Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: funny costume
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It’s the time of year when the holidays start creeping up on us and you might find yourself scrambling for a costume last minute for a Halloween party or other event. Want to scare everyone as a mummy this Halloween? Try this super easy (and fun) DIY mummy costume! It's really easy to make a great costume from simple items that you might have lying around the house, or can purchase cheaply from a thrift store. Follow this easy how-to to find out how you can have a great mummy costume this Halloween (or this Friday, or for tomorrow's business lunch, or whenever, really).
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Are you looking for a cute, fun ( or last minute ) Hallowen costume for couples / twins ? Try this super cute dice costume ! Everyone who see this in your neighborhood will love it! And we bet that you will be the only one around that have such a unique and adorable costume. Sugar Bee Crafts will teach you how to make this quick, frugal and adorable little boxtume ( box costume ) in no time from simple household materials such as cardboard boxes :
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Making masks is fun, especially if they are pixelated! Today, you can learn how to make a Minecraft mask out of a regular paper bag (or cardboard box) and colorful paper. To create your very own Minecraft (Creeper) mask you will need: a paper bag, green paper in different shades, glue and a pair of scissors. ( Do not forget to leave a few blank spaces for the eyes! ) Of course this fun mask making technique is perfect for creating another pixelated (Minecraft) characters as well! This DIY mask is a perfect last minute costume for Halloween or Minecraft parties!
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Emma from MyPoppet.com went to her school's dress up party as an egg because it was an egg-ceptional egg-cuse for punny egg jokes! If you want to make a fried egg costume of your own for Halloween or a party, read on, the instructions are pun free. This DIY Funny fried egg costume is certainly a lot of fun to make and even more fun to wear!
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For Halloween (or the upcoming dress-up party) dress up your (little) boy as a superhero! This DIY Clark Kent costume is SUPER quick to assemble, and doesn't requires special craft skills. We love that boys can wear this DIY Clark Kent (Superman) costume all the time, not just on Halloween, so that’s a huge bonus! The glasses were an old Happy Meal toy, but you can also find some online. (Or create one from a cardboard box). Such a simple and affordable costume, that is absolutely adorable.
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If your little one loves the Robin Hood story they will adore this super cozy and easy to sew felt Robin Hood and Friar Tuck costume ! Today Jen from jenspends.com will teach you how to make the perfect Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Halloween or dress up party costume. You can sew this felt Robin Hood and Friar Tuck costume it in any size: it can be a perfect toddler or adult costume because it's not only easy to make but also comfortable to wear it all day long!
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This troll hair DIY is perfect for giving the look (and height) of that amazing troll hair. This troll hair DIY Halloween costume is easy to make and we love how BIG it is. Perfect for getting that troll look. This easy to follow tutorial will show you how to make this costume piece step by step. With a few materials this troll hair will help you (or your little one) stand out in a crowd.
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We just love fun costume ideas! We know your average 10/11/12-year-old kid isn’t going to beg you to be a carrot for Haloween this year….but it’s a fun DIY costume idea for babies, toddlers, or even high school aged kids who are past dressing up like super heroes and princesses but want something a little more unique and kind of hilarious to wear! Or hey, this would be an awesome adult costume too!
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Today Amy shares with us her kiddo’s DIY planet Halloween costumes ! Fun idea, isn't it? We love creative Halloween costumes that the kids can dress up in for the rest of the year. With this nice step by step tutorial you will be able to make this fun costume in no time! And the best: if you have hula hoops at home this easy DIY planet costume is a super quick, frugal and easy costume to make! This DIY planet costume can be great costume choice for both boys and girls.
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With this fun free DIY Cardboard spaceship ( UFO ) template that ZygoteBrown Designs developed, you can make this DIY Cardboard spaceship ( UFO ) in no time! which is a great addition to any dress-up box or for that next costume for Halloween . Once you have made the base you can decorate it however you like, either using metallic paints, old circuits, foil, or other fun stuff. Read this tutorial to learn how to make your own spaceship costume ! This spaceship costume can be great for both adults and kids even just for play!
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This week on Kamri’s YouTube Channel she featured 10 adorable Halloween Costume Ideas . We thought you might like to see her 10 Food Inspired DIY Costumes . This video was so much fun! Which is your favorite? Each of these DIY costumes looks perfect as last minute DIY Halloween costumes for girls. These fun food costumes will make perfect DIY Halloween costumes for kids, for teens, and even adults. The costumes: Gumball Machine, girly and cute Cotton Candy, fun Candy Buttons, super-cute Donut, bubbly bunch of Grapes, adorable bag of Jelly Beans, perky Pineapple, perfect Slice of Pizza, fun box of PopCorn, and a beautifully-ripe Strawberry!
