Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: planter decoration
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With the summer rolling add a few beach-themed elements to your spaces! After you’ve had a relaxing day at the beach and your bikini is drying, we suggest you buckle down and dive into this wonderful DIY by Confessions Of A Serial Do-It-Yourselfer. This beautiful, simple and beach-worthy seashell planter will help you bring the beach back home. Seashell planters are a creative and unique way to show off your indoor or outdoor plants.Get the tutorial and let's get started:
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils ! For example: look at this plastic spoon lotus flower planter by A Magical Mess! Isn't it gorgeous? This beautiful plastic spoon planter would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect home decor ! Read Jen's step by step tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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