Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: hot air balloon
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Pour your heart out with this gorgeous heart shape hot air balloon Valentine card! This time I Heart Crafty Things will show you how to make this beautiful Valentine card from a few sheets of simple craft paper in no time! Homemade cards are not only a joy to create but they are also super special for the recipient to open up. This 3D hot air balloon card is colorful, sweet and unbelievably easy to create. Get the free template and the step-by-step tutorial at iheartcraftythings.com and create yours today:
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Create a beautiful and adorable handmade baby toy: an amigurumi hot air balloon baby mobile ! This crochet hot air balloon baby mobile is a great amigurumi pattern to work on because it's so easy to crochet and the outcome is so wonderful! This super adorable amigurumi hot air balloon baby mobile can be an excellent gift for your newborn kids or grandkids. This free hot air balloon baby mobile crochet pattern by AmourFou will guide you through the crocheting process of your own wonderful amigurumi hot air balloon baby mobile.
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