Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: handkerchief
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We love the look of naturally curly hair! Rag rolling is a quick and simple way to get natural looking curls without using a curling iron! (Plus this method doesn't damage your hair!) To create these beautiful, natural (and relatively long lasting) curls you just need some cut fabric strips, a comb and some water. All things you probably already have laying around the house! (Or You can use simple paper napkins or paper towels to create the curlers, instead of the fabric strips.)
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Don’t you love a good Halloween craft project that’s super easy to make?! We’ve found the most perfect craft/treat to send to school with your kids! These lollypop ghosts are SO EASY. If you haven't got much time to create lots of Halloween gifts /treats, try the lollypop ghosts! These are quick, simple, and totally doable! (And the kids will love them!) You will need a yummy lollypop in any flavour, kleenex tissues, small rubber bands and that's it! You can use fabrics instead of tissue paper but this is much quicker and cheaper!
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Are you looking for a fun upcycling idea for that empty Kleenex box? If you are always on the look for cheap DIY storage ideas for the home, you will love this fun upcycling project! This tissue box makeover will be your inexpensive DIY fix to your clutter problem. The nice thing about this DIY storage idea is that it’s not only limited to a small tissue box: any size of box could be upcycled ( a shoe box, diaper box, etc ) .
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Sew, Jahit created this wonderful tutorial for the easiest, no-frill tissue box cover you'll ever find. This DIY fabric tissue box cover is customizable and beginner-friendly. Covering cardboard tissue boxes is a great way to bring some crafty décor into your home and beautify an everyday object with your personal touch. Read the tutorial, grab the free sewing pattern and let's get sewing:
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