Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: origami christmas tree ornament
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We love making handmade Christmas decorations ! These 5 pointed origami stars by Dreams Factory are easy to fold and make beautiful Christmas decorations. You can make them from magazines, scrapbook papers or sheet music , whatever you happen to have lying around. You can use these gorgeous and easy to fold origami stars to decorate your Christmas tree or they will look beautiful as a Christmas mantelpiece. Dreams Factory used vintage patterns but you could use bright Christmas colors as well! This vintage paper star ornament is a super easy paper craft project so you can whip up some easily even if you are a beginner in origami !
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If your kids are eager to make their own DIY Christmas ornaments , these simple paper Christmas trees ( pine trees ) by Handimania are just perfect! This little green pine tree is one of the simplest origami projects , so it’s perfect for beginners as well ( and, it only takes a few minutes to make ) ! This origami pine tree / Christmas tree is also a great Christmas craft project for the classroom. You could use any kind of paper ( no need to stick with green either ). You can decorate the finished origami Christmas trees as you wish - the outcome will be surely wonderful! Watch the tutorial and let's start folding:
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