Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: food colouring
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This DIY Candy cane sugar scrub by The Idea Room makes a sweet gift for the holidays, and they’re super easy to make at home! Sugar scrubs are a great way to add some moisture and soften up winter-dry skin. And who doesn’t need that this time of year? This DIY Candy cane sugar scrub is also a great way to relax during the Christmas season.Read this step-by-step tutorial by The Idea Room and create your very own DIY Candy cane sugar scrub today:
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This gorgeous tie dyed easter egg is absolutely easy to make and really unique! You just need food colorings, a paper towel and a little water+vinegar mixture. We just love the pattern the paper towel leaves behind! It's a very fun way to decorate the easter eggs with the kids and the best is : you don't need to blow out the eggs! You can create easter eggs with this super egg painting technique in any vibrant / bright colors and the kids will surely enjoy the (not so mess free) process!
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We can’t believe how incredibly cool and amazing this craft project is. So easy , but the results are absolutely breathtaking. Check out the step by step tutorial for these awesome DIY crystals you can make at home. All you need to make these gorgeous homemade geodes/crystals is borax, food coloring, pipe cleaners and paint! Unbelievably , isn't it? You can make these really fun and cool teen room decors in any color you like, too, so I recommend making lots of them. Use your geodes as accents on other room accessories , and even DIY gifts. Watch this step-by-step video tutorial on how to make homemade crystals ! Once you see how easy this is, you are going to want to make some for your room right now.
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Sometimes the simplest household items can be the greatest craft materials! This time create gorgeous crocuses with pumpkin seeds! The kids will love creating this fun spring picture, which at the end can be inserted into a frame and you can decorate your home with it at springtime. (Or you can make sweet spring gift cards with them! ) You will need to make one pumpkin seed flower artwork: pumpkin seeds, food coloring, glue and green craft foam. This spring craft project is a great way to create something nice out of simple items with the kids. (And we simply love the bulk coloring idea with food coloring! This way you can prepare the seeds easily especially if you working with smaller kids)
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These tie dye Easter eggs are SO FUN and they’re so simple to make! The colors are bright and beautiful and since it’s just food coloring, the eggs are completely safe to eat! And if you wear rubber gloves and make them over top of a large baking sheet, it’s shockingly easy to clean up too! There has to be something you can do with the beautiful tie dyed paper towels you’re left with at the end so you don’t just throw them away? What if you cut out a square of each paper towel, pinch it together in the middle with a pipe cleaner or clothes pin and turn it into a super simple tie dyed butterfly when you’re done?
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Get marbled Easter eggs by using food coloring and vegetable oil ! If you looking for something special for this year Easter give this vegetable oil and food coloring marbling technique a try. With this nice step-by-step video tutorial marbling some gorgeous Easter eggs will be a piece of cake! This Easter egg painting technique doesn't involves poisonous paints so you can use it on hard boiled eggs as well! This oil marbling technique is suitable for kids of all ages, and it's also super fun! So don't hesitate, grab some hard boiled eggs and turn them into gorgeous marbled Easter eggs !
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Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial and create a super fun DIY clear galaxy slime ! You never know when you're going to need a slime recipe - and this one's a good one- so pin it, bookmark it, copy it, do whatever you have to do to get it in your craft armory. The oozy galaxy gunk will bounce, blow bubbles, drip, and splat with the perfect combination of gross and awesome. The most important part: this DIY galaxy slime recipe uses simple ingredients and will be ready for play in mere minutes. Store in a plastic container with a lid in the refrigerator to extend the life of your homemade galaxy slime.
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Make edible sugar bowls for ice cream and more with this easy to make edible sugar party bowl recipe ! Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to create a gorgeous edible sugar bowl for your upcoming party or just for fun! You can use these edible sugar bowls with any delicious sweet desserts such as ice creams, fruit salads, creamy-crispy chocolate cake or you can use them as a "simple" candy bowl or decoration. You can experiment with heat resistant glass bowls, globes or even bottles to create other gorgeous and unique party food containers ( instead of a toxically questionable rubber ) ! Imagine a nice cup of ice cream with a sugar cup formed with a wine bottle!
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This is how to make laundry detergent slime at home with only 2 ingredients! Easy goo recipe that is made with glue, detergent and any color you like. If you didn’t have any borax at home to create fun slimes just use laundry detergent instead and glue which seems like the key ingredient in all slime recipes. If you are looking for a borax free slime here is a super easy way to make it! It’s quite easy to do and it has a good consistency that is not too icky, sticky, or tough. Just glue and laundry detergent slime is just a matter of mixing slowly until you get the consistency you desire.
