Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: perler bead
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We LOVE simple and cute Christmas crafts ! These Perler bead Christmas gift tags are so simple to make and we think it is cute not just as a handmade gift tag but also as a Christmas ornament! Perler beads are small, heat-activated beads that you can lay on a mat to create interesting patterns. Then, after you apply heat, the beads will fuse together creating your design into a single work of art! These beads are relatively inexpensive and can be arranged into any shape or pattern you desire. After a quick trip to your local craft store for beads or an online purchase, you'll soon be ready to bead Perler style ! Craft And Creativity has made various Christmas motifs , and every single one is just so cheerful and festive!
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We are in love with these boho style chevron perler bead necklaces by Crafted Sparrow! This jewelry making project is so simple & fun ( it's just perfect for both adults and kids ! ) All you have to do is follow Crafted Sparrow's tutorial using perler beads and a square pegboard. When you are finished, cover with parchment paper and iron. Of course you can make other jewelry pieces with this boho style chevron pattern : just grab a headband or earring hooks, hot glue your design right where you want it and boom: you have a one of a kind hair accessory or earring !
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Nothing is better than getting crafty and finding new ways to use ordinary craft materials a little differently. These DIY boho-inspired Perler bead elastic bracelets by The Crafted Sparrow are the perfect example. Yes, these gorgeous bracelets were made with perler beads , but with a little twist. Follow The Crafted Sparrow's step-by-step tutorial and learn how to transform a favorite kid crafting item into fun jewelry perfect for anyone of any age:
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In the spirit of embracing all things summer My Poppet has designed these fun fruit keyrings / keychains from Hama/Perler beads. These fun fruit keyrings are easy to make and make great gifts. Use them as keyrings , or cute handbag charms. If your kids are old enough to play with beads , this would be a fun activity to do together, just make sure you do the ironing! Get the free patterns and let the fun begin:
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Do you love fun , creative toys, and puzzles ? Why not combine your love of puzzles with your love of crafting and made a functional Pentominoes puzzle out colorful little Perler beads ? In this step-by-step tutorial, Rachel Swartley will show you how to make a super fun game out of simple Perler beads. And the best in it: you can make endless combinations with varying the frame size and the puzzle pieces!
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