Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: rose flower
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This gorgeous silk ribbon flower ( peony or rose ) is made from simple silk ribbon ribbon pieces! This gorgeous silk ribbon flower is absolutely not as difficult as it seems: you just need to melt the petals with a lighter ( or a lit tea candle ) to shape them and then simply glue them together. With this nice step-by-step video craft tutorial you can make this gorgeous silk ribbon rose ( or peony flower ) easily to decorate your home at springtime, or as a beautiful gift for your mother on Mother's day ! Of course this ribbon rose can be a perfect gift or decor for other special occasions as well, such as your wedding party ! )
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This step-by-step video tutorial by Tsvoric is one of the best tutorials for making crepe paper roses ! These gorgeous, life-like crepe paper roses are pretty simple to make, and with a little practice, you'll be able to make them super fast. And the finished crepe paper roses will make a great Valentine’s day, birthday, Mother’s day or anniversary gift ! Crepe-paper roses capture the essence and beauty of flowers without all the botanical details. They also offer several practical advantages over their natural cousins: paper roses are far more durable and won't wilt or droop. So, watch the tutorial and let's get crafting!
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These crepe paper roses by Essy Jae are pretty simple to make and the outcome is soo gorgeous! Watch the step-by-step video tutorial and learn how to make them in no time. The finished crepe paper flowers will make great Valentine’s Day, birthday, Mother’s day or anniversary gift ! Essy Jae used two colors of crepe paper to make these gorgeous roses look realistic, but you can use any color you want ( or which suits the occasion more ). If you like this video tutorial don't forget to visit Essy Jae's website where you can find more fantastic crafts : http://essyjae.com
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