Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: globe orb bauble ball
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Looking for a super simple and gorgeous winter/ Christmas decoration? Here's a quick, simple and budget-friendly yarn decor you can try out for this Christmas season! Make festive yarn balls with Thoughts for Happy Minds' simple instructions to add some flash to parties or your home decor. Although this yarn ball ornament takes a day to dry, these colorful yarn balls can be great last-minute Christmas decorations. Or, in vibrant or elegant colors, it can be also a great party decor for any special occasion! ( Yarn balls are colorful, versatile and suitable for so many holidays and occasions. ) Watch the video and learn how to make them:
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Crayon drip glass ornaments ! We absolutely love how colorful is this beautiful ornament and they are SO easy and fun to make. All you need is a few clear Christmas ornaments , crayon leftovers and a simple hairdryer ! In this step-by-step video tutorial Alexa a.k.a. Swelldesigner shows you how to make easy melted crayon glass ornament with the kids in no time! What a fun way to use up your crayon stash! Decorate your Christmas three with these fun, quick and easy to make bauble ornaments.
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This honeycomb ( tissue paper ) pom pom is unbelieveably easy to make and it’s magical when you first open them up into a ball! You can use any thin paper you have and get creative with color combinations. Honeycomb pom-poms can be used for party decorations, photo shoot backdrops for special days, mobiles or cheerful wall decoration for kids rooms. They’re sure to lift your mood any day!
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We all love those garden ornaments, but they can be pretty expensive anywhere you look. The Garden Glove decided to create their own DIY concrete garden globes, and it turned out to be a fun and pretty rewarding project ! You can upcycle glass lamp globes to create the concrete orbs or you can experiment with other shapes as well (imagine a beautiful concrete garden statue made with an old plastic decor figure).You can decorate your garden (or your industrial style home) with them, or even you can grow moss on it! get the tutorial at www.thegardenglove.com
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Are you looking for a (fabric) scrapbuster craft idea? Dou you like unique and gorgeous jewelries? Try the textile beads! You can upcycle any old clothes/leftower fabrics to create these beads and for a more unique look you can combine them with real beads and other decorative elements! This textile bead necklace can be a perfect gift for any ocassion or you can spice up your outfit with this accessory in an inexpensive way (even if you have metal allergy). Of course you can create other accessories with this fun and easy technique!
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Pom Pom ornaments are not only nice to look at, they are also very durable and super easy to make! And as an extra , with this brilliant christmas craft idea you can recycle some plastic bottle caps which is also very nice! You can make these fun colorful christmas tree ornaments in minutes even with the smallest kids, because it's soo easy to make! You can use a pom pom maker, or simply use the "old fashioned" cardboard pompom making way to create some. Decorating your christmas tree or home in a special color code won't be a hard task anymore!
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Look at this cute Christmas elf face ! Isn't it adorable? You can make one with the kids in minutes with a little craft foam and a styrofoam ball ( or any standard christmas ornament ). These little cuties will look fun in any vibrant color and you can draw personal face expressions to each of them. You can use the Christmas elf craft foam ornaments to decorate your home ( or christmas tree ) at winter or you can give some as nice Christmas gifts for your loved ones!
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In this nice Christmas craft video you can find 6! different, easy , inexpensive but still fun and gorgeous Christmas crafts / decors such as the adorable lightbulb and table tennis ball snowman , a melted snowman greeting card , a wool Christmas tree decor , a toilet paper tube wreath , and more! You can make these fun and low budget Christmas crafts with the kids because all of them are super easy! Our favourites are the styrofoam / table tennis ball snowman Christmas ornament and the lightbulb snowman. Which is your favourite?
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I know what you're thinking: "Oh great, another Christmas ornament wreath tutorial". BUT this tutorial comes with a twist: this is the easiest and fastest way to make a festive Christmas wreath! Thirty minutes, approximately $9.00 and voila! You've got yourself a pretty wreath! These wreaths are SO easy and inexpensive to make. All you'll need is a wire coat hanger, a glue gun, a Christmas garland, and some ornaments. You won't believe how easy this is to make! This would be a great project for a Christmas craft party. Seriously, no Martha Stewart level skills required, I imagine both avid and non-crafters would enjoy it.
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Bring your favorite emojis to life… on the tree as a fun whimsical Christmas ornament ball! Using clear ball ornaments and a bit of paint creates the best little faces for adorning Christmas in every mood imaginable. These emoji faces make an awesome gift idea as well. Package a box of emoji Christmas ornaments to a friend of her most used emojis and be ready to take the gold ribbon at the secret Santa gift exchange this year. (Photography + styling : A Subtle Revelry by Sam Ushiro )
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Kanzashi techniue is not just our favourite because the outcome is absolutely gorgeous, but also because it's super easy ( despite the look ) , quick and also inexpensive ! And the finished product looks like an expensive classy store bought Christmas decor ! Isn't it beautiful? All you need to make one is 2 different colour silk ribbon , a few pins and a styrofoam ball ! No-sewing involved! You can use these gorgeous folded silk ribbon / textile ( kanzashi ) Christmas ornament balls to decorate your Christmas tree or you can also gift them to your loves ones!