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Baby hedgehogs . Could they be cuter? This DIY hedgehog costume may look complicated but it's really not! She made her own hoodie and sweatpants but you can buy any cream/tan colored hoodie from the store and save yourself a lot of work. This costume making tutorial will show you how to embellish an existing hoodie. If you don't sew you can always use a hot glue gun! For this project you will need at least 1/2 yard of each of these colors of fleece : cream, tan, and brown.
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Who else is having fun planning costumes for Halloween ? For this Halloween dress up your kids as a DIY X-ray machine ! This DIY X-ray costume ( or boxtume ) is so simple to make and the outcome is so adorable! This DIY box costume is perfect for every Halloween lovers looking for a unique,fun and super quick, last minute costume idea. ( You don’t see many X-ray’s walking around, do you? ) Follow Rachael's step-by-step costume making tutorial and create your own super cute and quick x-ray costume from simple household materials:
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This week on Cloe’s YouTube Channel she featured 30 adorable Halloween BFF Costume Ideas. We thought you might like to see her 30 DIY ( last minute ) best friend costume ideas. This video was so much fun! Which is your favorite? Each of these DIY costumes looks perfect as last minute DIY Halloween costumes for girls. These fun best friend costumes will make perfect DIY Halloween costumes for kids, for teens, and even adults. ( Costumes starts from 1:08 )
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With this fun free DIY Cardboard dinosaur costume tutorial, you can make this super cute DIY Cardboard dinosaur in no time! This DIY Cardboard dinosaur can be a great addition to any dress-up box or for that next costume for Halloween . Once you have made the base you can decorate it however you like, either using paints,felt, paper scales,and other fun stuff. Read this tutorial to learn how to make your own cardboard dinosaur costume ! This Cardboard dinosaur costume can be great for kids even just for play!
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We are so excited to share with you this super cool costume idea by 30 Minute Crafts ! For this year's Halloween (or dress up party) create a super fun and easy rock star costume! Seriously, how cute is he? And this costume is SO easy to make! This easy & quick DIY rock star costume is perfect for every Halloween lovers looking for a unique , fun and super quick, last minute costume idea.( You don’t see many rock stars walking around, do you? ) You can create a guitar from cardboard if you haven't got a real one. Get the tutorial at 30minutecrafts.com:
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Are you looking for a super funny and easy to sew halloween or dress up party costume? Make this strongman costume ! This strongman suit complete with fabric muscles and fake barbells. The strongman will impress everyone with his amazing feats! You can draw a fake mustache with a black eyeliner for a more manly look. Your kids will rock in this outfit!
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Oh. My. Word. We haven’t laughed so much at a costume,maybe EVER! Want to give this DIY Circus clown and bear piggyback costume a whirl? Almost everything you need can come from stuff you have around the house. And if you don’t have some of the items needed…..head to the thrift store! Put your DIY Circus clown and bear piggyback costume on with a white button up shirt and cinch up your suspenders to help hold the pants up. Add some face paint, a red nose, and hat….and you’re ready to go!
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An another super cute Halloween costume by Ashley is ready to share, and it’s totally adorable! Make this cute fluffy circus lion costume for your little lion . But what is a lion ,without his traveling circus cage! Ha! The DIY circus lion cage makes it easier to carry your little lion baby , and he can sit and hang out while you are at a Halloween party or out for Trick-or Treating !
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Are you looking for a last minute ( Halloween ) costume ? Do your kids love emojis as much as hers do? If so, we have the perfect quick and easy Halloween costume solution for you:a no sew emoji costume! Gather some supplies from the fabric store and the dollar store to throw this no sew emoji costume together. This costume making project costs less than $5 in materials and take about 30 minutes to make! AND the outcome is so funny! Of course you can choose the easier / cheaper way and use simple cardboard circles to create the emoji faces.
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If you are looking for an easy, last minute Halloween costume, this is it! All you need is some black duct tape and a white shirt and pants. While this prisoner costume will probably be favored by boys this Halloween more than girls, it works for either one! A prisoner costume is one of the most common Halloween costumes . There are lots of ways to dress it up too.Amanda's going to show you how to make a ball and chain ,but you can also paint your child’s face to give them a beard and even a few bruises.
