Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: man s shirt
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Dads are maybe a little bit difficult to shop for, but there's no way he won't appreciate a homemade Father's day gift. Make this lovely shirt pocket herbal sachet with Sadie Seasongoods' step-by-step tutorial and create a wonderful gift that Dad will not only like, but also use! Dried flowers and herbs tucked into flannel shirt pockets have a fragrance that will let him travel back in time.Whether it’s tucked in a drawer or a linen closet, or nestled in a car, this sweet shirt pocket herbal sachet just makes stuff smell better!
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A simple shirt makes a great pillow to hold onto your precious memories! Memory shirt pillows remind you of your loved ones when they are far away from you. Even if they are no more in the living world, you can cuddle up to them just by hugging the pillows. It is a brilliant way to recycle old shirts too. You can also give them as gifts in loving memory of a person related to the recipient. This step by step tutorial by SewVeryEasy guides you through the making of memory shirt pillows:
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