Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: flower shaped
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Do you love recycling crafts or decorating your home in a low budget? Try this brilliant upcycling craft: the flower shaped tea light holder made with empty coffee capsules. This beautiful flower decoration is very easy to make: you just need some empty coffee capsules and a mason jar lid. You can leave the flower tea candle holders in their natural capsule colors or you can paint them to any vibrant fun color with acrylic paints. If you don't need a candle holder at moment you can use these gorgeous flowers to decorate your home at springtime or your wedding party.
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There is something incredibly relaxing about a warm bath, and these homemade bath bombs take the relaxation up a notch! Interested in learning how to make DIY bath bombs ? Read this step-by-step bath bomb making tutorial by BornToDIY and learn the how-tos ! This easy step-by-step DIY tutorial makes bath bombs easy to make at home. We love making bath bombs in various scents when it comes to DIY gift giving ideas or easy crafts for teens to make and sell. Bath bombs are such a fun luxury and so simple ( and frugal ) to make! Made from nourishing epsom salt, alkalizing baking soda, and fizzing citric acid with nourishing coconut oil and essential oils. Get the diy bath bomb recipe and let's get crafting:
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