Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: lacing
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With this great video she will show you a lot ways to teach your kids to basics easily in a playful form. In this video you can find: an alphabet learning game , a shape & color learning game , a clock learning toy, and a number learning puzzle. All toys and game s are super easy to make, cheap and a fun way to learn !
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Really useful and cheap way of DIY Shoe Fasteners ( or DIY Shoe Ties ) that will let you never lace your shoes and never tie them again! It is very popular now to exchange ordinary shoelace for modern designed shoe fasteners. So she tried to make her own design with colorful hair ties ( or scrunchies ) ! You will need to tie them once, and then just slip on your shoes. Because of hair ties are elastic and flexible - it is very comfortable to walk and run in your shoes. And what we like most of all - there are sooo many colors and designs of scrunchies , that you can make your shoes really unique!
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With this super easy to make DIY shoe lacing card you can teach your kids how to lace a shoe in a playful way, or you can use these decorative paper shoes as low budget teen room decors! You can ask your kids to help make it and decorate their own cardboard shoes! If you haven't got white acrylic paint at hand you can use simple correction pens to create the lines! Add a nice colorful shoe lace for a more fun look! You can create classy fathers day cards with this brilliant craft idea as well!
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Today rachel from I Heart Crafty Things will teach you how to make these gorgeous and fun paper plate Valentines hearts. This wonderful heart paper plate sewing craft makes a perfect Valentine craft for preschoolers and it's also a lovely Valentine's day decoration or gift! All you need is some paper plates, scissors, a hole punch and some yarn and you are all set to make this simple heart sewing craft. The best part is the craft is adaptable for kids of all ages so you can make this one together as family. After everyone is finished making their heart, add some holes at the top, lace all of your paper plates together and you have a colorful and darling Valentine’s Day heart banner.
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This gorgeous beaded (spring) flower is a very easy beading project which makes it excellent choice for beginners! It's not just super easy to bead, but also very decorative and elegant! This beaded flower can be a gorgeous brooch, hairpin, earring... or you can use it in many other ways! This elegant beaded flower can be a great accessory or decor element at your wedding as well. Read this detailed step-by-step written tutorial and learn how to bead one gorgeous elegant beaded flower! In the external site you will find a free beading pattern as well, so even if you are a beginner in beading it can be a great starting project for you!
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Make magazine beads ! Magazine beads are a popular craft amongst children and teens but in fact they originated in Africa, where people make them for a living . Magazine ( paper ) beads are fun, easy and frugal! And also colorful and above all provide a bit of much needed upcycling. She made her magazine beads child friendly with a nice wide opening so that your children can manage the beading. ( but you can make them as neat as you like – using a toothpick as a centre. ) Watch the how to make paper beads video and create your very own magazine beads ready to bead a gorgeous eco-friendly necklace ! ( This method is similar to the base technique of quilling ! )
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Start saving up those plastic lids from containers like sour cream, yogurt or cottage cheese and turn them into a beautiful yarn craft for the fall season. This plastic lid pumpkin sewing craft is a perfect way for kids to practice beginning sewing skills this fall and it makes a festive decoration to display all season long. This fall pumpkin yarn sewing craft is crazy simple to throw together for an afternoon craft. Whip up a few fun fall pumpkin yarn art piece to spice up your autumn home decor or the classroom's decor with the kids, they will surely enjoy creating these fun little pumpkins!
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The end result of this paper plate snowflake yarn art is so gorgeous on the back of the paper plate. We loved how both the multi-colored snowflake turned out and the blue ones. You can make several and thread them together to make a fun winter themed banner to hang in your home. Or decorate your snowflakes even further with sequins, glitter glue and craft gems. Not only is this a perfect activity for the winter months but it’s great for beginning sewing and fine motor skills.
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This paper plate pumpkin lacing craft by Kids Craft Room is loads of fun for toddlers and preschoolers ! Kids can enjoy lacing the little mouse in and out of the holes in the pumpkin ! Isn't it super adorable? This paper plate pumpkin craft is super easy to make and gives kids lots of opportunity to practice threading and developing their fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination. Pumpkin crafts are always fun for fall and this one lovely pumpkin lacing toy gives kids the opportunity to play and learn too! So, head to Kids Craft Room and create your very own fun pumpkin lacing toy now:
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We simply L-O-V-E apple crafts! This paper plate apple lacing craft by Kids Craft Room is loads of fun for toddlers and preschoolers ! And its also perfect for fall and back to school time! Each one is made using just one paper plate so it’s super thrifty even if you’re making it with a whole class of children. This paper plate apple craft is super easy to make and gives kids lots of opportunity to practice threading and developing their fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination. Apple crafts are always fun for fall and this one lovely apple lacing toy gives kids the opportunity to play and learn too! So, head to Kids Craft Room and create your very own fun apple lacing toy :
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Who needs super adorable snowman decorations for their tree? We all do, right?! We are so in love with these wood bead snowmen ( by The Country Chic Cottage ) and how simple they are. Whether you live in a place with lots of snow or no snow at all, you can craft snowmen ornaments all winter long. Display smiling snowmen in your home to celebrate the fun of wintertime ! Grab your craft supplies head to thecountrychiccottage.net and whip up a batch today:
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This handprint acorn lacing craft by Kids Craft Room is such a fantastic activity for fall ! If you’re anything like us then you and the kids probably love collecting real acorns. This handprint acorn craft is great for a rainy autumn afternoon in after you’ve been out on an acorn hunt! We think this handprint craft for kids is just perfect because it’s a lacing craft too! Kids can make an acorn that has a lovely textured cap just like real ones and they’ll be building their fine motor skills too! Get the tutorial at kidscraftroom.com and let the fun begin!
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