Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: planting
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This fun felt toy garden is a great way for little ones to learn about gardening. (Without dirt and mess!) You can use any old pantihose to form the soil (instead of brown felt) and use any type of felt fruits / vegetables to plant in , even plastic fruits and vegetables works well with this fun felt garden! You can upgrade this felt garden into a fun learning toy: just create little paper tables with the names /numbers / pictures of the fruits and vegetables! This way the kids can learn and play at a same time ( or learn foreign languages in an easy way ).
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If you love vintage/skandinavian style gorgeous spring/Easter home decors you will love this super easy and inexpeansive craft project ! This papermache egg flower basket is super easy to make , and also very inexpensive, because you can use old newspapers and homemade papermache glue to make it ( flour+water ) ! If you would like to use a real flower arrangement or a potted flower to decorate you papermache egg, simply put a mason jar inside: this way water won't ruin the paper and you can enjoy your gorgeous spring decor for a long time! You can paint or decorate the papermache eggs as much as you want and use any kind of colorful spring flowers you love the most!
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These rock garden markers are easy to make and look so beautiful in the garden! Follow the step-by-step rock painting instructions written by Amanda to make some, then use your rock garden markers to identify herbs, vegetables and flowers! It’s kind of like planting forever flowers to add a splash of color to an all green herb garden. We know that many people like to leave their markers out so they know where their perennials will come up each spring and these gorgeous and fun rock garden markers are perfect for this! We recommend sealing them for extra protection. To make these garden markers you will need some smooth stones, a black marker, and acrylic paint.
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Branches can be used to create beautiful ( skandinavian/vintage style ) spring decorations with a touch of nature ! In a combination with living hyacinths, bell-flowers and a small fake bird's nest, a few painted & dried tree branches will become a pretty and long lasting stylish Easter decoration. With small colorful fake birds / butterflies or ceramic bunnies you can make it excellent Easter /spring decoration but this flower and branch arrangement can be a fabulous centerpiece at you upcoming wedding party as well! Watch this nice step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make this gorgeous spring decor in no time!
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This time try to make something beautiful out of metal trash ! This pretty and frugal vintage-shabby style crown flower pot was made with simple tin cans, air drying clay and acrylic paint ! This beautiful crown flower pot will look gorgeous in every color and size, and ( accompanied with a beautiful flower arrangement ) it can be a great festive centerpiece at your upcoming Shabby-, or vintage style ( wedding ) party ! ( Or you can decorate your home at spring frugally with these eye-catching crown pots! ) You can put them outside as gorgeous garden decors , even you can make beautiful royal garden candles with them!
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This DIY eternal terrarium is an absolutely amazing upcycling project which costs almost nothing! Grab and old light bulb, fill it with small rocks, dirt and moss and bring a little bit of nature inside your home! You can recycle old light bulbs ( or other glass containers ) to create your own miniature ecosystem. This miniature eternal terrarium will spice up your room and the best: you don't need to take care of it at all! Add a little water, close it down and voilá' you have an eternal miniature garden in your room! Crafts with nature are always the bests, but with this green upcycling hom decor project you can recycle some glass trash as well, which is also a very nice thing!
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Concrete is a brilliant long lasting material that can be used for a wide variety of gorgeous and stylish DIY projects! We also love concrete because the finished products can be used outdoor which is also very nice thing! Today, in this step-by-step video tutorial , Diane Urbans from Urbans Greenhouse in Rudolph Wisconsin shows you how to create a draped hypertufa planter from a simple cotton towel! These beautiful and stylish concrete draped planters can be great home or garden decors at any time of the year! ( Or it can be also a great handmade gift for any occasion! )
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Gotta love succulents ! Especially when there is a clever way to hold and arrange them. Cinder blocks cost only about $1.50 USD each, so this has to be one of the cheapest and easiest ways to create your own modern succulent planter ! This cinder block planter / planter wall is also great for separate places or you can use it to hold raised platforms and raised flowerbeds. This modern cinder block succulent planter gives the garden an extra boost of style, a whole lot of fancy and pop, and fun to be outside period! With this step-by-step video tutorial making your own cinder block planter will be a piece of cake!
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This DIY Pallet wood hose holder with planter is perfect for holding a hose, and when it’s not in use, it looks so pretty! As with any woodworking project, the supplies and instructions might seem complicated, but they really aren’t! Especially with the help of Diy Candy's nice step-by-step written tutorial! You can use any colorful spring flowers and plants to decorate your DIY Pallet wood hose holder box, or you can add an extra wood panel to the top and use it as a useful garden table! This DIY pallet garden hose caddy is great way to hide a hose, but still have it accessible for when you are gardening.
