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These rock garden markers are easy to make and look so beautiful in the garden! Follow the step-by-step rock painting instructions written by Amanda to make some, then use your rock garden markers to identify herbs, vegetables and flowers! It’s kind of like planting forever flowers to add a splash of color to an all green herb garden. We know that many people like to leave their markers out so they know where their perennials will come up each spring and these gorgeous and fun rock garden markers are perfect for this! We recommend sealing them for extra protection. To make these garden markers you will need some smooth stones, a black marker, and acrylic paint.
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These rock garden markers are easy to make and look so fun in the garden ! Follow the step-by-step rock painting instructions written by adventure-in-a-box.com to make some, then use your rock garden markers to identify herbs, vegetables and flower s! It’s kind of like planting forever flowers to add a splash of color to an all green herb garden . We know that many people like to leave their markers out so they know where their perennials will come up each spring and these gorgeous and fun rock garden markers are perfect for this! We recommend sealing them for extra protection. To make these garden markers you will need some smooth stones, a black marker, and acrylic paint.
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Take the guesswork out of gardening with these super cute and easy DIY garden markers by Oh, The Things We'll Make! Setting seeds and waiting for them to grow into full-fledged plants, flowers or fruits is much like seeing your child grow. It is natural for you to want to clearly identify all of your plants and species, so that you don’t mix them up and end up ruining all your hard work. With these super cute and easy DIY garden markers your plants also will be clearly identified when you want to show them off to your friends and family. Best of all, these DIY plant markers are super easy to make and they're pretty unique too!
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