Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: florist
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May I present you everyone's recent favorite christmas craft the : Grinch tree ( aka Grinchmas tree ) ! This whimsical christmas tree came directly from Whoville to bring smile on our faces! Isn't it soo fun and gorgeous? You will be surprised how easy is to make one! You can use pine tree branches or real living trees in your garden , it will look gorgeous in any form! You can use this Grinchmas tree ( Grinch tree ) to decorate your home at Christmas , or give miniature versions as cute whimsical Christmas gifts to your loved ones! You can decorate these alternative Christmas trees with any color ornaments that fits into your home!
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With this brilliant lifehacking craft idea you can create a sturdy wreath base from nothing! You just need some toilet paper rolls and a little tape to make this inexpensive wreath base. Unbelievably creative, yet simple and easy! This tp roll werath base can be a perfect addition to your christmas or easter decoration just decorate it with different decor elements such as: ribbons, pine branches, toys, faux grass or a fluffy scarf! This super cheap wreath base is a great way to repurpose some paper junk and made a gorgeous handmade decor at the same time!
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Love the look of topiary trees , but don't want to pay the high price tag? Here's a way to make DIY topiary trees from Dollar Store supplies! This time Homemade Lovely will teach you how to make these gorgeous faux boxwood ball topiary. Get the step-by-step topiary making tutorial at homemadelovely.com and whip up a little faux greenery for your kitchen in the form of some gorgeous DIY Topiary Trees:
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Need a way to decorate your Thanksgiving table this season? This beautiful wheat bundle by Made In A Day is an easy way to add a harvest feel to your decor for the holidays. This gorgeous wheat bundle is super simple to put together and you can use it for years to come. You can make the wheat bouquets large or small depending on the size of the foam cone and the length of your wheat stems. Get the step-by-step tutorial at madeinaday.com and let’s make a bundle:
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In this step-by-step tutorial, Tsvoric will show you how to make this gorgeous chestnut and acorn hedgehog ! Isn't it super adorable? Nature always gives us the most beautiful craft materials for free, so let's gather a bunch and create wonderful fall decors from them. If you aren't a wreath or pumpkin person, but you still love natural fall decors : this little hedgie is the perfect choice. This chestnut and acorn hedgehog is beautiful all autumn ( and uses dried materials so you can use it year after year ). You can incorporate any colors to your hedgehog decor with a few large beads / tiny baubles or just use what nature gave to you. If you love collecting natural craft materials this autumn decor project is a must!
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Love the look of topiary trees , but don't want to pay the high price tag? This time Jennifer from The Craft Patch blog will show you how easy it is to make your own boxwood and speckled egg spring topiary. And the coolest part about this craft project is that the eggs are not permanent, so you can remove them after Easter and continue using the topiary all year long:
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