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Still haven’t DIY’d your spring table decor? You do have gorgeous spring table decors don’t you? What? You didn’t realize you needed some? Well Pinterest says you do, so create one! Pam have a super quick and easy spring table decor idea for you! It's cheap, easy, and springy! If you were going to give these gorgeous teacup flowers as favors and allow the guests to take them home, you really should tell them that at some point soon they will need to take the flowers out of the teacups in order to keep them alive (the cups are not large enough nor do they have proper drainage) OR you can drill a hole to the teacup's bottom!
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This is a decorative rustic DIY wooden wheelbarrow planter for the garden made out of pallet wood ! It's a super easy woodworking project you can make in a day or so using basic woodworking tools. The advantage to rustic garden planter projects is that you really don’t need to stress out about any of this. If parts are a little off, don’t sweat it: it’s a rustic project! Got any rusty nails lying around? Use them! This DIY rustic wooden wheelbarrow garden planter is an another project that anyone can build with very little woodworking experience and limited tools. He used his miter saw, but you could just as easily use a circular saw or a jig saw. >> free plan can be found here <<
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We love succulents and mason jars , so we gladly present this super cute $10 DIY succulent frame ! This woodworking project is super easy , frugal, and it will add lot of style to your home! ( and It also makes a great gift ! ) How fun is that? Once the paint is dry, you can sand the edges a bit to give it a distressed finish and add the succulents and mason jars. ( Of course you can use other flowers/plants as well! Imagine a large garden version of this super hanging succulent planter centerpiece ! This step-by-step video tutorial will teach you how to make your own stylish distressed wooden hanging succulent planter centerpiece !
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Santa Claus is coming.. to town! We bet that this song will stuck in your head every time you see these DIY Christmas planters! A Santa pants basket in Michaels inspired this little cute Santa pants flower pot. Adorable, isn't it? Honestly, this Christmas craft is so easy, and these Santa pants flower pots look so great with two pretty poinsettia plants inside them. We love it! These DIY Santa pants flower pots look great for outdoor holiday decor, or fabulous inside as a centerpiece OR you can give them as cute Christmas gifts (filled with treats)!
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The Trolls movie has been a huge hit with kids . We have seen so many fun trolls crafts including this amazing troll mason jar planter! If you’re planning a Trolls party or simply just have a Trolls fan in your house, then these princess poppy Trolls mason jars will surely be a hit! We also love the version of Princess Poppy mason jar planter which has paint on the outside and smaller googly eyes. And as a bonus: any pink plant will look great with this super cute mason jar planter! ( Of course you can create trolls with other colors as well! )
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A colorful spring project to make with the kids ,these craft stick flower pots are a no-mess craft and make an adorable homemade gift ! Craft sticks are fairly inexpensive and they are great to use with the kids for projects! And as a bonus: this craft stick craft requires NO glue! Shake your glittery wands in the air and give a little cheer because this craft stick project by Kelly is probably one of the least messiest projects you can make with your kiddos !
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We simply can’t wait for all the strawberries to turn red to share this with you : an easy DIY strawberry tower with a built-in reservoir! Bonus: everyone can make this with recycled materials and grow strawberries in small spaces like a patio or balcony! Build your own strawberry tower from simple household items with Ananda's great step-by-step tutorial:
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These rock garden markers are easy to make and look so fun in the garden ! Follow the step-by-step rock painting instructions written by adventure-in-a-box.com to make some, then use your rock garden markers to identify herbs, vegetables and flower s! It’s kind of like planting forever flowers to add a splash of color to an all green herb garden . We know that many people like to leave their markers out so they know where their perennials will come up each spring and these gorgeous and fun rock garden markers are perfect for this! We recommend sealing them for extra protection. To make these garden markers you will need some smooth stones, a black marker, and acrylic paint.
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Create an vibrant summer mood by using a watermelon pot for your greenery. Regular terracotta pots are great and all, but these watermelon planters are definite statement-makers. This craft tutorial by Pysselbolaget offers step-by-step instructions and visual guidance on how to make a fun watermelon planter. Fun, vibrant colors like red and pink provide that sharp contrast for an exciting piece. Want to get creative with flower pots ? This creative painting technique and the watermelon pots will be your next favorite craft project!
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If you're always looking for nifty ways to use your recycled handmade scrap fabric twine this is the perfect craft project for you! Cintia from MyPoppet will show you how to make recycled scrap fabric twine and colorful little plant pot cozies ! No more ugly plant pots or scattered fabric scraps! This upcycled fabric twine covered plant pot is just the perfect size to store pencils and other random craft bits. Or you could use them as planters for your growing succulent collection, ideal to cover up ugly plastic pots and prevent water damage to surfaces. So easy to make , once your twine is prepared, it only takes a few minutes to glue it and you are done!
