Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: laundry basket
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If you love sweets and fun Halloween costumes try this super cute cupcake costume by Melissa ( from Make It Yours )! This cupcake Halloween or dress up party costume is sized for a child but to construct one for an adult would be the same process with slightly different measurements and extra supplies.Who says candy has to be the only sweet treat on Halloween? This ambitious cupcake costume is surprisingly doable! follow along Melissa's step-by-step costume making tutorial and create one:
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No knitting or crochet required, just some sewing and braiding to create this useful basket completely out of plastic trash! Well, this braided plastic bag basket is not the quickest recycling craft project - it'll probably take you a couple days to make one, but the results are well worth it! This useful braided basket is a perfect way to recycle some plastic bags and create an useful & gorgeous home decor at the same time! This basket can be a perfect addition to your bathroom as a laundry basket or as an organizer! Save the Earth and turn some plastic trash into a woven basket with this nice recycling craft project ! Don't have extra plastic bags laying around? You can use
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Create a super cute flower basket costume ! All it takes is a clearanced-out basket ( or one you’re not using at home ),some flower stems ,a bit of ribbon for the shoulder straps….and you have a cheery little costume that no one else will be wearing! Of course you can use cardboard and paper weaving for a super cheap and eco -friendly basket alternative ,and also you can create pretty flowers from tissue paper! ( You can find lovely DIY paper flower tutorials in our site! )
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Summer time means fun fruit-inspired DIY projects ! This time, it’s one for the home ! Studio DIY will teach you how to make these fruit-inspired storage baskets out of ordinary woven ( or fabric ) storage baskets. With these super adorable fruit baskets you can decorate and organize your home at the same time! No more mess around the house! These fruit-inspired storage baskets are super easy to create and super fun to use! These storage baskets are just perfect for organizing the toys or you can use them as laundry baskets! So don't hesitate: get the step-by-step tutorial at studiodiy.com and make your life more organized:
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