Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: plant
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Use this easy DIY Christmas ornament idea in your holiday arts and crafts time! With it's natural color, this DIY Straw snowflake ornament by Соломоградcan be a great DIY Christmas decoration that you can reuse year after year.To create these gorgeous straw snowflake ornaments you won't need special craft equipment just a simple comb. This nature craft is easy to make, cheap and the outcome still gorgeous! This straw snowflake will add a little bit of rustic touch to your Christmas decoration. Read this step-by-step tutorial and create a set of straw ornaments !
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If you are also that type of person who cant handle properly a living houseplant ( just like us ) these cute crepe paper succulents are perfect for you! Or you can decorate your wedding with them! This time Ash And Crafts shows you how to make gorgeous and lasting crepe paper succulents using our favorite craft material: crepe paper. These crepe paper succulents are not only a feast for the eyes, but they are easy to make for even those who haven't yet dabbled in paper craft.
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Today Ash And Crafts sharing with us a gorgeous crepe paper calla lily bouquet tutorial which incorporates our favorite food: chocolate! This beautiful crepe paper calla lily bouquet makes a great gift for the mothers in your life because its handmade, the flowers last forever, and the center is edible! If you are looking for a fun and thoughtful homemade gift idea consider creating a crepe paper calla lily bouquet which is perfect for many different occasions! Your chocolate flower bouquet can have as many "calla lilies" in it as you want: small and giant bouquets will look lovely equally.
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This fun felt toy garden is a great way for little ones to learn about gardening. (Without dirt and mess!) You can use any old pantihose to form the soil (instead of brown felt) and use any type of felt fruits / vegetables to plant in , even plastic fruits and vegetables works well with this fun felt garden! You can upgrade this felt garden into a fun learning toy: just create little paper tables with the names /numbers / pictures of the fruits and vegetables! This way the kids can learn and play at a same time ( or learn foreign languages in an easy way ).
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Today she will show you how to make a gorgoeous, modern & cheap wall art! This beautiful leaf wall art is not just only a perfect low budget (and easy) home decor but this papercraft technique can be used in soo many different craft projects efficiently! (Imagine it in a nice gift card, a lantern ... The possibilities are endless!) You can use any colorful combinations of contruction papers (but other paper junks also will work well!) You can spice up easily this paper wall art with using special backgrounds (shiny foils,textured or patterned papers, neon colors etc.. ) I doesn't have to be green!
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Look at these cactus shape pincushions! Isn't it super adorable? And because it's made with felt this is a super easy craft or gift project, even if your are not a professional in sewing! You can use these felt cactuses to store your needles and pins or simply decorate your home (or the kids' room) with them at any time of the year! You can also add small felt flowers to them for a more complex look! (For flower making ideas simply search for "flowers" in our searchbar at the top of this page.)
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There's nothing lovelier than fresh cut flowers gracing your kitchen table or brightening a place in your home. But even after the blossoms begin to fade, you can continue to enjoy their beauty by drying them. The papery, vintage look the dried flowers impart their own lasting beauty. Not only roses but almost all flowers can be dried! You can also use this flower drying method to preserve your special occassion's bouquets (wedding,valentine's day,mother's day bouquets) as well!
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With all of the wonderful artists out there creating their works to share for free with the world, Gina from The Shabby Creek Cottage thought it would be fun to showcase some of the best (and most beautiful) adult coloring book pages around. If you choose to color with old school crayons, some water color pencils or even some super fancy markers, you can take a printable coloring page and turn it into your very own work of art. Coloring isn’t just a trendy thing that the cool kids are doing, though! Studies have shown that it helps to de-stress adults by calming them down. Cheap (or free!) stress release that’s fun? We call that a win/win. So get your art on with one of these beautiful, free adult coloring pages:
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May I present you everyone's recent favorite christmas craft the : Grinch tree ( aka Grinchmas tree ) ! This whimsical christmas tree came directly from Whoville to bring smile on our faces! Isn't it soo fun and gorgeous? You will be surprised how easy is to make one! You can use pine tree branches or real living trees in your garden , it will look gorgeous in any form! You can use this Grinchmas tree ( Grinch tree ) to decorate your home at Christmas , or give miniature versions as cute whimsical Christmas gifts to your loved ones! You can decorate these alternative Christmas trees with any color ornaments that fits into your home!
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Look at this gorgeous and magical underwater candle and flower table decor ! Isn't it beautiful? And believe or not it's a super easy craft ! You just need 2 glass containers ( vases ) a larger and a smaller one that fits into the large ( even mason jars will work well! ) and some faux ( or real ) flowers , stones and other optinonal decor elements.This underwater flower and candle composition can be a perfect decor in your wedding party , chirstmas table or you can use it in any holidays/occasions ( the possibilities are truly endless! )
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Crocheted Shamrocks! Aren’t they just cute? These crocheted shamrocks are really easy to make, even if you are a beginner in crocheting you can make one in just a couple of minutes. These crocheted shamrocks are a great size for using them in several craft projects you may have in mind. They would make great pins if you don’t have anything else to wear that is green on St. Patrick’s Day. In this crochet tutorial you will find a nice step-by-step video crocheting tutotial on how to make these adorable yarn shamrocks as well!