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If you loves anything that has to do with fairies ( just like us ) you are going to adore this simple DIY fairy garden in a jar by Easy Peasy And Fun! This lovely little fairy garden is the easiest DIY fairy garden ( no fail one even ) that you will have ready in no time. You can display this fairy garden outdoors ( just keep it under a roof ) or as a decoration in your house, it will look great as a centerpiece on your dinner table. This rock painting project is suitable both for kids and adults. You can use the painted rock houses for other decorations / craft projects as well: imagine them as a cute fridge magnets, or story telling stones!
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Just because a giant plastic pumpkin is broken or faded that doesn't mean that you have to throw it out! Jen from Tatertots & Jello will show you how to repurpose those boring plastic pumpkins into magical little gardens , making for a fantastic DIY project. Commonly known as fairy gardens , these arrangements fashion any kinds of containers and pots into beautiful and unique garden decor pieces. This DIY project idea invites you to use your imagination and create something unique. The process involves collecting all kinds of ( seasonal ) containers, filling them with soil, and then positioning the fragments accordingly. Remember, there's no wrong way to create a fairy garden! Check out the fun variations at tatertotsandjello.com:
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Looking for a fun spring craft for kids ? It's easy to decorate flower pots, and then you can use the finished product to plant beautiful spring flowers! Red Ted Art's gorgeous and easy DIY unicorn planter is a fantastic spring or summer art activity for kids , and makes an excellent gift as well! This fun unicorn planter ( filled with flowers, succulents or sweets ) can be great as a Mother’s day gift , BFF gift or gift for a teacher. Decorating flower pots is always a fun activity that you can do with the kids. These DIY unicorn flower pots are so much fun to create and wow, don't they look so super beautiful?!
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Learn how to make your own glass globe succulent terrarium at home! Stephanie Lynn's guide will teach you how to make this glass globe terrarium , pick the best plants for it and care for your greenery under glass. This DIY glass globe terrarium is super simple to make and easy to care for ( and the finished terrarium makes a great gift ) ! A DIY terrarium lets you create an entire garden within the walls of a little glass container. Get the tutorial at http://www.bystephanielynn.com and let's get gardening:
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If you have followed the fairy garden trend, you will love this fresh spin with mermaids ! This lovely DIY mermaid garden by Creative Green Living is super easy to make and the outcome is so gorgeous! Creative Green Living used succulents , which are hard to kill as long as you have a spot with plenty of light. Succulents are perfect for mermaid gardens because you can find succulents with a resemblance to seaweed, coral, anemones and other ocean plants. Get the step-by-step tutorial at creativegreenliving.com and create your own beautiful mermaid garden now:
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Create an vibrant summer mood by using a watermelon, dragonfruit or pineapple pot for your greenery. Regular terracotta pots are great and all, but these watermelon, dragonfruit & pineapple planters by The Crafted Sparrow are definite statement-makers. This craft tutorial offers step-by-step instructions and visual guidance on how to make these fun fruit planters. Fun, vibrant colors like red and pink provide that sharp contrast for an exciting piece. Want to get creative with flower pots ? This creative painting technique and the fruit pots will be your next favorite craft project!
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Take the guesswork out of gardening with these super cute and easy DIY garden markers by Oh, The Things We'll Make! Setting seeds and waiting for them to grow into full-fledged plants, flowers or fruits is much like seeing your child grow. It is natural for you to want to clearly identify all of your plants and species, so that you don’t mix them up and end up ruining all your hard work. With these super cute and easy DIY garden markers your plants also will be clearly identified when you want to show them off to your friends and family. Best of all, these DIY plant markers are super easy to make and they're pretty unique too!
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Do you love fairy gardens ? What about mason jars ? Why not combine both of those into a gorgeous fairy garden mason jar terrarium ? This miniature fairy garden by Crafts By Amanda combines fairy gardens with mason jars and the outcome is so adorable! You will need a few simple supplies to make your version of this lovely mason jar fairy garden, and the possibilities are truly endless. You can use different types of moss, plants, rocks, fairy garden accessories, plastic animals, and any natural decorations which fit into your little mason jar fairy garden.
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Do you have a few empty flower pots ? Nikol & Alexandra will show you how to repurpose those boring plastic planters into magical little gardens , making for a fantastic DIY project. Commonly known as fairy gardens , these arrangements fashion any kind of containers and pots into beautiful and unique garden decor pieces. This DIY project idea invites you to use your imagination and create something unique. The process involves collecting all kinds of ( seasonal ) containers, filling them with soil, and then positioning the fragments accordingly. Remember, there's no wrong way to create a fairy garden!
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