Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: money gifting
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Make these dollar hearts and hand them out to your favorite little people ( nephews, nieces, your friends' kids, etc ) . They will 'LOVE' these Valentines ! As an added plus, these won't rot their teeth like delicious candy might. ( Unless they use the dollar to buy candy . . . ) Visit muslinandmerlot.com and learn how to make these fun origami hearts in no time! ( If you would like to see the paper folding process in motion instead you can watch an easy to follow origami heart folding tutorial video >> here << )
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If you are in need of a last minute ( teacher appreciation ) gift create this fun gift card bouquet by Cutesy Crafts. You can group up with other parents and create a whole gift card flower bouquet, or simply create one flower. Cutesy Crafts has made a free printable template to cut with scissors and a cut file for your electronic die cutting machine. This DIY Gift card bouquet is also a really great group gift idea for a coworker or friend . A much more creative way to give gift cards ( and money ) than just handing them over in an envelope.
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