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Create a super cute flower basket costume ! All it takes is a clearanced-out basket ( or one you’re not using at home ),some flower stems ,a bit of ribbon for the shoulder straps….and you have a cheery little costume that no one else will be wearing! Of course you can use cardboard and paper weaving for a super cheap and eco -friendly basket alternative ,and also you can create pretty flowers from tissue paper! ( You can find lovely DIY paper flower tutorials in our site! )
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This DIY Bubblegum machine Halloween costume can be tackled by just about anyone. It doesn’t require much sewing at all (only a tiny bit on the skirt) and is a perfect costume for the tween/teen age who don’t know what to be for Halloween. But let’s be real, adults will love this too.The skirt is made with felt, which is nice and stiff and stays in place really well. Go to makeit-loveit.com and learn how to make your very own pretty DIY gumball machine costume!
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We know many of you will be doing the last minute scramble, to find a simple costume idea to attend that Halloween party at work, school, church, your neighborhood, etc. We have something really simple to wear on Halloween. This idea will take you less than an hour to make. ( right before the party! ) Grab a white T-shirt, a little bit of red/white fleece and felt, some round glasses ( the plastic Harry Potter ones at party stores work great! ) and you’ve got yourself a super cute ( Where is ) Waldo costume !
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Turn your baby into a super adorable and super funny giant loofah ! This DIY bubble bath costume by Studio DIY is a great mommy and me or full family costume if you can convince your significant other to rock a bathrobe! Whether you need a costume to wear to school during Book Week or to go trick-or-treating on Halloween, these bubble bath costumes are just perfect. You can utilize the whole family to be a part of it or you can combine the different parts to create one unique and complex but still super easy-to-make costume for yourself. Head to studiodiy.com and create this bubble bath family costume in no time:
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Today, Studio DIY will teach you how to make a super fun, last-minute weather costume for the whole family out of simple clothes and household materials. There are so many options for expanding this DIY family weather costume : just add a lightning bolt, a sky, a cute tornado, a snowflake or even a blizzard! So if you got more kids ( or friends ) , you’ve got options. But to start, Studio DIY will show you how to make these three: the sun costume , the rainbow costume , and the rain costume:
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Turn yourself into a gorgeous diamond ring or a delicious ring pop with Studio DIY's fun ring costume tutorial ! This DIY diamond ring ( or ring pop ) costume is a great show-stopper costume which also can be a part of a fun family costume ( imagine it coupled with other wedding-themed costumes ) ! Whether you need a costume to wear at a dress-up party or to go trick-or-treating on Halloween, this fun ring costume is just perfect. Head to studiodiy.com and create this diamond ring or ring pop costume in no time:
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Today The House That Lars Built is sharing a gorgeous ( last minute ) Marie Antoinette costume that you can make from your craft closets, which is good for all of you who don’t want to put that much time or money into your costumes. Get the step-by-step tutorial at thehousethatlarsbuilt.com and create this beautiful DIY Marie Antoinette costume from easy-peasy materials such as drinking straws, batting, balloons, and house paint.
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Did you love the Magic School Bus when you were little? Then dressing up as Miss Frizzle is the perfect idea for you! This DIY Miss Valerie Frizzle costume by Angie from The Country Chic Cottage is super easy to make and will really wow your friends! And the best part is: this DIY Miss Frizzle costume is perfect for adults as well as kids! Angie will show you how to make this fun and quick Miss Frizzle costume in no time, so head to thecountrychiccottage.net and let the fun begin:
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This DIY banana costume by Studio DIY is perhaps the easiest and funniest costume we’ve ever seen! Fun, colorful and instantly recognizable! Deciding on a costume for a party or Halloween is never easy. Buying or renting costumes can also be an expensive investment, especially if you go to a lot of themed parties. This super fun banana costume is an easy and affordable way to stand out at any party! There are so many different types of fruits you can dress up as, such as apples, bananas, strawberries, and grapes, and if there are a couple of you going together, you could even go as a fruit bowl!
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Suspend gravity and let your creativity take over with these space costumes ! Fun, unique and super easy to make - this is one spectacular collection! This time Studio DIY shows you how to make a modern and bright rocket ship , astronaut and solar system costume ! Each one would be super cute on it’s own, or pick any two for a couples costume ! Get the step-by-step tutorials at studiodiy.com and take your Halloween to the stars!
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Everything is more fun with balloons , especially Halloween costumes ! What can you do with a bunch of pink balloons and a dress? Make yourself a super fun bubblegum costume for Halloween this year! This costume by Studio DIY hits hard on the nostalgia factor ( because who didn’t love bubblegum as a kid? ) , plus it’s super easy to put together and oh-so-fun to wear! We love how this DIY balloon costume takes only minutes to make and it guarantees your little one will be the brightest and most festive kid on the block! Get the tutorial at studiodiy.com and create your bubblegum costume today:
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