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These BIG plastic ball ornaments for Christmas are unbelievably cool and incredibly easy ( and inexpensive ) to make. They are so pretty too! Best of all, they are unbreakable and the supplies are fully reusable year after year. You’re going to love this Christmas craft tutorial ! The only things you will need to make one of these gorgeous giant Christmas tree ornament balls are: a plastic ball , and a nice fabric ( even a Christmas themed tablecloth will work well ) ! Brilliant, isn't it? In this nice video tutorial you can learn how to make one in seconds!
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Are you looking for a nice quick and creative gift idea which fits almost every occasion and taste ? Try this delicious Ferrero rocher and champagne pineapple ! This brilliant champagne pineapple will be a great hit in your upcoming birthday, Christmas or New Year's Eve party , and it's super easy to make! All you need is 2 box of chocholate bonbons ( Ferrero Rocher ot other ball shaped chocholate treats ) , a glue gun, some green crepe paper , twine or ribbon, and a champagne ! With this nice step-bystep video tutorial making the champagne pineapples will be a piece of cake!
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Kanzashi techniue is not just our favourite because the outcome is absolutely gorgeous, but also because it's super easy ( despite the look ) , quick and also inexpensive ! And the finished product looks like an expensive classy store bought Christmas decor ! Isn't it beautiful? All you need to make one is 2 different colour silk ribbon , a few pins and a styrofoam ball ! No-sewing involved! You can use these gorgeous folded silk ribbon / textile ( kanzashi ) Christmas ornament balls to decorate your Christmas tree or you can also gift them to your loves ones!
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If you are missing a few Christmas tree ornaments and need some new ones, make these little wine cork angels! They couldn’t be cuter and are so easy! Or maybe you just need an easy Christmas craft to do for girls’ night. Wouldn’t these wine cork angels be fun to make with friends while enjoying a glass of wine? Whether you save your wine corks or not, you can whip up these little angel ornaments in no time! The craft store sells bags of corks just for projects like these! Add your own details to give these angels a little personality. They would be perfect hanging on the Christmas tree or added to the outside of a present. Who wouldn’t love one of these as a bonus on their Christmas gift?
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In this nice step-by-step video tutorial you can learn how to make this gorgeous colorful round bouquet of satin roses ! We love kanzashi ( ribbon folding ) technique because it's super easy and the outcome is always soo beautiful and unique! You can use this round ribbon rose bouquet at your wedding , or you can make one as a beautiful gift for any special occassions! This kanzashi ribbon flower bouquet will look gorgeous in any color, you can even use it as a nice spring/easter decor ! You can use th is clever and easy ribbon rose folding technique to create other accesories/jewelrie s as well!
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This little piggie went to the market.....because he was all dressed up and needed somewhere to go! With a simple small clay pot and a styrofoam ball you can make one little piggy in no time! Kids can create barnyard companions such as cows, horses, sheep, chickens, roosters and goats to accompany him. The same basic craft technique gets used, and only the colors of the bodies and the ears and noses need to be changed, if necessary. You can use this adorable clay pot pig as a cute spring decor or you can gift them to your friends/ family members as a sweet Valentine's day gift!
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This colorful paper ball garland craft is perfect as a Christmas decoration and it will also look absolutely adorable at any (birthday) party (any time of the year). Simple paper garlands (and paper chains) make the prettiest decorations if you ask me and they are frugal! You can make a pretty colorful paper ball garland like they did or even turn these into Christmas tree ornaments! You can make the paper balls in any size and color, it will be super fun and gorgeous in any form! But beware: this paper ball garland can be quite addicting!
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Are you looking for an inexpensive but still gorgeous wedding bouquet, spring decor or mother's day gift ? Try this paper rosette ball bouquet ( or spring topiary ) ! This beautiful paper rose bouquet won't wither so you can preserve a precious memory of a special occasion forever! This paper rosette / rose bouquet ( despite the look ) is a super easy craft project , with this step-by-step paper rose topiary / bouquet video tutorial making one will be a piece of cake! So watch this nice video tutorial and learn how to make one gorgeous paper rose bouquet or spring decor for yourself or as a precious gift!
