Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: oil
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This DIY Candy cane sugar scrub by The Idea Room makes a sweet gift for the holidays, and they’re super easy to make at home! Sugar scrubs are a great way to add some moisture and soften up winter-dry skin. And who doesn’t need that this time of year? This DIY Candy cane sugar scrub is also a great way to relax during the Christmas season.Read this step-by-step tutorial by The Idea Room and create your very own DIY Candy cane sugar scrub today:
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These orange peel Christmas votives by Handimania are quick and easy to make, elegant, inexpensive, and of course, they smelling heavenly! Use the orange peel tea candle holders on your table or throughout your home. ( For maximum safety, you can use flameless tea candles with them. ) Watch this step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make gorgeous and heavenly smelling orange peel votives. These orange peel votives are super inexpensive, their glow is simply beautiful, and they allow you to create a great atmosphere at home during long, dark, and cold evenings. The warmth of the flame activates essential oils from both the peel and cloves and that results in a fabulous scent.
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What if rather than having to do a major cleaning of your gardening tools a couple of times a year, you could keep them clean and maintained every day, without even trying? All it takes is a quick and easy DIY project: a DIY shelf-cleaning and sharpening garden tool holder by One Good Thing by Jillee. Fantastic, isn't it? This quick and easy storage idea will keep your garden tools in top shape thorough the year! Get the tutorial at onegoodthingbyjillee.com and create one for yourself:
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No need to buy expensive silicone molding putty ! With this brilliant life hacking idea now you can make your own homemade silicone molds with a few easy steps! This idea is not just a life saver if you have a missing furniture decor element or a damaged ( barocque ) frame , but it's also very inexpesive and super easy to make! Maybe you already have all ingerdients at home! You will need 1 tube silicon ( the big transparent one is fine too ) , cornstarch , a few drops of baby oil, and a few drops of acrylic paint. Make colorful, reusable silicone molds with easy to find items and cast anything you want!
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Did you know that you can make homemade lip balm in 5 minutes?! Plus you can customize your color and scent, I will never buy from a store again! If you are re-using your old EOS container add any leftover EOS balm in the DIY lip balm mixture and it will have an even silkier texture. Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial on how to make your own lip balm/lip gloss in minutes from natural ingredients ! This recipe makes a firm balm so use less beeswax if you want to make a lip gloss
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Get marbled Easter eggs by using food coloring and vegetable oil ! If you looking for something special for this year Easter give this vegetable oil and food coloring marbling technique a try. With this nice step-by-step video tutorial marbling some gorgeous Easter eggs will be a piece of cake! This Easter egg painting technique doesn't involves poisonous paints so you can use it on hard boiled eggs as well! This oil marbling technique is suitable for kids of all ages, and it's also super fun! So don't hesitate, grab some hard boiled eggs and turn them into gorgeous marbled Easter eggs !
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Would you like to learn how to paint beautiful unique acrylic paintings in vibrant fun colors? Acrylic Painting Techniques 's art class video channel will teach you how to paint these gorgeous pictures in nice, easy to follow step-by-step video tutorials ! Her acrylic painting videos are very easy to follow even if your are a beginner in painting with acrylics , and the outcome is so beautiful you can gift them to your family members or hang on your wall! In this Youtube art channel you can find more than 40! different step-by-step painting tutorial with various landscape themes, seasonal paintings, flowers etc.
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Are you looking for a fun and useful gift for your crystal/gemstone lover friends ( or for yourself ) ? Try this gorgeous, super easy to make and fun crystal soap with clear glycerin soap base ! Nifty will shows you how to make a cute crystal shape glicerin soap that is great as a Christmas or birthday gift for your beauty loving friends and family members and for any other soap making project ! This craft project is not as difficult as it seems, with this nice step-by step video soap making tutorial making a few gorgeous crystal soap will be a piece of cake! You can use different essential oils or even oil combinations to create your own unique fun gemstone soaps !
