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These ultra cute paper island boxes are a real treat. They look so fun simply as room decoration, a paper diorama of a little island (or a group of islands – there’re 6!) with its landscape and add-on inhabitants. You can also store small things & the little add-on creatures or small gifts inside, they are clever little boxes.
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So why do you need paper ice creams? There are many cool reasons! They make great play food to start with. Open an ice cream parlour for pretend play, decorate your ice cream party with them, or just have a fun filled paper craft afternoon recalling the memory of beautiful summer days. Make one as a present for somebody who loves ice cream (most people you know) when you can’t wrap up the ones that melt.
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These Earth printable vocabulary flash cards are introduces the names of a few elements or phenomena that are part of the Earth and a few friends of the Earth like the Sun, the Moon and the stars. This set includes 16 cards in 4 pages: water, rain, cloud, rainbow, fire, air, plants, mud, earth, sun, moon, stars, ice, snow, stone, wind. Available in English, French and Dutch.
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We just LOVE these Tassel Garlands by Pizzazzerie! If you are looking for a cute and easy DIY project to add some fun to your parties, shower, wedding, or office, then you must try these cute tassel garlands. You can up-cycle almost any kind of paper ( or fabrics ) to make these fabulous tassels. Visit pizzazzerie.com and learn how to make a tassel garland with step-by-step photo instructions ! String your fancy new garland anywhere you like – on a wall, in a doorway, on the banister, in a tree! You kind of can’t go wrong.
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Ring in the New Year with with the kids in style with wearing TotSchooling's printable New Year's Eve coloring party hats! Whether your kids will be staying up until midnight or not, they can still celebrate the New Year with these fun Coloring Party Hats by TotSchooling! Just color, decorate and turn them into party hats. Kids will enjoy personalizing their hats , choosing the parts to color, and finding the fun little details.
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This marshmallow shooter DIY is a childhood must do! It’s a simple kids activity that doubles as a science project and is so much fun you will end up playing with it even after the kids are asleep. This version of the marshmallow shooter is made with a cake pop container so the next time you have one at a party make sure to save it–you can turn it into hours of fun for your kiddos!
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If you love upcycling and eco friendly craft ideas, you will love these beautiful plastic bottle spring flowers by The Chilly Dog! These flowers make cute decorations for your garden in any time of the year. You could even enlist the help of your young crafters! This is a very easy spring craft project and you can make them in any size, and any color. Of course it's not just a nice garden decor, you can decorate your home or the kids room with these colorful and fun flowers.
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There is so much you can do with a felt sheet, this Easter wreath uses the felt to make pretty flowers using a variety of different techniques, and a trusty glue gun! If you wanted to include even more flower designs a simple search online will through up lots of tutorials for you to choose from, you could cover the whole wreath in flowers if you prefer. Plus you can make the wreath base with any style and color yarn : imagine a fluffy wreath with a fun colorful yarn ! This kind of wreath is not just only a perfect spring / easter decoration you can create alternative versions for other ocassions as well! ( halloween, wedding, christmas or a fun decoration to your kids room )
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This flying koinobory ( japanese flying carp ) / fish toilet paper roll wind toy is a super easy spring or summer kids craft idea, and also a super fun toy! You can wave them around and watch the pretty colours fly! This DIY is very kid friendly. If you have a son or two, why not celebrate Boy’s day with them and make some? You can use any type of paper (or another light materials) to make this colorful wind toy , and it's almost costs nothing!
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These adorable and fun pom pom fruits make great play foods that are soft to hold and colorful to the eye. These pom pom designs are very easy to make, and the toy fruits doesn't require too much yarn thereforeyou can easily create them only with leftowers! These pom pom toys not just only perfect fun craft projects for the kids but you can also use them as fun decors for your home ( at summer or on a party ) just put them into a nice bowl!
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We simply love adding personal touch to our outfits! And this shoe makeover project by A Little Craft In Your Day is a super easy ( and frugal ) way to do this! Today Courtney and Tanner will show you how to spice up a pair of old / boring / cheap sneakers with a simple small piece of fabric . We think you are going to adore these DIY Fabric Accent Sneakers ! Of course you can use fabric scraps with various patterns ( imagine a romantic lace-pastel or a fun colorful sneaker with large geometric patterns! ) The variations are endless!
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These paper clip love birdies are super cute and also really easy to make! ( and you probably already have all the supplies you need to make them! ) You can use these paper birds as cute spring home decors, or seat cards at a fun party, or you can adapt this technique and create decors for other holidays (imagine a whimsical black crow for halloween or a christmas themed paper bird with wrapping papers and holly leaves/berries !) Of course instead of paper clips you can use any bendable wires, and you can create the paper birds in any size that you want.
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Stress is the most destroying power in our time. So we suggest to relax with squeezing my DIY Anti Stress Ball ! This super easy and cheap handmade toy helps to relieve stress and even exercise the muscles of your hand! If you are not stressed at all - it is really fun to squeeze it and make different shapes and forms ( especially when you drew a face on the balloons ). If you want to draw a face on the baloon and flour anti stress ball - use a permanent marker, and you can spice it up with funny hairstyles with a little yarn !
