this beautiful little Christmas ornament one of our favorite Christmas crafts! You could make the Christmas fairies as lovely festive home decor, Christmas ornaments or gift toppers. These snowflake fairies are incredibly easy to make , so gather the materials and let's get crafting:
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Are you on a hunt for an easy, fun, and super adorable fabric scrap buster Christmas craft project ? Create a lovely elf! So cute and simple to create ! These gorgeous little Christmas elves by Luisa Antonioli are one of our favorite Christmas crafts. You could make the elves as lovely festive home decor , Christmas ornaments or gift toppers. These felt elves are incredibly easy to make.
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Easy and fun DIY Christmas elf dolls by Creative Mamy for your holiday home decor ! So cute and simple to create! These adorable DIY Christmas elf dolls are one of our all time favorite Christmas crafts. These fun Christmas dolls make adorable winter home decors, or in smaller sizes: Christmas ornaments or gift toppers. Watch this step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make little Christmas elfs now:
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DIY Christmas ornaments are one of those classic Christmas craft projects that will always be a great craft. Here is Creative Mamy's spin on this timeless DIY ! Felt Christmas bauble gnomes are something that you can do together with the kids to get in the Christmas mood! You can display these cute felt gnomes as a part of your winter / Christmas decor. The best part is that these felt gnomes are so easy to customize ( you can make spring or even autumn versions by changing the color scheme ). Follow Creative Mamy's step-by-step tutorial and create your own adorable felt Christmas gnome ornaments now!
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Easy and fun DIY Christmas elf dolls by Creative Mamy for your holiday home decor ! So cute and simple to create! These adorable DIY Christmas elf dolls are one of our all time favorite Christmas crafts. These fun Christmas dolls make adorable winter home decors, or in smaller sizes: Christmas ornaments or gift toppers. Watch this step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make little Christmas elfs now:
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These cute and light orbs will look great in your Christmas tree. They're easy and fun to make, and the best thing about them is that you can make them from almost any stiff scrap fabric or paper you have around. They even look good with leftover jeans fabric, or newspaper. No sewing involved, you just need a glue gun. Watch Thoughts for Happy Minds' video tutorial and learn how to make them:
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