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Look at this gorgeous and magical burning "water" candle ! Isn't it beautiful? This step-by-step video tutorial will show you how to make a beautiful water candle in a very cheap way, with super simple ingredients such as: water, lamp oil , and a little piece of transparent plastic ! This gorgeous water candle will work with any small decor elements such as: faux ( or real ) flowers , stones and miniature holiday figurines. This burning water candle can be a perfect decor in your wedding party , Christmas table or you can use it in any holidays/occasions ( the possibilities are truly endless! )
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This all-natural DIY vanilla pumpkin spice sugar scrub can actually be made in about FIVE minutes (which means it also makes a fantastic last-minute gift idea!). We simply love, LOVE, LOVE pumpkin spice! If you love great smelling exfoliators you will love this DIY vanilla pumpkin spice sugar scrub! This is seriously one of the best homemade sugar scrubs we've ever used and it makes for an awesome last minute gift for your friends or family at Christmas! The best part about this homemade pumpkin spice body scrub recipe? There’s no need for any crazy essential oils or pesky chemicals everything you need is right in your pantry!
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In this nice video tutorial Gillian Bower will show you how to make a DIY EOS Cupcake Lip Balm! Today's video is a super fun and easy DIY, don't mention it it's all natural and good for your skin as well! ! If you're going back to school everyone will be super jealous of your new EOS lip balm ! If you love cupcakes then you definitely have to try making this. This homemade lip balm is perfect for sensitive skin as well ( just leave out the vanilla flavor ).The homemade cupcake eos lip balm can be a great gift for ( teen ) girls !
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If you love easy to make and quick gift ideas you will adore these DIY confetti painted heart mugs by Today's Creative Life. These DIY confetti painted heart mugs are perfect for Valentines day or maybe to show your love of coffee. This craft would make a cute and quick Valentines day gift ,or just use them to show your love of coffee or hot chocolate. You can get creative with different patterns and colors. - the possibilities are endless! Get the full tutorial at todayscreativelife.com and create your very own easy DIY Valentine's heart mugs:
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Let's build our own DIY fire pit ! This DIY fire bowl version is cast of affordable, weather-resistant concrete that creates a sleek, modern look. It's portable but sturdy, and uses gel fuel, making it possible to have a quick 30-minute post grill session fire. It take a bit of care and proper prep, but this could be made in just a few hours for well under $50 in materials. While the flames on these aren't bonfire-sized, the gel canisters put out quite a bit of heat, and all kinds of fun ambiance. This DIY Concrete fire bowl is a great, easy-to-use backyard fire solution, that requires nearly zero work to start or snuff out, and can keep our outdoor hangouts going well past sundown.
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Spending time outside and enjoying summer is a good thing, but forgetting to wear sunscreen can result in a painful sunburn . It's almost as if nature gifted us the aloe-gel is just perfect for soothing our lobster-like skin. The gel inside the aloe plants leaves has cooling properties, plus it's an antiseptic that accelerates healing. You can go ahead and purchase pre-bottled aloe gel, but there's definitely some fun in extracting the gel from the leaf yourself ( if you have an aloe plant at home ) . This natural DIY After sun sunburn relief gel by Busy Creating Memories is affordable, easy, and don’t contain potentially harmful chemicals or other questionable ingredients.
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Let the fruits of fall inspire you to make heavenly scented sachets for closet and drawers! You’ve probably bought at least one herbal sachet in your lifetime. If not, likely you’ve held one in your hand and taken in its intoxicating aroma. Making herbal sachets is a really easy craft, they make wonderful handmade gifts , and it’s a great way to use some of the bounty from your garden. This time Craft Ideas teaches you how to make these adorable little apple shaped sachets. These apple sachets can be great teacher appreciation gifts or fall decorations !
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This peppermint bath salt by Crafts by Amanda is super easy to make and it makes a cute gift for anyone on your holiday gift-giving list. Follow Amanda's step-by-step tutorial and create your own peppermint bath salt in just a few minutes! Everyone will love the sweet peppermint scen t when they use these fragrant bath salts. The bath salts themselves have just four ingredients and you may even have the supplies you need on hand. Mixing them together and adding them to the jar takes no more than 10 minutes.