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These sponge water bombs by Endlessly Inspired are better than water balloons for a number of different reasons. First, water balloons can really hurt when you get hit with them. Second, it takes forever to fill them all up, and once they pop, they’re done. With these sponge water bombs, you literally just dunk them in water, and you can use them over and over! And, you don’t end up with little tiny pieces of rubber all over your yard! The sponge water bombs are super easy to make and grants hours of fun for the kids and the whole family in every summer!
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These paper corner origami bookmarks are super easy to make ( even for the smallest crafty hands ) , look fun and are super quirky. They are great as a father's day gift or a teacher's appreciation gift or simply for back to school crafts. Turn the paper corner bookmarks into monsters, owls or whatever takes your fancy! You can add other decor elements to the origami ( folded paper ) corner bookmarks for a more whimsical /complex look ( googly eyes, yarn hair.. )
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We love pom pom crafts! It’s easy and everyone can choose their favorite colors! With pieces of an egg carton she will turn the pom poms into to ice creams, and the ice creams into a garland ! Festive, don’t you think? It's a super easy and cheap kids summer craft idea (and also perfect for repurposing some paper junk). You just need a little leftover yarn, scissors, egg cartons, acrylic paint and a brush. These cute pom pom ice creams are perfect decorations in any summer (kids') party or the kids can use them as fun toys in the boring summer days.
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Are you looking for a fun and easy kids craft idea which involves natural ingredients ? The kids collected a few nice rocks and you would like to turn them something fun? Try this quick and super easy kids craft idea , and turn the stones into adorable ladybugs ! These stone ladybugs are perfect garden or patio decors or you can use hem as fun parts of a game ( you can make a tic tac toe or a domino from them ). You can paint the rock ladybugs to any color that you wish, they will be perfect!
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Do you love sewing? Are you looking for a fun fabric scrap buster project? Try this super fun and quick zippered apple pouch! This little adorable pouch is perfect for storing small things (money,earphones,mints,mini sewing kits) and can be done in minutes! This pouch is small enough to be a key chain, but you can make bigger versions as well. You can adapt this idea and create other fruit/veggie pouches as well, the possibilities are endless! This little zippered pouch is a perfect gift for any ocassion, or you can sew one for yourself.
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This fun and useful cardboard art supply organizer is not just only a low budget and super fun way to store your coloring stuff but it can be also a perfect gift for any ocassion! Watch this nice detailed craft video tutorial and learn how to make one in minutes! To create your own cardboard art supply organizer you will need: sturdy cardboard pieces, some wrapping paper and rubber bands. You can store pencils, sharpies, notebooks, drawing papers, pens and and other art supplies in it!
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This is something so fun about a mason jar luminary! It’s a pretty simple craft, but every one loves the fun glow! We love mason jars luminaries because they are fun and easy to make, and also very easy to customize. A fall leaf mason jar luminary is a great way to decorate for the holidays or seasons, too. You can use any stickers to create the leaf shapes or you can simply draw the outlines with a marker and freehand paint it. These gorgeous fall leaf mason jar luminaries by Sugar Bee Crafts will be a perfect addition to your autumn/ thanksgiving decor:
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These super cute lollipop spiders are not just only fun present fro Halloween but also very easy to make! You just need some pipe cleaners, googly eyes and a yummy lollipop! If you don't want to use sugar filled lollipops you can use homemade caramelised apple balls or coconut balls sticked into a wooden stick and wrapped in seren wrap as a mutch healthier alternative! Make adorable lollipop spiders as cute halloween treats or make some to spice up the ordinary days.
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They have taken 9 of the most popular Pokemon characters and turned them into bookmarks with step by step guide to help your kids make fabulous bookmarks too! A great way to get kids reading or make a whole set of these and use them as cute pokemon finger puppets! In this nice kids craft website you can find 9 different paper pokemon corner bookmarks to make, with video tutorials! Origami (paper folding) is a great technique because it's easy and costs almost nothing!
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These adorable toilet paper roll owsl are not just super cute (and low budget) decorations to your home at fall , but this easy kids paper craft can be a perfect gift as well! (Because if you fold the tp rolls into pillow boxes, you can put in them small candies and treats!) This fall kids craft is so easy, even the smallest crafty hands can create some! You can use autumn colors to decorate the toilet paper tube owls or you can use any vibrant colors! (Or you can make themed owls fore other holidays/seasons as well!)
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Pom Pom ornaments are not only nice to look at, they are also very durable and super easy to make! And as an extra , with this brilliant christmas craft idea you can recycle some plastic bottle caps which is also very nice! You can make these fun colorful christmas tree ornaments in minutes even with the smallest kids, because it's soo easy to make! You can use a pom pom maker, or simply use the "old fashioned" cardboard pompom making way to create some. Decorating your christmas tree or home in a special color code won't be a hard task anymore!
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