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Make mini aquarium sensory bottles so kids can tap on the aquarium wall without getting in trouble as they shake up some ocean animals, make some waves, and learn about the creatures of the sea. As kids shake up their miniature mason jar aquariums they can find and name ocean animals. Her kid’s picked out a variety of ocean animals like sea horses, fish, crabs, stingrays, sharks, and jellyfish to add to their mini aquariums. They love flipping the jar aquariums over and watching the waves crash and the animals swim. They helped make their own aquarium sensory bottle but you could always make one on your own so your kid could discover the sea animals inside.
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Dzieciakiwdomu grabbed some paper and glue, along with a bowl full of dyed pumpkin seeds and created this gorgeous and oh-so-simple fall pumpkin seed tree ! It’s a perfect time to celebrate autumn with a pretty and fun fall craft ! This all pumpkin seed tree is vibrant and gorgeous just like real trees . This fall pumpkin seed craft is crazy simple to throw together for an afternoon craft. Visit this step-by-step picture on how to make these pretty fall pumpkin seed trees in no time! Spice up your autumn home decor or the classroom 's decor with the kids , they will surely enjoy creating these colorful pumpkin seed trees !
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Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial and create a super fun DIY clear galaxy slime with simple household ingredients ! You never know when you're going to need a slime recipe - and this one's a good & super easy one- so pin it, bookmark it, copy it, do whatever you have to do to get it in your craft armory. The oozy galaxy gunk will bounce, blow bubbles, drip, and splat with the perfect combination of gross and awesome. The most important part: this DIY galaxy slime recipe uses simple ingredients and will be ready for play in mere minutes. Store in a plastic container with a lid in the refrigerator to extend the life of your homemade galaxy slime .
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Just when it seems like spring will never come, we realize that it’s right around the corner. To help celebrate this beautiful and amazing season, create a fun craft that Kim (730 Sage Street ) calls a "look and find spring sensory bottle" ( I spy bottle ). You can turn this I spy bottle easily into a game: use 15 completely different items in the bottle then create a list of the things and make it a game to find all of them. So fun! Visit 730 Sage Street and create one fun spring I spy bottle with the kids:
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Kids can make these gorgeous colorful paper towel roses literally in minutes from simple household materials such as paper towels ! These pretty paper towel roses by Happy Hooligans are super easy to make and they look just like real roses. Tie them together with a ribbon, or display them in a vase. Either way, they’re a fun way for kids to give roses that will last forever for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and birthdays :
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This peppermint bath salt by Crafts by Amanda is super easy to make and it makes a cute gift for anyone on your holiday gift-giving list. Follow Amanda's step-by-step tutorial and create your own peppermint bath salt in just a few minutes! Everyone will love the sweet peppermint scen t when they use these fragrant bath salts. The bath salts themselves have just four ingredients and you may even have the supplies you need on hand. Mixing them together and adding them to the jar takes no more than 10 minutes.
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Turn boring everyday items and some junk into a gorgeous mermaid costume and swim gracefully through a Halloween party! ( Mermaids make a fun costume for Halloween, parties and dress up. ) Gather filter papers, paper medicine and souffle cups, cottons swabs and a bunch of plastic straws and turn them into a gorgeous masterpiece with The House That Lars Built's step-by-step costume making tutorial:
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Get creative with slime ! This Valenslime or Valentine slime by The Best Ides For Kids can be a great non-candy gift idea for Valentine’s Day. Making slime has become such a sensation with a wide variety of customizable elements. Kids can have fun helping you to make the slime and printing off these cute slime gift tags. This Valentine slime by The Best Ideas For Kids will make a great gift this Valentine’s day ! Get the recipe and let's get crafting:
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There is something incredibly relaxing about a warm bath, and these homemade bath bombs take the relaxation up a notch! Interested in learning how to make DIY bath bombs ? Read this step-by-step bath bomb making tutorial by BornToDIY and learn the how-tos ! This easy step-by-step DIY tutorial makes bath bombs easy to make at home. We love making bath bombs in various scents when it comes to DIY gift giving ideas or easy crafts for teens to make and sell. Bath bombs are such a fun luxury and so simple ( and frugal ) to make! Made from nourishing epsom salt, alkalizing baking soda, and fizzing citric acid with nourishing coconut oil and essential oils. Get the diy bath bomb recipe and let's get crafting:
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Make an ocean in a bottle with 3 easy ingredients! This fun kids craft by Happy Hooligans is one of the fastest and easiest science activities for preschoolers! We L-O-V-E homemade toys and this fun ocean in a bottle toy is no exception. Discovery bottles are always fun, and the best: you can customize them as much as you want! They look so beautiful, and no matter what you fill them with. This ocean in a bottle is beautiful and SO easy to make. Get the tutorial and create one now:
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