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Today The Best Ideas For Kids will show you how to make your own heart shaped bath bombs ! These homemade heart bath bombs are actually really easy to make, they make such lovely Valentine's gifts and as a bonus: you will save a fortune with them. These DIY bath bombs are shaped into little hearts ( with a heart shape mold ) , but you could use any shape you want or have at hand! ( Imagine a festive Christmas tree variation, or fun cake shaped bath bombs , artistic discs or cubes, or you can use a simple plastic bauble to create round " classic" ones ) !
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This time Jay is showing you how to paint a gorgeous tree in bloom with a swinging boy simply with a bubble wrap. This gorgeous tree is really cool bubble wrap painting project for all ages and ( if you leave out the small painted details even a toddler can do completely on his own ) ! Bubble wrap is so much fun to explore! Feeling the various textures of the puffy bubble pouches and hearing the noise of popping them. Bubble wrap is great for creating interesting patterns and shapes with paint. Paint a beautiful tree in any color you want and use your artwork as handmade home decor :
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Homemade body scrubs are super simple to make, cost-efficient, chemical free, effective at exfoliating your skin and leaving you feeling pampered as the scrubs you can buy at fancy beauty stores! This time The Sweetest Occasion will teach you how to make your very own margarita body scrub ! We bet that you have everything you need at home to transform your bathroom into a tropical vacation. ( All of the ingredients are super simple: you can grab them at the grocery store or find in your pantry and you don’t have to be crafty to make a body scrub. ) Get the recipe and make your margarita body scrub today:
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There is something incredibly relaxing about a warm bath, and these homemade bath bombs take the relaxation up a notch! Interested in learning how to make DIY bath bombs ? Read this step-by-step bath bomb making tutorial by BornToDIY and learn the how-tos ! This easy step-by-step DIY tutorial makes bath bombs easy to make at home. We love making bath bombs in various scents when it comes to DIY gift giving ideas or easy crafts for teens to make and sell. Bath bombs are such a fun luxury and so simple ( and frugal ) to make! Made from nourishing epsom salt, alkalizing baking soda, and fizzing citric acid with nourishing coconut oil and essential oils. Get the diy bath bomb recipe and let's get crafting:
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Maintaining the indoor fresh air is as important as house cleaning. Sometimes achieving a pleasant and cozy aroma is a challenge. Common household air fresheners are full of toxic chemicals. Their active ingredients that can irritate skin, eyes, and so much more. To help your house stay smelling fresh and clean without the harmful additives, BornToDIY will show you how to make the world's quickest, easiest and cheapest all-natural air freshener to use instead. Mix 2 super simple and cheap ingredient, and your air freshener is ready to go! Get the recipe and create your homemade air freshener now:
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If you have a couple soaps at home, you have probably encountered soap scraps. End pieces of soaps tend to build up over time. If you’re like us, you can’t stand to see even the tiniest bit of soap go to waste. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do with leftover soap ! This DIY soap rebatching project is such a great way to learn the basics of soap making and experiment with additions, such as essential oils. You can delve into the world of soap making ( without be afraid to work with lye ) and salvage those pesky odd ends of soap . Win-win!
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Make an ocean in a bottle with 3 easy ingredients! This fun kids craft by Happy Hooligans is one of the fastest and easiest science activities for preschoolers! We L-O-V-E homemade toys and this fun ocean in a bottle toy is no exception. Discovery bottles are always fun, and the best: you can customize them as much as you want! They look so beautiful, and no matter what you fill them with. This ocean in a bottle is beautiful and SO easy to make. Get the tutorial and create one now:
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Have you ever come through the feeling when you see something beautiful in a magazine ( or online ) , and you just NEED to make it yourself? That’s exactly what happened with Jillee ! These mason jar water candles are gorgeous and oh-so-simple to make! Plus, the decorating possibilities are practically endless ( you can use fresh citrus, pine, or even flowers ). Quickly get the tutorial at onegoodthingbyjillee.com and create your mason jar water candle today:
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