Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: sand
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What if rather than having to do a major cleaning of your gardening tools a couple of times a year, you could keep them clean and maintained every day, without even trying? All it takes is a quick and easy DIY project: a DIY shelf-cleaning and sharpening garden tool holder by One Good Thing by Jillee. Fantastic, isn't it? This quick and easy storage idea will keep your garden tools in top shape thorough the year! Get the tutorial at onegoodthingbyjillee.com and create one for yourself:
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We need to confess that we love zen gardens and playing with sand ! This winter zen garden is the Christmas version of the traditional japanese zen gardens and it also grants a very fun and reaxing activity. This easy christmas zen garden craft is a must, because what can be more relaxing than drawing in and playing with "snow" ? You can decorate your miniature winter wonderland zen garden with any christmas figurines and trees, and simple use it as nice winter decor if you doesn't need to relax at moment. OR it can be a fun playset for the kids ( at least for a few hours ).
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With this quick and easy git/toy tutorial you can easily suprise the dirt loving kids in your life! If your son or nephew obsessed with construction vehicles, tools and dirt this portable sandmine is a perfect gift for him! This great miniature sandbox set is not just a perfect gift for boys but also a very easy craft project because you just need a (wooden) box , a little sand, pebbles, and a few toy construction vehincles (in a matching size) to whip up one. This portable sandmine set can be a perfect gift for the boys at Christmas or in his birthday!
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If your toddler is really into learning and drawing letters, and loves to practice them over and over you will love this super easy , inexpensive DIY Montessori learning toy! She decided to use an old toy packaging box to make a tray to write their letters in sugar. This DIY Montessori toy allows your child to practice writing, improve their fine motor coordination, while having a tactile sensory experience. The writing tray is so easy to put together, and most likely you have all of the supplies already.
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Make mini aquarium sensory bottles so kids can tap on the aquarium wall without getting in trouble as they shake up some ocean animals, make some waves, and learn about the creatures of the sea. As kids shake up their miniature mason jar aquariums they can find and name ocean animals. Her kid’s picked out a variety of ocean animals like sea horses, fish, crabs, stingrays, sharks, and jellyfish to add to their mini aquariums. They love flipping the jar aquariums over and watching the waves crash and the animals swim. They helped make their own aquarium sensory bottle but you could always make one on your own so your kid could discover the sea animals inside.
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This fun rainbow salt jar by Flax And Twine will be one of your favorite craft project of all time! We love the process of making this gorgeous colorful decor sand and the way the colors looks next to each other! This colorful salt sand project is absolutely suitable for kids of all ages (with a little help).Get the tutorial at flaxandtwine.com, create your own frugal decor sand in rainbow colors and choose a nice glass vase or bottle to display it:
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Not everyone is able to go to a place with a beach that's why Makkocino decided to show you 3 easy 3D canvas wall decor ideas that will bring the summer feeling straight into your home! She will show you how to make a heart that is painted into sand , and how to make a beach and shell canvas ! These summer decor ideas are super easy to make, you will only need some canvases, acrylic paint, a brush, sand, polymer clay and some sea shells ! This canvas art is a perfect summer decor project for you even if you are a beginner in painting ! Watch this nice video tutorial and learn how to paint these gorgeous summer /beach style mixed-media artworks!
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We love kinetic sand! If you spending way too much on the kinetic sand at the store: make it at home in unicorn colors with Mama Plus One's fun tutorial! This homemade kinetic sand is easy and affordable. Kinetic sand is such a great therapeutic tool, and also a great sensory tool! Read Mama Plus One's step-by-step tutorial on how to make your very own kinetic sand in fun unicorn colors.This DIY Unicorn kinetic sand recipe is super easy , quick to make and so fun to play with!
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Changing up your throw pillows is a great way to update your living room look. We are really into crocheted home decors and this DIY Sand dollar crochet pillow is one of our recent favorite! It's fun, because a project is done in a few hours, looks cool and feels oh so cozy ! For this DIY Sand dollar crochet pillow Sonja & Jane used wool yarn, but can use simple bulky acrylic yarn as well. This free crochet pattern makes a round throw pillow, approximately 16” in diameter when completed.
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We all know how important it is to recycle bottles ,but chucking your old glass bottles in the recycling bin isn’t your only option! Create this DIY Message in a bottle summer beach decor with Sadie Seasongoods! Besides of that it's a lovely summer decor, upcycling your old glass bottles can be an enjoyable, thrifty and rewarding eco-conscious activity. get the tutorial at sadieseasongoods.com and create your very own message in a bottle! ( You can age paper with coffee if you haven't got old book pages at hand )
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If you're looking for a fun and unique piece to add to your summer decor, look no further! What better way to make sure you change your mindset to summer than to add some summery touches to your home decor. But if you, like us, are looking to refresh your home for less, this simple but genius DIY summer decor idea by My Pinterventures will have you feeling summer vibes, minus the buyers' remorse. Get the plastic Christmas baubles ,fill them with small summery decor elements and boom - you have a beautiful and reusable summer decor !
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After a trip to the shore, why not turn seaside treasures into keepsakes and accents for your home? Seashells are just too pretty and unique to throw away! This DIY Seashell wall art by Craftideas is an idea of how you can display seashells and have a new decoration for your walls at the same time.This elegant decoration an be a great decor at a beach wedding, beach party or you can decorate beach or ocean themed party favors with this fun technique! ( Or use this beautiful piece of art simply to bring the coastal / beach house feel into your home. )
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If you loves anything that has to do with fairies ( just like us ) you are going to adore this simple DIY fairy garden in a jar by Easy Peasy And Fun! This lovely little fairy garden is the easiest DIY fairy garden ( no fail one even ) that you will have ready in no time. You can display this fairy garden outdoors ( just keep it under a roof ) or as a decoration in your house, it will look great as a centerpiece on your dinner table. This rock painting project is suitable both for kids and adults. You can use the painted rock houses for other decorations / craft projects as well: imagine them as a cute fridge magnets, or story telling stones!
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