Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: plastic spoon flower
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils! Just look at this gorgeous plastic spoon flower bouquet! Isn't it beautiful? This little plastic spoon crocus / tulips flower craft by DIY Gifts and Crafts Ideas would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely Teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect spring decor ! Watch the video tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils ! For example: look at this plastic spoon lotus flower planter by A Magical Mess! Isn't it gorgeous? This beautiful plastic spoon planter would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect home decor ! Read Jen's step by step tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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