Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: nursery room
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Want to give your home a trendy look but don’t know how? Create these simple, yet gorgeous DIY twine orbs and place them on the floor during holidays. To create these yarn orbs , you will need twine, clear liquid glue, water, and a big balloon. Watch the video tutorial to see how to make these sisal rope orbs.
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A vase with tulips is a wonderful way to bring some light into your home decor. This time Góc nhỏ Handmade is showing you how to make these beautiful blooms out of crepe paper. These gorgeous realistic paper tulips / paper flowers would make a wonderful project for a teen or grown-up this spring / summer or Mother’s Day. They would also make fantastic Teacher’s Gifts at year-end. So get a few rolls of crepe paper in pastels, create this gorgeous crepe paper tulip and decorate your home with them or give it as a meaningful gift for your loved ones!
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Crepe paper flowers make a gorgeous event decor with a big impact - think weddings, baby showers, bridal showers, and more! These paper lilies of the valley are beautiful in a vase or a wedding bouquet. watch this video tutorial by Góc nhỏ Handmade and learn how to make these gorgeous crepe paper flowers. Paper-flower crafting is a project for those with patience, but one without a high cost of entry. Happy crafting!
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Lily of the valley, Lillium convallium, Convallaria majalis, May lily, May bells, Our Lady's tears, or Mary's tears are all the names of this beautiful flower. With this tutorial video, TA Diy ideas will show you how to make this lovely lily of the valley with crepe paper in a simple and easy way. If you love flowers and paper crafts, you will surely love this beautiful flower. You will adore this flower even more, when you understand the language of flowers. Do you know that Lily of the valley has the meaning of "the return of happiness, humility, purity" and it's also the symbol for the return of Christ? Crepe paper flowers make a gorgeous decor with a big impact - think weddings, baby showers, bridal showers, and more! Watch the video tutorial and let's create beautiful flowers:
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With the leaves falling from trees, it's the perfect season for DIY crafts and these paper plate scarecrow by The Best Ideas For Kids are just perfect for all DIY scarecrow craft lovers! This lovely little scarecrow decor is one of the simplest paper plate projects so it’s perfect for kids and it only takes a few minutes to make! ( It’s also a great fall craft project for the classroom. ) Keep your kids entertained all day long with this fun, colorful paper plate project that won't leave you with a mega mess:
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This DIY Scandinavian-style gnome ( or Santa ) Christmas yarn ornament is so cute and easy to make: you could whip out a bunch of them as lovely gift toppers or as cute Christmas ornaments in an afternoon. Kids love to craft with yarn , so this would be a fun one to do with them too. With this fun macrame technique, you can make little Christmas gnomes in no time. Follow along NataliDoma DIY's step-by-step tutorial and create your very own little Scandinavian-style gnome Christmas tree ornaments :
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Do you know what else you can use cookie cutters for? Crafts! Those awesome & cute shapes are just perfect for crafts ! Here's a quick, simple and budget-friendly yarn craft idea you can try out for this Christmas season! Make festive yarn ornaments and add a sprinkle of fun to your Christmas decor. Grab your yarn stash and whip up a cute string masterpiece with this yarn ornament tutorial that One Little Project created for you:
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