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Do you love handmade toys and sewing ? Try this brilliant ( fabric scrap buster ) project: the fabric dolls ! To make these adorable dolls you will need: some leftover fabrics , yarn and a few hand stiches ! With this nice step-by-step video doll making tutorial creating one cute toy for your little girl will be a piece of cake! These adorable dolls will look gorgeous in any color and pattern, and you can use them as nice kids' room decors or even as Christmas angel ornaments ! This is a beginner sewing project so you can whip up some easily even if you haven't got a sewing machine at hand!
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If you are on a hunt for a quick to do Easter craft idea, these cute little chicks are certainly your thing. We love all the diversity simple paper strips offer when it comes to crafting (and these chicks prove that). If you are in a need of a fun chick craft idea for a classroom these are your thing as you can easily “thread” them on a string and make a fantastic Easter garland. You wouldn’t even need to limit yourself (well the kids) to sticking to yellow color for this paper craft project. Use pastels and have a nice variety of Easter chicks. Naturally this is also a wonderful project to do with your kids at home.
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If you are on a hunt for a quick to do Easter craft idea, these cute little bunnies are certainly your thing. We love all the diversity simple paper strips offer when it comes to crafting (and these unnies prove that). If you are in a need of a fun Easter craft idea for a classroom these are your thing as you can easily “thread” them on a string and make a fantastic Easter garland. You wouldn’t even need to limit yourself (well the kids) to sticking to ray or brown color for this paper craft project. Use pastels and have a nice variety of Easter bunnies. Naturally this is also a wonderful project to do with your kids at home.
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We love easy,fun &frugal Easter paper crafts! And if it is an adorable and easy paper chick craft for Easter, then even better! Today, Maggy will tech you how to make these adorable paper bauble chicks! These super cute dimensional paper spring chicks will look gorgeous on your Easter tree and the kids will adore them too. This paper spring / Easter chick decor is so easy to make and look absolutely darling! If you love Easter and are looking for more Easter Chick Crafts, Red Ted Art have a whole collection for you, as well as plenty of Bunny Crafts and Sheep Crafts!
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Make edible sugar bowls for ice cream and more with this easy to make edible sugar party bowl recipe ! Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to create a gorgeous edible sugar bowl for your upcoming party or just for fun! You can use these edible sugar bowls with any delicious sweet desserts such as ice creams, fruit salads, creamy-crispy chocolate cake or you can use them as a "simple" candy bowl or decoration. You can experiment with heat resistant glass bowls, globes or even bottles to create other gorgeous and unique party food containers ( instead of a toxically questionable rubber ) ! Imagine a nice cup of ice cream with a sugar cup formed with a wine bottle!
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Are you looking for an easy DIY gift idea for a special occasion, which is fully customizable and super easy to make ? This gorgeous chocolate flower bouquet is an easy DIY gift idea that you can give to anyone you want and customize it to any specific occasion! You can use any type of chocolate you want ( Ferrero Rochers matches perfectly with this type of chocolate bouquets ) , and any tissue paper color/colors you want! You can also use other things instead of chocolates, j ust attach it to a stick! Such as nail polish, gift cards, lotto tickets and so much more! Use your imagination or use this technique as a way of "wrapping" up several other gifts your giving to someone!
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Are you looking for a super easy, super inexpensive way to make perfect yarn pom poms? Try this brilliant homemade cardboard pom pom maker! The best thing about this pom pom making technique is that is SO quick you can churn pom poms out in no time at all – no more cumbersome round disc. If your kids struggle with the part where a knot needs to be tied very tightly (that is the trickiest thing about this pom pom making method ), help them in that area but overall this brilliant pom pom making method is really super easy! And as an extra ( because you will need only a little piece of sturdy cardboard to create the pompom maker) it's also a super frugal way to create pompoms in any size!
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Learn how to make honeycomb balls with kite paper from this Crafting Hours video. Hanging decorations look fantastic on every occasion. Moreover it is very easy to make such paper ball decorations at home. Just follow the stepwise procedure shown in this video to make honeycomb paper balls. You can use these balls for ceiling decoration as well as in the form of hanging decorations in parties or special occasions. Also known as honeycomb pom poms, such paper balls give a beautiful look to your home decor. You can even use these balls for Christmas decorations by doing it as Christmas crafts activity with your friends and family members. So, do not wait any longer and start making these honeycomb paper balls now!
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In this nice video tutorial Gillian Bower will show you how to make a DIY EOS Cupcake Lip Balm! Today's video is a super fun and easy DIY, don't mention it it's all natural and good for your skin as well! ! If you're going back to school everyone will be super jealous of your new EOS lip balm ! If you love cupcakes then you definitely have to try making this. This homemade lip balm is perfect for sensitive skin as well ( just leave out the vanilla flavor ).The homemade cupcake eos lip balm can be a great gift for ( teen ) girls !
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