Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: fabric decor
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Look at these fun and useful embroidery hoop wall organizers ( created by Sweet Red Poppy ) ! Brilliant idea, isn't it? And this lovely little pocket organizer is also super easy to make: you just need a little piece of fabric and an embroidery hoop ! ( No sewing, no glue mess, you can make them without any craft skills or supplies ) And the best in this nice upcycling craft project is: you can change the pockets easily so you can change it in every season to different colors /patterns if you would like to! It can be a perfect room decor for teens or for your office , plus you can use them to organize small stationery ( or simply use them as modern wall decors ) .
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Easy DIY fabric hearts : you can use them on your Christmas tree , and also enjoy them once again for Valentine's ! The idea of making the fabric heart ornaments came from remnants of fabrics Cristina has in her basement. She was organizing, putting stuff away when she saw the fabrics : they were there staring at her and that was the light bulb moment, red fabrics were perfect to make some lovely Valentine's day hearts ! These sweet DIY fabric heart Valentines are perfect for giving to a friend or neighbor! They are filled with fiberfill but you can add lavender to create a great little sachet .
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This super adorable and unique fabric Easter egg with large bow comes with a free sewing pattern and nice step-by-step sewing tutorial by Miss Daisy. Lovely isn't it? If you have mastered the making o f fabric Easter eggs already you can make a fun little Snuggle Bunny as an extra which is also a free pattern available at Miss Daisy's blog. So grab your fabric scrap stash and sew a few fun fabric Easter eggs and super adorable snuggle bunnies! ( This sewing project is suitable for absolute beginners )
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If you're always looking for nifty ways to use your recycled handmade scrap fabric twine this is the perfect craft project for you! Cintia from MyPoppet will show you how to make recycled scrap fabric twine and colorful little plant pot cozies ! No more ugly plant pots or scattered fabric scraps! This upcycled fabric twine covered plant pot is just the perfect size to store pencils and other random craft bits. Or you could use them as planters for your growing succulent collection, ideal to cover up ugly plastic pots and prevent water damage to surfaces. So easy to make , once your twine is prepared, it only takes a few minutes to glue it and you are done!
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Thinking about creating some homemade holiday ornaments ? DIY ornaments really can be simple and these DIY plaid ornaments are proof. These plaid Christmas tree ornaments by The Country Chic Cottage are super easy to make ( which makes it a perfect Christmas craft for kids ) , but the coolest part about these DIY ornaments is that they are actually Christmas tree scent. Visit thecountrychiccottage.net and learn how to make them:
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Denim is having a moment right now, both in fashion and in home decor. Remodela Casa will show you what you need to turn your family’s old jeans into a stylish new pillow ! Something old and unused turned into something new, useful and gorgeous! We love finding simple and inexpensive ways to do little things, that can make a big impact on the environment. What about you? Grab your old ripped jeans and recycle them into a beach pillow! The finished beach pillows also can be great gifts for anyone, because who doesn't love useful and stylish home decor pieces?
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Do you love sewing ? Are you looking for a super cute , festive soft toy or Christmas decor ? Try this huggable snowman softie ! This festive felt snowman softie by Creative Mamy can be hand sewn from felt or fleece scraps. This adorable snowman plush toy can be a perfect Christmas gift for your kids / grandkids or you can use him to decorate your mantel at Christmas ! Watch this step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make your very own adorable snowman plushie. You can add extra elements to your snowman plushies , or sew/crochet a few accessories for them! Who can resist this sweet little snowman face?
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