Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: mermaid sewing
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Make this super adorable felt mermaid doll by following along Delilah's tutorial on Red Ted Art! At Red Ted Art you will find the free felt mermaid template and an easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorial . Begin by printing the template and choosing your favorite felt colors. Too adorable! Beginner seamstresses and sewers need not fear! All you’ll need for whipping up this lovely little mermaid doll is a simple running stitch and blanket stitch. This DIY Felt mermaid doll could even be a great project for introducing your little ones to the fundamentals of sewing . So grab your felt stash and your favorite kiddo and start planning an afternoon of crafting !
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Make a super adorable mermaid doll by following along this wonderful tutorial by A Beautiful Mess! As usual, at A Beautiful Mess, you will find the free sewing pattern and an easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorial. Begin by printing the mermaid pattern and choosing your favorite mermaid colors. Beginner seamstresses and sewers need not fear! All you’ll need for whipping up this lovely little mermaid doll is simple basic stitches. This DIY mermaid plushie could even be a great project to learn the fundamentals of sewing. So grab your fabric stash and your favorite kiddo and start planning an afternoon of summer crafting !
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