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We're so excited to share this super easy any stylish DIY rotten tree trunk succulent planter with you! If you have some leftover pieces of your dead tree this recycling/repurposing craft project is a perfect choice for you! What can be better than a natural and gorgeous planter which gives a new life to a dead tree? Save a few rotten tree trunk pieces and make this beautiful and natural flower/succulent planter with them! Creative, isn't it? These log planters make great edges to raised garden beds. Gives the garden an extra boost of color, a whole lot of fancy and pop, and fun to be outside period!!
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We love homemade cold porcelain clay because it can be used to create soo many gorgeous decorations just like this beautiful rose bouquet. Beautiful, isn't it? This rose bouquet can be a nice gift for any ocassion ( birthdays, weddings , anniversaries, Mother's day, Valentine's day etc ) or you can use them to make gorgeous home decors as well! With a little acrylic paint you can color the flowers to any fun or pastell colrs that fits into your home or the ocassion! ( You can find 2 different cold porcelain clay recipes in our site! ) Watch this nice step-by-step polimer clay rose making tutorial and learn how to make this gorgeous rose bouquet !
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Branches can be used to create beautiful ( skandinavian/vintage style ) spring decorations with a touch of nature ! In a combination with living hyacinths, bell-flowers and a small fake bird's nest, a few painted & dried tree branches will become a pretty and long lasting stylish Easter decoration. With small colorful fake birds / butterflies or ceramic bunnies you can make it excellent Easter /spring decoration but this flower and branch arrangement can be a fabulous centerpiece at you upcoming wedding party as well! Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make this gorgeous spring decor in no time!
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Are you looking for a not-so-traditional Easter egg painting idea? Spice up this year's Easter with this super funny cactus Easter egg craft! It's not just a super fun Easter party or home decor but also can be a perfect Easter gift for you friends / family members. Well, it's not really a traditional Easter egg painting technique but it very funny, so absolutely worth a try! You can use any type of acrylic paint to paint the cactus egg's green color an and instead of black paint you can simply use a black marker to create it's spikes. Attach a fun paper flower to the cactus Easter egg's top for a funnier real-life look!
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This DIY eternal terrarium is an absolutely amazing upcycling project which costs almost nothing! Grab and old light bulb, fill it with small rocks, dirt and moss and bring a little bit of nature inside your home! You can recycle old light bulbs ( or other glass containers ) to create your own miniature ecosystem. This miniature eternal terrarium will spice up your room and the best: you don't need to take care of it at all! Add a little water, close it down and voilá' you have an eternal miniature garden in your room! Crafts with nature are always the bests, but with this green upcycling hom decor project you can recycle some glass trash as well, which is also a very nice thing!
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This fun spring flower artwork is not just a super fun, frugal and easy creative springtime activity for kids , creating this spring decoration is also a perfect way to spend some time outdoors with the kids ( to collect flowers and leaves ) ! To create this beautiful pressed spring flower artwork you will need: fresh ( or dried and pressed ) flowers , transparent foil, cardboard and a little glue ! This gorgeous and easy spring flower craft project is suitable for kids of all ages ( with parental supervision ).Of course you can create autumn artworks as well with this simple but brilliant craft technique as well! This DIY kids craft project also can be a great craft
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Gotta love succulents ! Especially when there is a clever way to hold and arrange them. Cinder blocks cost only about $1.50 USD each, so this has to be one of the cheapest and easiest ways to create your own modern succulent planter ! This cinder block planter / planter wall is also great for separate places or you can use it to hold raised platforms and raised flowerbeds. This modern cinder block succulent planter gives the garden an extra boost of style, a whole lot of fancy and pop, and fun to be outside period! With this step-by-step video tutorial making your own cinder block planter will be a piece of cake!
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This DIY Pallet wood hose holder with planter is perfect for holding a hose, and when it’s not in use, it looks so pretty! As with any woodworking project, the supplies and instructions might seem complicated, but they really aren’t! Especially with the help of Diy Candy's nice step-by-step written tutorial! You can use any colorful spring flowers and plants to decorate your DIY Pallet wood hose holder box, or you can add an extra wood panel to the top and use it as a useful garden table! This DIY pallet garden hose caddy is great way to hide a hose, but still have it accessible for when you are gardening.
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In this nice step by-step video "Veggietorial" ( vegetable growing tutorial ) Veggietorials is going to show you how she started her organic container garden from kitchen scraps and cuttings! No green thumb required! Growing your own fruits and veggies helps you to feel more connected to your food. In many cases, we end up wasting a lot of food , which leads into having excessive scraps in the kitchen. This video tutorial will provide you with insights on some of the vegetables and fruits that can be regrown from scraps. These vegetables work like magic as they are given a new life. Some people may call it magic, but we consider their regrowth a gift from nature that we should be all thankful for.
