Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: handmade cosmetic recipe
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In this nice video tutorial Gillian Bower will show you how to make a DIY EOS Cupcake Lip Balm! Today's video is a super fun and easy DIY, don't mention it it's all natural and good for your skin as well! ! If you're going back to school everyone will be super jealous of your new EOS lip balm ! If you love cupcakes then you definitely have to try making this. This homemade lip balm is perfect for sensitive skin as well ( just leave out the vanilla flavor ).The homemade cupcake eos lip balm can be a great gift for ( teen ) girls !
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There is something incredibly relaxing about a warm bath, and these homemade bath bombs take the relaxation up a notch! Interested in learning how to make DIY bath bombs ? Read this step-by-step bath bomb making tutorial by BornToDIY and learn the how-tos ! This easy step-by-step DIY tutorial makes bath bombs easy to make at home. We love making bath bombs in various scents when it comes to DIY gift giving ideas or easy crafts for teens to make and sell. Bath bombs are such a fun luxury and so simple ( and frugal ) to make! Made from nourishing epsom salt, alkalizing baking soda, and fizzing citric acid with nourishing coconut oil and essential oils. Get the diy bath bomb recipe and let's get crafting:
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