Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: king
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This time CbyS Paracord And More will teach you how to make this stylish Mad Max style paracord bracelet without buckle ! With this nice step-by-step paracord bracelet video tutorial you can make one gorgeous and stylish paracord bracelet for yourself ( or for your friends ) easily with parachute rope or any kind of strings ! The base material doesn't need to be a special paracord rope : you can use electrical cords , thick yarn or even leather stripes to create one! This paracord bracelet may seems difficult but it's an easy paracord project ( suitable for beginners ) ! Instead of a plastic buckle CbyS will show you how to use a kobra knot as a closure.
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Today's craft by A Beautiful Mess is a wonderful and oh-so-fun recycling craft! This fun and thrifty handmade cardboard box castle is easy to make, and it's a perfect gift for your kids ! Handmade toys bring much more fun and happiness than the store-bought versions ( especially dollhouses ) because you can personalize it to your little girls or boys' taste as much as you want! You can create an ice castle for Elsa, or a sturdy cobblestone castle for your brave knights, or a pink sparkly castle for your precious little princess - the possibilities are endless! With this nice step-by-step cardboard box castle tutorial, you can make one cardboard box castle in no time:
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This autumn leaf c rown by Nurture Store is a simple fall craft for kids that will make them feel like the king or queen of the season! Nurture Store teaches you how to make this beautiful fall crown in no time with simple craft materials such as paper and gorgeous fall leaves. You can use colorful fall leaf prints , real fall leaves or even faux leaves to decorate your autumn crown. So let nature become your muse and your supplies as you figure out ways to incorporate beautiful fall leaves into your crown designs.
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The best things in life are free - like this lovely amigurumi lion pattern by Tarturumies ! Like most of the people, you are likely to ask what exactly amigurumi is until you see the beautiful patterns and you instantly fall in love with it. Amigurumi is a Japanese crocheting technique of creating fun and beautiful stuffed animals using yarns , just like this lovely little lion. So grab a few skeins of yarn , make this lovely amigurumi lion today and create a darling new stuffed animal for your loved one.
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Today's craft by Adventure In A Box is a wonderful and oh-so-fun recycling craft! This fun and thrifty handmade cardboard box castle is easy to make, and it's a perfect gift for your kids ! Handmade toys bring much more fun and happiness than the store-bought versions ( especially dollhouses ) because you can personalize it to your little girls or boys' taste as much as you want! You can create an ice castle for Elsa, or a sturdy cobblestone castle for your brave knights, or a pink sparkly castle for your precious little princess - the possibilities are endless! With this nice step-by-step c ardboard box castle tutorial, you can make one cardboard box castle in no time:
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