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This is a decorative rustic DIY wooden wheelbarrow planter for the garden made out of pallet wood ! It's a super easy woodworking project you can make in a day or so using basic woodworking tools. The advantage to rustic garden planter projects is that you really don’t need to stress out about any of this. If parts are a little off, don’t sweat it: it’s a rustic project! Got any rusty nails lying around? Use them! This DIY rustic wooden wheelbarrow garden planter is an another project that anyone can build with very little woodworking experience and limited tools. He used his miter saw, but you could just as easily use a circular saw or a jig saw. >> free plan can be found here <<
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We love succulents and mason jars , so we gladly present this super cute $10 DIY succulent frame ! This woodworking project is super easy , frugal, and it will add lot of style to your home! ( and It also makes a great gift ! ) How fun is that? Once the paint is dry, you can sand the edges a bit to give it a distressed finish and add the succulents and mason jars. ( Of course you can use other flowers/plants as well! Imagine a large garden version of this super hanging succulent planter centerpiece ! This step-by-step video tutorial will teach you how to make your own stylish distressed wooden hanging succulent planter centerpiece !
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Do you and your kids love to sit and observe insects outside during the summer? One of our favorites to observe is dragonflies. They are absolutely gorgeous don’t you think? If you are big fans of them like me you are going to love this sparkly clothespin dragonfly craft. It makes a fabulous insect craft for kids and summer kids craft. You can turn this darling clothespin dragonfly craft into fridge magnets by gluing magnets onto the back of the clothespins. Now you can display kids’ artwork, your to-do list, or important papers in style on your fridge.
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Did you have a pet rock as a kid? She has seen some really fun adult version cactus rocks and thought it would be fun to make pet cactus rocks for kids. Kids will love to paint and pick out their pet cactus rock for this easy craft project! How much cuter can these pet cactus rocks be? And they are so easy to make too! This is a craft your kids will LOVE! This rock painting project is perfect for the smallest crafty hands as well and you can decorate the kids' room or your garden with the finished rock cactus buddies! With a little colorful crepe paper you can add cute cactus flowers to your rock buddies. Alternate the rocks sizes to create a whole cactus rock family!
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Bring the warmth of the fall season to your home with this beautifu l fall leaf window decor by Artful Parent. This window decoration is a perfect way to feature the most beautiful leaves of autumn. Giving your home that warm fall charm will be super easy with this fun autumn window decor. Plus you can save money decorating with nature's free ( but most beautiful ) gifts! With this easy fall leaf window decor you can give your home a touch of woodland wonder and the kids will love it ( both making and collecting the leaves ) ! After you finishing this fall leaf art piece you can jump into a pile of leaves to celebrate!
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Do you love simple and unique DIY decorating ideas? With this great craft tutorial by The Shabby Creek Cottage you can learn how to make this pretty pebble and faux succulent wreath! ! This gorgeous pebble & faux succulent wreath can be a great DIY decor in your vintage / rustic style home all year 'round! Besides of it's a perfect home decor even if you aren't the craftiest person int the Earth, you can make this gorgeous pebble & faux succulent wreath in no time, and the outcome is soo gorgeous! It's absolutely worth a try!
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Santa Claus is coming.. to town! We bet that this song will stuck in your head every time you see these DIY Christmas planters! A Santa pants basket in Michaels inspired this little cute Santa pants flower pot. Adorable, isn't it? Honestly, this Christmas craft is so easy, and these Santa pants flower pots look so great with two pretty poinsettia plants inside them. We love it! These DIY Santa pants flower pots look great for outdoor holiday decor, or fabulous inside as a centerpiece OR you can give them as cute Christmas gifts (filled with treats)!
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Need a gorgeous costume? Try Poison Ivy : a DC Comics Super-Villain and Batman adversary! Poison Ivy is a botanist and notorious Eco-terrorist who uses plant toxins and mind-controlling pheromones for her criminal activities, usually aimed at protecting endangered species and the natural environment. Overall the DIY Poison Ivy costume is fairly straight forward to put together, maybe the only challenging part will be gathering the materials. This DIY costume involves a little hand sewing but besides of this, this is a fairly easy but still gorgeous costume suitable for both little girls and adults.
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Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day ,here is a fun little free amigurumi shamrock pattern by Spin A Yarn Crochet to help celebrate. If you use a light or fine weight yarn for this super cute four leaf shamrock plushie and a 2.25mm hook, it will be even smaller and would make a great keychain ! Add a loop to the top of the amigurumi shamrock luck charm and attach the keychain ring to make a sweet bag charm, or simply attach the jump ring right through one of the stitches. Get the free amigurumi four leaf clover pattern at spinayarncrochet.com:
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